WIWW: Croatia? + Link Up!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One guess - where am I?! Chris and I did not go to San Francisco! We went to Croatia! 

Ha, totally kidding. We are probably flying our merry way out to Cali as you read this.

In our town some rich person decided they wanted to buy tons of land and develop and area that mimicked Croatia. It is gorgeous, and less than a minute from our house, so basically we can pretend we are in another country within a matter of minutes. It is still in the process of bring built, but they already have a Starbucks and some other places that have been there for quite awhile now.

Basically it is my new favorite place to take pictures, so get ready for multiple trips to Croatia very soon ;)

In other Tucker Up news:

- I am finally getting to meet Brianne when we are in San Francisco!! Chris and I are going to the Giants game with her and her husband and I literally couldn't be more excited!!

- I passed my test that I took on Monday so small claps for that! And lots of thanks for the prayers!

- I am looking forward to cooler temperatures and a change of scenery from the concrete jungle of Dallas.

- My friend got a job at the school I teach at and I am so excited for her to be there next year with me!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


Link up!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. That's one heck of teaser. I definitely thought you were in Croatia! Maybe the two car garage gave you away just a little, but I'm not that familiar with the place (except for Bill Rancic) so I thought maybe they have those there as well. You're lucky to live near such a beautiful place!...btw where did you get your dress and fedora? They're super cute :-)


  2. Congrats on passing the test! Plus that location looks so cool - how strange! Oh and I love that dress!

  3. Yeah for passing the test! That backdrop and those houses look awesome!

  4. What a cool place!! That guy had a great idea :) And your outfit is a perfect match for the scenery--have a place on your real vaca!


  5. Hi Sarah! Happy to have found your cute blog through your link up! Looking forward to following along on Bloglovin' If you ever want a co-host, I'd love to co-host with you. Warmest, Conni

  6. Love your hat!! I could use one for the summer. The dress looks light and airy and the print is lovely
    from the link up, jess
    please drop by

  7. How do you seriously take THE best pictures?? Your poses are pretty much professional status. And if I had that town 2 minutes from me...I'd take all my pictures there lol love it! Oh and also...you're currently on a plane to Cali!!!!! Cannot wait! So excited! Only 72 more hours!

  8. That is so cool, it looks gorgeous! They're working on building something like that in my town but modeled after old Europe, it sounds like it's going to be awesome! Love that dress and your fedora too. You definitely look like you're ready for a Croatian vacation ;)


  9. How cool is that?! Your pictures there are going to look great! Although I think I am a little too self conscious to actually take pictures for a post out in public, heck I can't even take them in my front yard! lol

  10. Can I just say you are rockin the hat. I wish I could but you never top off a fluffy girl with a hat. Not attractive at all. Have a fabulous time in Cali!

  11. Such a cute printed dress! That area looks so neat-- how awesome for someone to come up with that!

  12. Oh goodness I love your dress! where is it from?? You are adorable! have fun in cali, im super jealous!


  13. Gorgeous location and photos. I also really love the dress...so cute!

  14. Veru pretty! Love the hat. This dress is very interesting and fun!
    I would love if you come link up tomorrow at the Monday party!
