DIY - Yellow and White Striped Side Table

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saturday I was in a mad dash to prepare for our party, but our master bedroom nightstands stopped me in my tracks, literally. I was going around dusting and I cleared the tops of the nightstands and stood. in. shock. at how ugly messed up the paint was. They were once a light oak finish, but I painted them white. Well after months of destroying using them, they were not as bright white as they once were. That is when I got to thinkin'....what if I added some yellow stripes??! Is that weird that I think that way??

I quickly (seriously quickly) ran - Windex in one hand, paint and a paint brush in the other - to the garage and back to get started on my impromptu project. Chris spotted me with the paint and said, "Oh no, what project are you doing now?" I just gave him my "I am your DIYing wife so I don't have to answer that question" smile and went on about my project-business.

I grabbed my thick blue painter's tape and eyeballed the width of the stripes. Risky? Yes. I only did it this way 1) because I didn't have time to measure (the party was starting in a couple hours!), and 2) because I eventually want to get new nightstands, so these are not staying in our bedroom forever. Remember, we are newlyweds, so we can't just go out and buy all new things (whomp, whomp), so I am trying my darnedest to make due with what junk we were given. So far we are turning trash into treasure...well at least some kind of treasure!

That adorable coaster was a DIY wedding gift from our friend Dana. Did you also notice we got lampshades??! I will tell y'all about that a different day :)

Happy Thursday!


  1. You are quite the DIYer. I wish I was. I'm not. haha and you'd think with my husband being an engineer/architect that he would be all over doing things at our home. Negative. I bought a desk you had to put together once and he put the drawer on upside down. He used words that would probably be deemed inappropriate by some;)

  2. So cute! I know all about trying to "upcycle" what you have to make it fabulous on a shoestring budget - and it looks like you accomplished it :-)
