Life Update + New Earrings + SALES!

Monday, September 7, 2020

So much is going on, and I feel like I'm not documenting any of it. Each day my energy is depleted, my patience runs thin, but so much good is happening! From finally getting out of the house and traveling a little bit to G starting school, good things are taking place, and it is a good change of pace. This post will be all over the place, but I want to touch on everything, because who knows when I will get to blog again!

+ First off, these past six months at home with my boys has been a whirlwind, but I feel normalcy creeping back in with school starting back up, and routines getting back in to place. Graham starts school this week and we all are elated. He can't wait to be back with his friends, and I can't wait to have some time with just Hayes and, maybe, start preparing and thinking about baby boy #3.

Did you know we were having our third boy in January?! I haven't blogged in forever, but I do love to pop on and update this little space occasionally, because it is fun to look back on how our lives have changed since I started blogging in  2012.

Baby boy number three doesn't have a name, most days I forget I'm pregnant because I am chasing Hayes, the captain's seats in my car are now proving to be a terrible idea, I have no idea what double stroller is the best, our final guest room is getting converted into a nursery, baby/toddler boy clothes take up every closet in our house, yet I don't feel any rush to jump on anything. This quarantine has definitely caused me to be even more relaxed about timelines. In my mind, all the spaces in our house will be organized and ready to go for when he arrives in January, but honestly, we will be just fine whether he has a decorated nursery or not.

+ COVID hasn't allowed me to get out of the house much, at least not enough to warrant dressing up, But, I got these perfect stud earrings that are 'mom approved,' meaning your child can't rip them out of your ear! Ever since having Graham, I've requested that the only earrings I receive be studs because that's truly all I feel like I wear in this stage of life. These stud bar earrings are 14k gold, don't irritate my ears, and add a little something-something to my otherwise boring outfits.

+ Chris and I took Graham to the Gaylord Texan a couple weekends ago. We left Hayes with grandparents so we could totally focus on G. Some of our friends and their girls went with us, and it was the best change in scenery. They have a great waterpark for kids G's age. He had a blast!

+ Along with traveling to the Gaylord, we took our first family trip during COVID and came up to Kansas City to visit my sister in law and her family. They recently moved back to KC after living in Florida for three years. Although the beach isn't close anymore, the trees and landscape up here is really making us want to move to Kansas!

And now for some Labor Day sales! I, personally, am trying to start Christmas shopping, so now would be the time with these great sales!

+ Tons of Etsy shops are having Labor Day sales!

+ Old Navy has up to 60% off everything!

+ H&M has 20% off everything!

+ Nebraska Furniture Mart - where we've bought most of our home decor and appliances - is up to 40% off!

+ Target, of course, has multiple items on sale!

Packing for the Beach: A Rose Gold Ring + Bathing Suits

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The weather here in Texas has been hot and cold, literally. Last weekend the temperatures were in the high 70s, and then some days the highs are in the 40s. The warm days have me craving spring and summer! Luckily, we have an upcoming trip to Grand Cayman and I. can't. wait! Bring on the sun, sand, and lots of relaxation.

When thinking about traveling internationally, I am very particular on whether or not I will bring/wear my wedding rings. If you don't already know, 2/3 of the rings I wear were my grandmother's, so I don't mess around with the thought of something happening to them at the beach, and locking them in a hotel safe is just not an option for me!

For years I have been searching for a "replacement" wedding band that I can wear on occasion when I don't want to wear mine. Thankfully, I found the perfect rose gold band to wear to replace my rings while we travel! It is simple, yet has the perfect amount of detail. The band is wide, but very thin, so I hardly notice I am wearing a ring at all. This is my first rose gold ring, and I think I am now obsessed! It goes so well with everything and even leaves room to stack with other rings.

The only other new items I will be getting for the trip are bathing suits. I am normally not a top heavy person, but, thanks to breastfeeding boobs (tmi?), none of my old bathing suits properly fit. In my search I am finding that I am loving so many different styles that it is hard to choose! I am more drawn to one pieces lately due to me not being completely back to my pre-baby body (I am not in a rush), and also because kids in the pool like to grab and pull on your bathing suits, and I need to make sure momma ain't giving the guests at the pool a show.

My favorite maternity bathing suit bottoms also come in non-maternity, so I am tempted to buy some bottoms that pair with the top I already have. I also am loving so many of these that I can't decide! This leopard one is fun, as is this colorful striped one!

What are your favorite bathing suit brands? Have you bought one recently that you love? Tell me!

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#TuckerUp365Real Challenge

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year!

I've been thinking and praying a lot about what I want out of this next year. I feel very content and happy with stepping out of my role as a teacher and staying home full time with Graham and Hayes, but I do feel the pull for something more...something where I can connect and interact with others! If I'm going to be "online," I feel like, big or small, I want to influence others in a positive way.

And, what better way than INSTAGRAM (@SarahTuckerUp)!

It is 2020, so that answer shouldn't surprise you. The reality is that I'm just a regular 'ole suburban mom, looking for some adult interaction, without having to leave the house, because we all know it takes two hours just to prepare to leave the house, so ain't nobody got time for that.

With that said, I have come up with the #TuckerUp365Real Challenge.

If you ask anyone who knows me how they would describe Sarah Tucker, they'd (probably) say "honest and real." I have always been someone who tells it like it is, doesn't have any shame at all for looking like a raggity hot mess in public, and I've never cared to have everything in my life look "perfect."

So, in an effort to regain some "realness" on Instagram, I've come up with a 365 day challenge. Each day I'm going to try to post a "real" picture with a "real" caption. Am I going to use my preset to make my picture look a little better? Yes. But, I will guarantee the filter will not filter out the meaning of the picture.

I may post a messy bathroom, my child mid tantrum, me with no make-up and still in my pajamas at 4pm on a weekday, Taco Bell for name it, I'm posting real life stuff.

Now, are there happy and great things that happen in real life? YES! Do I sometimes crank out a delicious meal? Yes! I will be posting those! When my house is clean and things look orderly, I will most likely post it. When I actually get dressed up and look like a human, that's real, and definitely worth posting.

What I am aiming for is more meaningful captions and pictures. More real pictures. Captions and pictures that tell a story, so that years from now I can look back at my Instagram and remember my real life, not just the highlights. I will always remember the highlights, but I want to remember that some days I've got it all together, and some days I don't!

I want to make other moms know that we are all in this together.

I want to make other women know that not looking picture perfect all the time is normal and okay!

I want to show that my toddler, too, screams at me and calls me things he's heard on the internet.

I want to show that my heart breaks and I cry real tears over things like my friend's infertility,  stubbing my toe, or not getting enough sleep.

I want to show that I wish I worked out more, but this season of life is precious and I just don't want to right now.

I want to show that my marriage is amazing, but also a man named Chris Tucker really urks me sometimes.

I want to just be real.

And, I want YOU to be real with me.

SO, starting tomorrow, January, 1, 2020, I want you to post a REAL picture.

It could be a real quote, it could be your gorgeous home, it can be whatever you want! I just want it to be real, and honest, and something that you can look back on 10 years from know and cherish. I want you to caption it with honesty. If you love your house, post it and say it! If you hate your hair in a picture, say it! I just want. to. be. real.

When you post, use the hashtag #TuckerUp365Real and tag me @SarahTuckerUp and I will share all the real photos!

I can't wait to make 2020 the year of less "this is what my life should look like," and more of "I'm thankful for this life I have!"

Cheers, friends!!