WIWW: Christmas Card Outtakes + Link Up

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Sit! Sit! Bailey, sit!"
Potty break.
Inappropriate hand grab from the husband.
Child wrangling...I should be a pro by the time our boy is mobile!
"Mom, these pictures are such a bore..." - Wrigley
Welcome to our yearly Christmas card outtakes where some of the outtakes always make the Christmas card because #honesty. We love that our dogs act like themselves and I'm sure next year our card will be graced with the presence of a baby outtake as well. The honest pictures are the main thing Chris and I love about our cards each year! (2014 card here, 2013 card here)

Our friends took our pictures and, after seeing how (cough, cough) well behaved the dogs were being, the husband asked if we wanted a picture of just Chris and I. Nope. Haha! At least it wasn't as bad as this year's attempt!

As for my outfit, I've been wearing the heck out of these jeans and this top. So, so comfy. My aunt sent me a bunch of new clothes and I'm so excited to find a place to wear this dress! My legging collection is growing at a strong and steady pace. I really lucked out being pregnant during the winter months! I've already been wearing leggings and boots almost everyday. It's amazing.

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. OMG these pictures are too funny! We have two dogs as well, one also named Wrigley! And I'm sure we will be having the same thing come Christmas card time, but it makes your life more real and I wouldn't have any other way, so cute!

  2. lol love these, outtakes are the best!


  3. Too funny! I love that the pictures aren't perfect.

  4. We're getting ready to do our Christmas cards next week with our pups too! This is too funny! So cute as always & love your burgundy top.

  5. LOL always look forward to these! p.s - hello cute hair and sweater!!

  6. Love these pictures! Always love the outtakes.

  7. love these moments!

  8. Your photos are adorable! It is going to be a fun time this year as it will be my first Christmas being married. Yay!!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  9. I love these photo's! I think the Christmas cards will be nice!


