Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Random Wednesday + GIVEAWAY

Happy Wednesday everyone!
I am so happy to have participated in the blogger day of silence for Sandy Hook. My thoughts and prayers continue for everyone involved.
Now onto some randos.
Rando #1
This is my first Christmas as a married woman. That means this is my first Christmas not being with my family on Christmas day. My family in generous enough to make the trek to Dallas and spend this  weekend with Chris and I.. I will be reunited with them on the 27th as I am flying to Colorado to ski with them. I lu-hhuvvv skiing and thanks to my wonderful hubby, he is letting me go bust my booty dominate on the slopes while he has to stay back and work. He sure is a keeper!
Rando #2
Why was it 75 today and we are a week away from Christmas. Seriously Texas? Whyyyy?
Rando #3
I have a HUGE announcement as to what my new year's resolution is. Like it is almost life changing huge! I will be revealing it Monday...the last day of 2012. Where has the year gone?!
Rando #4
My neck hurts more than anything else on my body because of the Jog'r Egg Nog'r. Some people I work with told me it was because of the impact of running and keeping my head up. Ow-to-the-freaking-chhhh! I have been sleeping an a heating pad for three days now and I still can't turn left or right. No bueno. I know I shouldn't complain, but it is for-rizzle hurting!
Rando #5
I am cherishing these passed couple days of waking up with Chris still in bed. He has M-W off this week. Normally I wake up - ehhh barley open one eye and somehow sound the words "I love you. Have a great day. Don't forget your lunch!" - so waking up with him in the mornings and being able to have him here while I get ready for work is something I reallyyyy like. Morning times with your love are the sweetest. I love peeking in the bed and seeing him gape-mouthed without a care in the world. Ohhh, sweet sleeping husband.
Rando #6
Chris and I celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary on Sunday at the Melting Pot. What, you don't celebrate your half-year anniversary?! Come'n people! Any excuse to go out for a nice dinner is fine in my book! If you follow me in Instagram {@sarahtuckerup} you got to witness the deliciousness as it was happening. Why is fondue so tasty?! I got to wear my new necklace that I got for under $10 from!

Now for the GIVEAWAY! I mentioned {here} about the HUGE giveaway that Taylor is hosting! Thanks again Taylor!
Goings on in Texas

Head on over there to check out the items being given away today! And keep going back and entering to win more great items in the spirit of Christmas!

Here are the earrings I am giving away:

I hope everyone has a great rest of their week! I hear the stores are getting pretty cray-cray with all the last minute shoppers! I still need to pick up a couple items, so wish me luck!
Are you done Christmas shopping? Have you been to the Melting Pot? Tell me you have, pa-leaseeee!
Linking up with my girl Shanna at Because Shanna Said So and Savannah at Rolled Up Pretty!!


  1. hey there! following you from get your pretty on link up- thanks so much for co-hosting. congrats to you guys on 6 months with many many more to come!!!
    have a great week!

  2. Wow, 75 really?! That's crazy. It's so chilly in CA this week. I think 55...which is cold for us! :) Happy 6 months!

  3. Happy 6 month anniversary! We went to The Melting Pot for the first time a few months ago and loved it. The food is so good!

  4. I'm dying to hear your resolution! Melting Pot, mmmmm. And yes, 75 before Christmas is a travesty. This weather gots to go, NOW. PRONTO.

    Can't wait to have you guest post tomorrow!


  5. New to your blog.
    I freaking LOVE IT!!! You're adorable.

    I blog over at Stay Blonde, Ski Local

    Would love for you to follow me too!!

  6. I wish it was 75 here! I don't have much to complain about because it's in the 60s though! I think I totally missed saying great job on the Jog'r Egg Nog'r! That was impressive!

  7. I'm so excited for you for your first Christmas being married!! How fun! :) I cannot believe the great weather you are getting, but I am sure you are wanting to wear warm fuzzy sweaters instead huh? I am heading to SLC this weekend & I am def gonna have to try to make it to that restaurant, it looks SO YUMMY!!

    Shio :)

  8. Love the Melting Pot! We went right after we got engaged. I hope we make it a yearly tradition, if only for the dessert. :)

  9. 6 month the blink of an eye you'll be celebrating 11 1/2 years. It all goes wayyyyyy toooooo fast!

  10. The melting pot is amazing, happy 6 months.
    I am your newest followers and a fellow newlywed.
    Your blog is wonderful and I hope to learn more about you.

    Happy Holidays.

    Cheltee T.

  11. First of all, you are going to have such a fun Christmas being married! It makes Christmas so much more fun. Second, I had to like LINGER on those Melting Pot dessert pics! Oh my gosh. YUM. I'm making my husband take me there.

  12. Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary! My 6 month wedding anniversary is this weekend!! And The Melting Pot is a great place to celebrate!

    I leave for work before my husband gets up and it's SO hard to leave him, so I feel your pain!! It's such a bummer, but we gotta do what we gotta do!
