WIWW: Fall Inspired + Link Up

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Express Sweater (similar HERE **cheap!) // Mustard Jeans (similar HERE for $18!) // Riding Boots (similar by Steve Madden HERE)

I was given this sweater as a hand-me-down from my cousin and I am obsessed with it. It is so comfy, not too light, not too heavy, and the perfect grey color. I have worn it at least once a week for the last three weeks. Overkill? Nah!

I'll be honest. Most days I wear this sweater, I wear it with my Nike running tights. You can't tell me that wearing a cozy sweater and pants with an elastic waste band isn't the best combination ever?! This particular combo might be making an appearance tomorrow in anticipation of stuffing my belly then napping while pretending to watch football.


- Don't, DON'T, forget about Gap's HUGE 60% off sale. Click HERE to check it out.

- Is anyone besides me in love with Vanderpump Rules? Love it. 

- On the topic of TV shows, I have recently fallen in love with The Big Bang Theory and New Girl. I watch an episode of New Girl on Netflix every. single. night. before I go to sleep. Hilarious.

- Shopping online is great a) because you don't have to fight other shoppers for parking spots, etc. and b) because getting packages on your doorstep makes you feel like it's Christmas morning, even if what you ordered isn't for you.

- Today I am getting a massage, having lunch with a friend, Christmas shopping, then babysitting the most adorable little boy ever. I'd say today will be great!

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post!!  

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker

Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


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DIY Christmas Wreath

When I saw this on Pinterest I was in love with how it looked, but I was not about to drop 46 bucks on a wreath I knew I could make. So, off to Hobby Lobby I went.

About an hour later I had recreated an (almost) exact replica of the wreath I pinned on Pinterest. I would say my first DIY wreath was a success! Chris's reaction was, "Wowwww babe! Good job!" Brownie points for me :)

I also am in the process of making a burlap wreath for over the fireplace...but I ran out of burlap, so that one is on hold.

Budget breakdown: 
- Wreath: $6.99
Flowers: $5.99 each
Burlap: $4.99

I used a 40% off coupon on the wreath, so I estimate the whole wreath costs around $25. You can only use one coupon per visit, so if you were willing to go multiple times, you could save even more. I am not patient enough for that!

Have you made a wreath?! 

Follow me on Pinterest HERE
Instagram @sarahtuckerup

Linking up with Niki and Karly!



Monday, November 25, 2013

When the state you live in decides to sleet, rain, and maintain freezing temperatures all weekend, you choose to do a lot of indoor activities. 

I have had a list of DIY projects I have been wanting to tackle, so I finally got around to knocking a few holiday projects out!

Details on this darling wreath, tomorrow!

My attempt at wrapping presents. My two babies had other plans.

I gave our chalkboard window a festive makeover!

I definitely got my wreath on this weekend! I might have ran out of burlap...shhhh rookie mistake.

Wrigley hates fires...

These pretties make my heart skip a beat. Reveal and details next week!

What was your weekend like?!

PS: I will still be having the WIWW link up this Wednesday! I have to fit one more outfit in before I gain a couple lbs on Thursday ;)

PSS: DON'T forget to check out yesterday's post for Gap's killer sale!! Click HERE to check it out. I bought five items for $50!


Hurry, go shop GAP!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Up to 60% off select styles

Go shop NOW. I just bought five shirts for $10 each for Christmas presents! Go, go, go!

Click HERE to get started!

A Really Catchy Video

Thursday, November 21, 2013

This video. My kids love it, and I have to admit, it is pretty freaking awesome. 

Enjoy! And happy Friday! 

What are you doing this weekend? I have a terribly sore throat from allergy drainage (or from one of my twenty little rascals), so I will be attempting to stop that from flaring up while DIYing some Christmas gifts!

10 things I wish I was better at...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

1. Singing. All I want to do is be able to sing and it is never going to happen. I will always be the girl who thinks she has a great voice only because the radio is turned up so loud she can't even hear her herself singing. Raise your hand if you're with me on that?

2. Sending birthday cards in advance. I am terrible at sending birthday cards to people before their actual birthdays. I am really working to get better at having gifts and cards ready before the person's birthday. Yes, I am the queen of buying the cards under the section titled "late birthday."

3. Writing in consistently good handwriting. For a girl, my handwriting sucks. I don't have cute bubbly letters, or uniform cursive. I have boy handwriting and it is different everyday of the week.

4. Taking the dogs on walks. I get home after chasing around my 20 hormonal fifth graders and I am worn the crap out. I always take the dogs in the front yard and they run around and play (they do not play in the backyard for some reason...) until they are huffin' and puffin', but I wish I had the motivation to be a better pet-walking parent. 

5. Keeping my car clean. I grew up on a dirt road, y'all. As in the first time I had the luxury of paved-road living was went I went to collage. Keeping your car clean was literally impossible when you live in the country. Now that I am a city-slicker (ha!) I am trying to change my dirty car habits. So far I am failing miserably, but there is always room for improvement, or some bribing of the husband.

6. Complimenting people. I see a girl in a cute top, or someone who has gorgeous hair and I always think in my head, "Wow! That top is so cute!" or "Her hair is perfect!" but I never actually tell them. I need to get better at expressing my compliments.

7. Running long distances. I have ran a half-marathon (and I wanted to die), a 15K (again, death was almost a better option), and multiple 10k's and 5k's yet I still hate running long distances. Sprinting has always been my thing. In college I was the second fastest girl on the team, but never came close to first when we had to run over a mile. I would dieeee. I wish I loved running and found it therapeutic like some people. The only think I think about when I run is when the heck am I going to be finished and why I ever started running in the first place!

8. Calling my grandparents on a weekly basis. This needs to change ASAP. I just need to pick up that little handy-dandy iphone and tell Siri to give Granddad a ring. No excuses.

9. Meal planning. Life would be so simple if I could meal plan, but Chris and I are so moody when it comes to food. We have to be "in the mood" for whatever we are having therefore I am left with scrambling when I get home. Let's just say I have Domino's phone number programmed into my phone. The Tuckers are always in the mood for pizza.

10. Taking pictures. I am asking Santa for a new lens for Christmas, so hopefully I can improve next year!

What do you wish you were better at?!

Have a great Thursday!

WIWW: Recappin' + Link Up

Since my resolution is over in less than two months (holy cow, where did time go?), I wanted to start recapping some of my favorite outfits from the past year. I love all of these looks because they really stay true to who I am. I try to be stylish, but comfort is my number one priority!

 Wednesday randoms:

- I must still be in a turkey coma because I was honestly too exhausted to take outfit pictures this weekend. Saawwwrrryyy.

- I spent four hours at Chuy's yesterday talking with my bestie. I love a good catch-up sesh.

- I am almost done Christmas shopping. Holla.

- Yesterday at work I almost ate an entire bag of Goldfish. Why are those darn things so addicting?

- I'm not very random today because I am tired and my brain is fried from teaching my 20 little friends all day long. Sometimes I wish I could make a classroom rule that says, "You are not allowed to shout Mrs. Tucker." 

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post!!  

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker

Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


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