Life Update!

Monday, May 7, 2018

HELLO! Call me a liar. I get it! I keep saying I'm going to be consistent then life gets in the way and the first thing to go is always this little space of mine. But, so much has happened since I last logged on here and I want to document it!

To catch you up:

- In March we spent a week in Maui.
- April 1st we celebrated Graham turning TWO!
- April 6th we went to San Diego, took Graham to the zoom and had the best little family getaway.
- In the middle of April, Chris and I spent EIGHT glorious days in Germany, Amsterdam, and London!

As I always say, I do hope to find a few minutes a day to jot down some thoughts because there are so many things that I want to remember forever. Graham changes daily and Chris and I are constantly looking at each other and thanking God that this is the life we get to live.

Time is precious, friends and I am just soaking it up!

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1 comment:

  1. I love your updates no matter how often you do or don't post them. Looks like you all are enjoying life <3
