Friday, December 14, 2012


 Friday, oh Friday. Thank you so much for finally getting here! I thought you'd never make it!
Follow me on Instagram {@sarahtuckerup}
Or just read this post and you will be caught up on this week's insta's. Or don't read this post and just scroll though the pictures. I wouldn't blame you :)

I made the Tucker family Christmas card. I feel like I am now officially part of the fam-bam! Love my hubby's family :) And isn't my sis-in-law GORG?!?

It. freaking. snowed. in TEXAS! You can read all about it {here}.
Just a normal visit to the hubby's office. Ya know, playing with scrap copper is normal, right?! The life of the wife of an engineer.
Go {here} to get the recipe for these balls of deliciousness. Peanut butter and chocolate heaven. Mmmm.
Just a little card game with the husband. I won and he even admitted he cheated when I went to the kitchen! Luckily he is cute, so I let is slide.
Puppy kisses from my Bailey girl. She is just presh.
Anddd kisses up the nostril from my boy. Gotta love him.
There ya have it. My IG from the week. I lead such an exciting life, don't I?!
Have a great Friday!
What are you doing this weekend? The sis-in-law and I are running the Jogger Egg Nogger 15K. Why? I am not sure, but there is no turning back now! 9 miles here I come!

Have a great weekend!
Linking up with From My Grey Desk
life rearranged


  1. I'm from Northeast Kansas, and it hasn't even snowed here yet :(

  2. I just love the twinkle lights illuminated in the reflection on the glass table at your card game. Christmas makes everything pretty!


  3. I hope you have so much fun running with your SIL!! Are you dressing up?? :) Can't wait to see pics!! PS...scrap copper = worth SO much money. lol

  4. PB + chocolate = perfection...I so need to make those. :)
