Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Vignette

Besides our mantel and tree, we be decoratin' more up in this hiz-house. That's right...we have a buffet in our dining room...and it was calling for some snow. Naturally I covered it in white cotton "snow." Until yesterday, I was dyinggg for snow!

I love this long wooden box that I stole got from my Momma. It had a bunch of hydrangeas in it, but they got replaced with a bundle of ornaments. I'm tellin' ya, that Target sale last year was aweeesomeee. I might have gone a little overboard with the ornaments, but look how handy they are coming in now!

This buffet serves no purpose at the moment. I have plans to sand and re-stain it, but this little thing called life seems to take priority. 

I love how it looks like a winter-wonderland. I put a strand of lights under the "snow" to make it "glow"...because snow glows, duh. I am sure over the years I will accumulate a bunch of Christmas junk, ehhhh decorations, so next year this buffet will probably look completely different. Actually, who am I kidding, this whole Christmas theme will probably look completely different!

Do you have a Christmas vignette?? Is it covered in snow??

Tell me 'bout it!!

Linking up with A Thoughtful Place and:



  1. I love all your Christmas decor! I am defintly lacking in that department and only have my Christmas tree up.


  2. So cute! I wish I could decorate more in our household, but with a little toddler running around I'm afraid things would get broken left and right :)

  3. I do not have any Christmas anything up in my house...cause I'm the one who has to put it up and take it down and my hubby could really care less. :/ And since I'm not home during the week, it's kind of pointless. So I'm living vicariously through each blogger who is posting up their Christmas pizazz! ;)
    {PS...I use my buffet to host all of my cookbooks and antiqu-ey things) ;)

  4. I love this! I just found your blog and love it- new follower! I hope you'll come stop by mine :) xo


  5. Love it! The colours of the baubles are so bright and fun :) Dont you just love this time of year decorating and getting into the Xmas mood!
