WIWW: Anchored & Happy + Link Up

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Notice anything different? Maybe that my hair is 11 inches shorter? If you missed my post last Friday (or don't follow me on instagram @sarahtuckerup) then the drastic hair change may come as a surprise to you!

This sweater (similar). swoon. I love it. These boots (similar). They are my favorite. These black pants (similar). Add them to your must have list. Stretchy, yet structured. And we can't forget the gingham shirt (exact). Perfection.

Basically, this outfit makes me happy. Lately I have noticed that I am just so happy. Nothing has happened, I haven't won loads of money, or gotten a new car. I don't have any secrets to share, or stories to tell. I am just happy.

Maybe it is the fact that I love my job. I know you're probably sick of hearing about it, but until you have ever hated your job to the point where you cry everyday...and then found a job that you love and adore...you don't know what it feels like to wake up at the butt crack of dawn everyday and go to school and see 20 little people who need you. Humbling. 

Maybe I am so happy because Chris and I are on our second year of marriage, so we are now in the full swing of this marriage thing. I highly recommend it. It seriously makes you happy. As a matter of fact, I had my first "this happens when your're married" moment on Saturday. Chris came in late from a friend's house. I was well into my third dream of the night when Chris decided he wanted to watch TV (which I cannot have on when I am sleeping). A year ago I would have fought with him in order to get the TV off, but instead, I grabbed my pillow and headed to the couch (even though we have two extra bedrooms, there is just something about occasionally sleeping on the couch). I knew it was not worth the battle and I was too exhausted to care. Chris said, "No! Don't go!" but I just moseyed my way out the bedroom door. That was the first night in our entire marriage that someone slept on the couch...and it wasn't even because of a fight.

Or maybe I am so happy because I have the most amazing group of girlfriends ever. From girls that I went to elementary school with, to a girl that, by the grace of God and all His silliness, became one of my best friends, to a couple best friends from college, friends that I met by chance, and to my friends in blog-land...I really hit the girlfriend jackpot! My Dad always told me that "friends come and go, but you will have five or six that stick around forever." Once again, he was completely right. I love our daily texts that only we crack up about, and how was can go days/weeks without talking, but it never seems weird, or forced, when we talk. I sure love my husband, but no one can ever replace your girls :)

Wednesday randoms:

- I confess...I have been terrible at responding to emails. By the time I get home all I want to do is wrote my post, eat dinner, shower, and go to bed. I apologize if you have asked me a question and I haven't responded. I am working on it!

- I bought a new OPI color...Did You 'Ear About Van Gogh? If you're looking for the perfect neutral color, this is it.

- While at Ulta, I picked up Paul Mitchell's Intensive Hair Treatment. Anyone ever tried it? Now that I have this short hair I want to try and keep it healthy as possible!

- "The melting temperature of copper is just under 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit" - Chris Tucker

- I get back from 5th grade camp today...if there is no post tomorrow, you should probably check on me.

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post!!  

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker

Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


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  1. You. Are. Adorable! Love that sweater and the look of the shirt under it.

    › xo fal • falfindshappiness.blogspot.com

  2. Love this outfit!! You (and your hair) look fantastic!!

  3. Such a cute outfit and your hair looks great!!

  4. I just looove your outfit!! & it's such a great feeling just to be happy & in the moment! Love when those overwhelming happy times come by!! :)

  5. Hahahaha, I love Chris's random fact that was added in for the post. And I love your happy's friend..it makes me happy :) and of course this whole outfit makes me happy..who doesn't love good color plaids under a cute anchored top??

  6. Love the hair! Very cute! I keep wanting to get mine cut, but I always back out....lol.

  7. This hair cut fits you to a T! And I loveeeee that sweater. You are away at camp? Poor thing, you must be EXHAUSTED! My son went to camp jolt a few years ago, he had a complete blast. And yes, we probably won't hear from you until Sunday ;). Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I am obligated to love your sweater (DG over here) but it is PERFECTION

  9. Aww you look amazing!! I really like the sweater - soo cute :)
    and I'm totally into your short hair you just look now like a really teacher ;) love that!

    xo, Julia (daysfullofglitter)

  10. your new do is Ahmazinng!!! I love it :) Totally chic girl!! Thanks for hosting a link up!


  11. You are SO dang cute with that new hair!! I love it. And that anchor sweater is pretty cute too:) Isn't it the best when you just feel happy for no particular reason? I love it!

  12. Cute outfit-- sweatshirt over plaid is adorable!

  13. Your hair looks so good! And I love this outfit! The anchor sweater is great!

  14. That sweater is pure perfection! I am in love! And your hair?! Looks amazing, gorgeous girl!
