Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Merry Mantel: The Tucker's First Mantel

Growing up we didn't have a fire place. I know, I know you're thinking "How did Santa get in?" Well he walked right in that there door, ya here?! Yup, my parents convinced my brother and I that Santa just walked right in the door while Rudolph and the clan hung out in the pasture with the cows. Yes, I had cows in my backyard. City folk, not everyone lives one foot from their neighbor and has a .000000009 acre lot, okay?

Anywhoo, that brings me to this post fully dedicated to the Tucker Mantel. Not having a mantle growing up meant that I was going all out this year. I almost went so all out that I was on the verge of tacky, and I liked it. Yikes, bring it back in, Sarah, bring it back in.

Now that I have pulled the reigns back we can focus on my, ehhhh our mantle (see Honey, I included you...does that mean that Kate Spade bag will end up under the tree?? If that wasn't enough of a shout out I can mention you later, too!).

I wasn't sure the direction I wanted to go, this being our first mantel. All I knew was that I had ornaments I bought last year the day after Christmas, I had greenery I bought a couple weeks ago, I had left over "spider web" from our Halloween party, and I had a whole lotta lights.

After stalking Pinterest, other blogs, and multiple magazines I decided that I was just going to start and see where things went. And this is where things went...

Those JOY letters are a DIY that took all of 10 minutes. That post will come later in the week. And do you see the spider webs snow? I love it! I need some sort of snow in my life to remind me that Christmas is right around the corner. The 80 degree Texas weather is not doin' it for me. We ran a string of lights across the mantel and then laid the snow on top in order to give it a glow.

Aren't bows the cutest Christmas accessory? I luhh-uvvvv bows. Just wait until you see our tree. One word; bows.

I though about buying new candles, but after looking at the mustard colored ones, I was kinda diggin' it. Once again, add a bow to anything and it is automatically adorable. I apologize in advance to our future daughter. Little girl Tucker, your head will never go a moment without a bow. Sorry I'm not sorry :)

Stockings. Oh stockings. I had put off buying stockings until I ran across the perfect ones. That was until Chris came home and surprised with with these four velvet babies. (Imagine my face with a giant fake smile. That is what I looked like when he showed them to me) I am not going to lie. They were not my favorite at all. Then I saw the adorable joy that Chris had on his face. He was so excited to have contributed to our mantel that there was no way I could make him return them. He just melts my heart. And if you are wondering why there are four, he got one for Bailey and one for Wrigley. How freakin' cute is he?! The boys are Santa, I am the snowman, and Bailey is the teddy bear.  And I hate to admit it, but once we got them hung taped up there, they matched perfectly. You did good Honey, you did good.

Not only did the hunk come home with stockings for the fam, he came home with stocking stuffers for me! Can you tell that my stocking is puffy? I promise, no peeking!

I am so excited for our first Christmas as a married couple. Decking our halls has been a blasty-blast. I love Christmas so very much :)

What do you think of our Merry Mantel?? What should we add? I love to hear what you have to say :)

PS: Did you notice that these are NOT Instagram pics?!?!? (you can follow me at sarahtuckerup) Santa delivered my present early and I have been practicing with my new 'toy'. I will have a post on that later, but I just didn't want people to think that my Insta pics all of a sudden gained the quality of a DSLR! Woo hoo!

PSS: Why are some of my pictures "smooshed?" I am not so great at this whole "using a real camera thing" and so until someone gives me the heads up as to what I am doing wrong, smooshed pictures it is!


The Lettered Cottage


  1. Amazing decorations!! I love them all!

  2. Your mantle looks GREAT!!!! You did an awesome job! So fun. Happy 1st Christmas as a married couple!

  3. I love that your husband was so excited about the stockings, that is too cute! Love the mantel, it's so festive!! :)

  4. Pretty! Love your JOY letters. AND lets talk about your sweet puppies. LOVE THOSE LITTLE FACES! New follower :):)

  5. Love your mantel! can't find "snow" anywhere for ours!

  6. Found you through the link-up! Love your Christmas decor (super cute) and blog. New follower on the blog and instagram! :)

