Friday, December 21, 2012

InstaFriday + High Five For Friday!

 My hubs was SO encouraging last weekend during my race. As you can see, I wasn't exactly in domination mode.
 Date night to the Melting Pot calls for bringing out the new blanggg...or just bring out the statement necklace. Either or. Bring 'em out, bring 'em out!
 Just another repeat shot from the Melting Pot because it was THAT good.
 Chris was off this week M-W and he decided to finish painting our entryway. And he decided to melt my heart once again...anddd now for the truth. Fact: that probablyyyy won't get painted for months. The Tucker household works on the paint-for-one-day-and-not-complete-the-painting-project-for-months approach. It seems to be working well. We just complete our entryway after leaving it halfway painted for over three months. Ehhh, ya win some ya lose some.
Late night gift wrapping because the fam-bam is coming into town this weekend and it would be typical awful for me to have their presents sitting out in the open, unwrapped.
Just some good 'ol Texas Caviar dip for the snackin'. Seriously soooo addicting, BUT healthy...minus the entire bag of tortilla chips I ate with it. Let's pretend I didn't have chips....ahhhh what a healthy snack :)

Here are my high fives for the week, yo:
1. Christmas is almost here and I am done, done, done with my Christmas shopping! Except for my brother....hmmmm...
2. In one week I will be skiing on the glorious slopes of Durango Colorado. Ahhhh.
3. It is a {slight} possibility of flurries on Christmas!!! "I'm dreaming of a Christmas that isn't 80 degrees white Christmas..."
4. I am so so excited to see Chris open his gifts this year. Seeing him excited like a child a quarter of his age makes me giddy :)
5. Tate Stevens won the X Factor! Do you watch that show?!? I lu-uvvvvved Tate and Carly! They are both ah-mazing.

Happy Friday, y'all!!

What are you doing this weekend?? Have you finished Christmas shopping?!

PS: Blog posts mayyy or may not be rare next week depending on how many cool toys Santa brings me. My time will be occupied with family, food, and skiing!

Linking up with Life Rearranged and From My Grey Desk!



  1. Yum, I LOVE the Melting Pot...always puts me in a food coma :) I was rooting for Carly to win X Factor, but hopefully she will have a career as well. Have a wonderful Christmas!

    The Tiny Heart
    Dec. Group Giveaway!

    1. Carly is ah-mazing! She will be around for a long time!

      Happy New Year!!

  2. I love that your husband painted that on the wall! So sweet! And that Texas Caviar looks amazing!

  3. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who does painting in phases! I love that dip. Sometimes I just eat it with a fork.. then you don't have to worry about the chips :)

  4. What a funny text...glad you made it through! And your hubby's painting on the wall is too cute. We are similar with painting projects...they are fun to start but finishing is always a challenge. :) Visiting from Insta-Friday!

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! I don't think we will be painting for a long time hahha!

      Happy New Year!

  5. Fellow Texas girl here! :) I found you through the H54F link-up. I really love that necklace. It makes a great statement piece!

  6. OH MAN - texas caviar! delicious!!
    that painting - ADORABLE!
    and you had me at cheese. melted cheese.

  7. Sarah, So funny about the painting on the walls! Hubby (a Native Texan by the way that has been transplanted around the world) and I have been married 36 years!!! Wowza! Anyway, renovations to our 1979 home over the past couple of years, have included tearing some old walls down and hanging new sheetrock. Inside the walls of both bathrooms there are some hearts and flowers with the dates painted. Maybe in another 30 years someone else will find our love notes! :-)

    So glad to see the Texas Caviar. Will be getting served probably tomorrow evening.

    Gotta get busy cleaning. Hubby is bringing home my baby girl today. They left El Paso yesterday morning and stopped on I20 just north of Tyler last night! Be here this afternoon. She's bringing her "babies" with her. She has a female version of your Wrigley and a male black Dobie too.

    Merry Christmas....get that brother gift taken care of today girl!

    1. That is so adorable about the hearts and flowers!

      Happy New Year, and thanks for stopping by!!

