Thursday, December 6, 2012

DIY Christmas Craft - JOY Letters

Sing it with me now..."JOY to the world, I didn't have to spend $40 on JOY letters at Targetttt." Yup, that is what I was singing when I realized that I saved mucho moolah by not buying JOY block letters at Target, even though I reallyyy wanted them.

I knew I wanted JOY on my mantel, I just had to figure out how to make it happen. Ding, then a light went off in my tired and worn out brain that said, "Hey gurl-fran, why don't you use cardboard and cut out the letters J, O, and Y and then wrap them in that fancy-schmany wrapping paper you just bought from TJ MAxx?" Why yes brain, I always knew you were on-top of things when I was too tired to think straight.

Luckily the "voice in my head's" idea required minimal labor and about 15 minutes of my life that I will never get back. But I am a-okay with that.

Many of you have been commenting on my JOY letters because you saw them on other posts (like my mantel post here and my outfit post here) and were wondering where I bought them/or how I made them.

Well here is the lo-down.

I went to the recycle bin in the garage. Dug out three cardboard boxes that were in there. Free handed the letters on the cardboard. Cut them out. And wrapped them like a present. Ta-daaaa! Joy letters fo-free! And done in less than a half hour. Score again! And I didn't wind up paying $40 for the wooden ones at Tar-gettt. Score again!

Have you seen my ornament craft yet??? Both projects too a total of about 20 minutes and zero dollars. By using items found around my house I was able to create Christmas crafts fit for a DIY-pennypinching queen!

And if you're feelin' frisky, you can:
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Have a great Thursday!!

Linking up with Censational Girl, The Shabby Nest, and:



  1. I love these, it could not happen because I would be so bad at drawing and cutting letters people would probably end up thinking I spelled job or soy. and I reaaaaaalllly want those target ones! but I want my money more haha

  2. This is cute! And totally something I can do. I posted about a DIY Wreath I made today, too!

  3. Super cute and Easy Peasy!! Thanks for sharing girly!!

  4. I noticed these in your other post and thought, those are so cute!! Great job!

  5. absolutely cute!! i love your joy letters, very creative

  6. those are so great! I'm glad you showed how to wrap the center of the O. such a perfect little Christmas message for your mantle :)

  7. I so need to do this!!! LOVE! New follower!

