Old Navy Top // Old Navy Boyfriend Pants // Old Navy Demi-Wedges // Sunglasses similar // Necklace similar // Louis Vuitton Purse
Ya'll, I'm obsessed with this outfit. I like most of my outfits, but I love this one. One, it's comfortable. Two, it's com-fort-able. And three, it's casual yet stylish. I should also mention affordable. Shoes, pants, and top combined are under $100.
Everything except the accessories are from Old Navy. Let me be honest for a moment. I haven't shopped at Old Navy in probably five years. Why not? I have no idea. Since we have a Banana Republic credit card we get tons of points and with those points I get clothes...therefore I am not really spending money. Get it?
Banana Republic, Gap, and Old Navy are all owned by the same company, so I can spend our points at any of those places. Since I had points about to expire, and I kept seeing these shoes around blogland, I knew I needed to get in on the action.
YA'LL. These blogland ladies were not kidding. Most comfortable shoes/wedges/kinda formal/kinda casual sandals EVER. I don't brag on many items, and Old Navy has no idea who I am, but geeezzzz these are some great shoes. So great that I bought the same pair in black...and I have already worn the heck out of both pairs. And, if they would have had a navy pair in my size, I would have got those, too! They are true to size (I wear an 8 in all my flats and I got an 8 in the wedges), just in case you want to get in on the Demi-wedge action as well.
I can tell you that I chased 10 year old's around all day yesterday and my feet never hurt one time. I find that my flats give me no support, and these wedges are the perfect height!
Now that I have deemed myself an honorary spokesperson for Old Navy, let's get on to some randoms.
- We just booked our vacation for this summer and we are going to....San Francisco for a week! I can't wait and am counting down the days until June! Recommendations are welcome!
- I will be getting these sandals this weekend with some points that are about to expire. I am only writing this to remind myself to get them.
- My cherubs are soon going to start being referred to as something other than cherubs because their actions lately have mimicked those of a rabid monkeys at a zoo. Their attitudes have been stellar lately as well (side eye...). I did just use the word stellar which should clue you in as to how crazy these kids are making me.