Hello? Anyone there?!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Well, hello there!

It has been quite some time! Life is crazy, and I am a firm believer in enjoying the season you're in. It is HARD for me to not think about the future, but I've learned to be happy, relax, and enjoy life. As much as I wanted to blog about our new house and all that was going on, it was really nice to leave this little space be for awhile and tend to my family.

Since I last blogged, we have moved into our new home, I started a new job at a new school, and G went through his fair share of school debacles and sicknesses. It has been a rollercoaster, that's for sure!

I am going to dedicate a whole post to our new house, but, for now, I wanted to show y'all a few pictures! If you follow me on Instagram (@SarahTuckerUp) then you may already have seen the house progress! (All product links are at the bottom, for those who have been asking!)

I hope to get back into blogging more often, because this is a scrapbook of my life! For now, though, I will leave you with some house pics!

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