Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekend Wrap

It is Monday, already. Are you kidding me?!? Whyyy does M-F drag out and the weekend blows by?! That question will forever baffle me. 
How was your weekend? Mine was great. Wanna know why? Because I did not do one ounce of homework. Am I 100% sure that nothing was due? Well, no. But I was willing to take that gamble for the sake of my sanity. I made it to grad school in four years because I always do my homework. I think slacking once is okay and well deserved. All of those who oppose this idea probably don't have a master's degree. Or just are not human.
Since I didn't have my nose in a book, I opted to have it in food instead. I need to calorie-up for my big race this weekend, duh. 
Friday night was consumed by dinner with our neighbors and looking at Christmas lights. We drove through a subdivision in Plano called Deerfield. They literally have a Clark Griswold house. Oh. My. Gosh. So. Many. Lights.

Poor Chris feel asleep in the car half was through our lights tour. Gotta love a man who works hard and has a bed time before most toddlers. 
Saturday I went for a run. A run that I delayed all day long. A run that I was not very motivated for. I had cleaned and relaxed all day and I didn't want to ruin it by running. But I got my boo-tay up and forced myself to jog/walk a couple of miles until it got dark outside. What? I'm afraid of the dark, okay? I DO NOT run in the dark...or even close to dark. Call me a chicken, but I won't be found in the bushes somewhere. Ya, I went there. This girls runs in the light. The bright daylight. 
 When I got back from my run it was time to get ready for our neighbor's gender reveal party! A BABY is going to be next door to us in June and I am sooooo excited! I adore children. Adore them. And the fact that there will be a precious little GIRL living next door come June just makes me giddy inside. It also makes me giddy that I can go play with her all day long and then not have to wake up with her at two, four, and six in the morning. My time will come. Just not quite yet :)

Congrats Grant and Amber!

Sunday started with church. Chris and I were honored to get gifts for two angels off the angel tree. My girl wanted clothes and jewelry (I lovedd shopping for her!) and Chris's boy wanted a remote control helicopter and headphones. We are so happy to bless these sweet children with gifts this holiday season.

After spending an absurd amount of money on groceries (we hadn't had a good grocery shop in months) we did the only natural thing everyone does after loading up on food for the next month. We went to Mooyah, of course!

A picture of my Oreo shake would have made the blog had I not sucked it down as an appetizer. #youonlyliveonce YOLO, baby, YOLO

After gorging ourselves on pure, greesy deliciousness we headed home to unload groceries and have a lazy Sunday. We haven't turned our A/C or heater on in weeks thanks to my Mister and his fire building abilities. 

Along with a cozy fire, PJ's all day, and a delicious pot of chicken spaghetti, our day was filled with Christmas movies, the Dallas cowboys, and a date night card night. I won, as usual.

How was your weekend?! Cozy?? 
Dallas is supposed to have a high of 47 today! It might officially be winter in Texas ladies and gentleman. It might be winter. 
Have a happy Monday!




  1. Sounds like a great weekend!!! Especially if no studying was done and oreo shakes were involved!!!

  2. Can you freaking believe this weather????? 80s one day 40s the next!! Crazy!! And I would have sucked down that Oreo shake faster than I could take a picture too!! LOL! Love the new design!!

  3. dangit I can't see some of the pictures :( but sounds like a fab weekend! So nice to do totally nothing with homework/work.

  4. I think Oreo shakes are a way better weekend than studying!

  5. Sounds like you had a great weekend indeed! I also refuse to run in the dark so I'm with ya sistah! Visiting from Meg's Mingle!

  6. Aw your blog is so cute. I want to see your pictures and can't :( P.S. I'm your newest follower!

  7. I love your blog! Just came across it and it is too cute!!

  8. Missing Texas like crazy, especially after reading your post! How about the big win on Sunday, hmm? :)

    Oh, I'm a new follower from #YOLO Mondays! Nice to meet you!


  9. I just found your blog from Life of Meg's Mingle Monday! I love it! I agree weekends are waaayyy too short!

  10. Stopping by from Mingle Monday...I love driving around and looking at lights. We have some houses that put on a pretty good show and are quite the houses to see! Love your plaid and your stockings. Very festive!!

  11. I couldn't believe we actually got a dusting of snow this morning I almost died! Oh - Mooyah, I haven't been to that place in ages, but it really is the best burgers in the world!

  12. sounds like a great weekend. good for you!! wishing you another one!!
    I am your newest follower from the hop..pls follow back if you can.
