WIWW: Pale Pink & Stripes + Link Up

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ya'll, I'm obsessed with this outfit. I like most of my outfits, but I love this one. One, it's comfortable. Two, it's com-fort-able. And three, it's casual yet stylish. I should also mention affordable. Shoes, pants, and top combined are under $100.

Everything except the accessories are from Old Navy. Let me be honest for a moment. I haven't shopped at Old Navy in probably five years. Why not? I have no idea. Since we have a Banana Republic credit card we get tons of points and with those points I get clothes...therefore I am not really spending money. Get it?

Banana Republic, Gap, and Old Navy are all owned by the same company, so I can spend our points at any of those places. Since I had points about to expire, and I kept seeing these shoes around blogland, I knew I needed to get in on the action.

YA'LL. These blogland ladies were not kidding. Most comfortable shoes/wedges/kinda formal/kinda casual sandals EVER. I don't brag on many items, and Old Navy has no idea who I am, but geeezzzz these are some great shoes. So great that I bought the same pair in black...and I have already worn the heck out of both pairs. And, if they would have had a navy pair in my size, I would have got those, too! They are true to size (I wear an 8 in all my flats and I got an 8 in the wedges), just in case you want to get in on the Demi-wedge action as well.

I can tell you that I chased 10 year old's around all day yesterday and my feet never hurt one time. I find that my flats give me no support, and these wedges are the perfect height!

Now that I have deemed myself an honorary spokesperson for Old Navy, let's get on to some randoms.

- We just booked our vacation for this summer and we are going to....San Francisco for a week! I can't wait and am counting down the days until June! Recommendations are welcome!

- I will be getting these sandals this weekend with some points that are about to expire. I am only writing this to remind myself to get them.

- My cherubs are soon going to start being referred to as something other than cherubs because their actions lately have mimicked those of a rabid monkeys at a zoo. Their attitudes have been stellar lately as well (side eye...). I did just use the word stellar which should clue you in as to how crazy these kids are making me.

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Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)

PS: Thanks to everyone who has been linking up! After all this state testing is done, I will get my life back and be able to read all my blogs again! Sorry for the lack in replies to posts and comments!

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


DIY No Sew Curtains

Monday, April 28, 2014

Because I am cheap, and because we had four sets of curtains sitting in the attic, I decided that I would try to use what we had instead of spending money on new curtains for our guest room. I couldn't find curtains that were the right height and I was tired of looking, so DIY it was.

Both sets of curtains are from college and hadn't seen the light of day in years. The beige set were mine and the navy set were Chris's.

My initial thought was to do thick stripes and then I realized I was being a bit ambitious.

To start, I cut the navy curtains to be two foot high and, luckily, the width already matched the beige curtains, so that made life easier. After I cut the blue curtain, I "hemmed" the top (where I cut it) with my no sew tape. By the way, I cut the bottom of the each navy panel, that way I wouldn't have to "hem" more edges than necessary.

Then I measured one foot up from the bottom of the beige curtain and marked where I needed to attach the blue section. I then slapped on some no-sew tape, heated it up with my hair straightener, and wa-laaa; curtains fo' free!

Those instructions probably make no sense, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Basically, I used the beige curtains and attached a piece of the navy curtain to the bottom using my favorite sewing tool; no sew tape!
This project only took about an hour and the results aren't half bad!
Happy Tuesday!

Fat Albert and the Blue Angels

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Until about two weeks ago, I had no idea what the Blue Angels were. Chris begged me to watch a show for "five minutes" and I obliged. An hour later and we are both still glued to the TV. What were we watching? A show all about the Blue Angels!

If you aren't familiar with them you can click here.

As fate would have it, we found out that they would be flying at the Ft. Worth Air Expo this weekend. We decided to make it a date and the show did not disappoint! Coming from a girl who isn't that excited about these types of things, it was really cool.

Fat Albert is below. This is the plane that carries everything the Blue Angels may need...literally anything they would need, Fat Albert has.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing things around the house. I can't wait to show ya'll our guest bathroom update!

How was your weekend?!

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin
Linking up with Leeann Kimberlee!

Using no sew tape with a hair straightener

Friday, April 25, 2014

A lot of you were very intrigued with me mentioning that I used no-sew hem tape on my linen pants...and I did it with my hair straightener. Actually, I always use my hair straightener when I use no-sew tape!
This is how the story goes:
One day I was running late for church (duh, the one day a week everyone runs late!) because my linen pants were just too long. At 5'3" they were dragging even with really high wedges. So what is a girl to do?! Since I already had my hair straightener heated, I decided to go grab my no-sew hem tape and just give my pants a quick hem. Five years and multiple washes later and the hem is still as good as it was the first day!
Here are three ways I used no-sew tape and my hair straightener:
1. Obviously to hem pants...
2. Curtains in our new guest bedroom...(DIY post and story coming...eventually)

See the abandoned iron?? I haven't used that thing in YEARS!
3. Curtains for my classroom...

So, have you ever used your hair straightener to hem something?! Ever used no-sew hem tape? It is the best!

Happy Friday!
