Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I am so stinkin' excited to be hosting Diaries of a Bargainista with Alisa and Alison. These two ladies have an amazing sense of style and I am honored they asked me to co-host. Thanks girls!

Que the music and pop the bubbly, let's get this linky par-tayyy started! 

Here are the rules:

1. Follow Me and Alisa 
2. Like Alison from Get Your Pretty On via Facebook
3. Link up ANY outfit post {please link directly to your post, not homepage}
4. Link back to our blogs or use the button below
5. Last, but not least, go have some fun and make lots of friends :)

And now for a WIWW post by yours truly. Wait a second...let me be completely honest for one moment. I thought I'd give the saying "yours truly" a test run and it would sound good, but I actually decided that it is completely not me. Let's start over.
And now for a WIWW post by me, a Pinterest copying, bargain hunting, normal chick just trying to be stylish. Ahhh, now that sounds more like it. Pressing on.
I know y'all have seen this outfit that I just NOW realized was pinned by Lindsey over at The Pleated Poppy!
I link up with her every Wednesday for her WIWW series and today I will be copying her outfit. Why? Well because it is adorable, of course! 
Since we are being 100% honest here, let me tell you that I might, or might not, have pinned this outfit between 4-8 times. Overkill, I know, but obviously I reallyyyy like it. I remember making a "note" on my phone titled: Clothes I Want. Let's just say the list is getting longer than it is shorter. Anyways, I was on the hunt for items to make up this outfit and I walked away with a win, a jackpot if you will. 
Remember when I had a weekend extravaganza of shopping? And I purchased a jean shirt and black pants? Click {here} if you need a little refresher. Well here is that little ensemble in action, literally. (Read: my sweet husband is really getting creative with this picture taking stuff! He is "posing" me and letting me know when I don't look natural. What a sweetheart.)

Now where did I find the pieces to this little outy-outfit (I can say that, right?!)..
- Top: Forever 21
- Black jeans: Banana Republic (Read: They are so. freaking. comfortable.)
- Boots: Nordstrom
- Scarf: Hand me down from my Momma...she get it from her momma, whoop-tee-woo!

Now, if you aren't feeling these super comfy jeans - seriously, they are like black jeggings - you can always wear these:
Yah, I sometimes wear my Nike running tights with this outfit. Got a problem with it? That's what I thought. I can see you right now going and changing those jeans for your yoga tights, or non-running-running tights as I like to call the ones I am wearing in the picture above. If you wear running tights as a fashionable item more than you wear them to actually run, that still makes you a runner, right?
Before I let you go I MUST tell you about this fantabulous GIVAWAY that I am participating in starting TOMORROW! Rev your fingers and get your clickers ready because we are giving away a lot, A LOT, of super-duper-fantastic items! Get ready for the 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY. If that doesn't make your heart race, you must be...nevermind. 

tucker up 
Happy Wednesday!
Linking up at The Pleated Poppy and Because Shanna Said So and Rolled Up Pretty and I am Pisces and Keep Calm & Carry On and Beautiful Mess


  1. I have a denim top and black pants that I wear too...oh pinterest has turned us all into copycats! :D
    I have tried the workout pants/ leggings instead of pants, but I just don't feel like they give COVERAGE to my thighs!

    Dropping in from the link-up!
    Sheena @ A Girl's Guide to Retail Therapy

  2. We're wearing really similar outfits on our blogs today...I just have a cardigan over my chambray :) And I LOVE Pinterest for outfit ideas!

    The Tiny Heart
    Earrings Giveaway!

  3. Love your outfit!!! Thanks for hosting with us! Sorry, we messed up the link tool, I was trying to get your name posted first with ours, but it wasn't working for some reason! ARGH!! Love that you're walking beside your fence :)

  4. yes! denim top and black pants is the best combo ever invented!! haha i am actually wearing something similar on my blog today :)

    stopping by from the GFC blog hop! New follower right here!

    Enter the Ipad Mini Giveaway!

  5. Thanks Sarah, you just inspired my outfit today! Sadly I'm still in my yoga pants but I'm about to get in the shower.) SO CUTE! Thanks for hosting with us today too!


  6. Great boots and love the scarf too!

  7. Very cute outfit, and your hair is so pretty!

    Firmoo Glasses Giveaway!

  8. i need a good denim shirt...great outfit!!!

  9. i love this outfit! i am currently and forever will be obsessed with chambray tops :)

  10. You're so pretty! Love this look!

    xo, Emily

  11. You can't go wrong with a chambray shirt! Love it! I'm your newest follower :) I'd love for you to follow my blog too!

  12. Hi! Stoppin by from the Random Wednesday bloghop :) Looooove the outfit and i love that scarf!

  13. I have that outfit pinned too! You did a great job... new follower from the hoppity hop hop... That just sounded like something you would write, you darling thing!!! xoxo jules

  14. I love this outfit! So cute! And that striped scarf!!! Darlinggggg. I love link-ups! :)

  15. you are adorable! stop it. just stop.

    thank you for linking up! :)

  16. Great outfit! You can never go wrong with a chambray blouse and black skinnies with boots and a scarf! Love it! ;)

  17. You are too stinkin' cute!!! Love the pictures and of course this outfit!!!! Sorry I have been a little MIA! I REALLY appreciate you linking up!!!!

  18. Oh this ootd is 'simple' but amazing, I absolutely love it and you look gorgeous in it! And that scarf! I love it all!

    I'm bloghopping and following you with GFC, hope you want to visit my blog too :) xoxox

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by!! I adore this outfit so very much!

