Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My 2013 resolution is...{it is HUGE}...

...I am not buying clothes, shoes, accessories for AN ENTIRE YEAR! No I did not fat-finger the keys, mistype something, and I am not intoxicated while writing this. I am not purchasing any of those items for the next 364 days. For realzzz.

Here are the only exceptions:

- Let's say I have a brown pair of wedges and they break...I can replace them with something similar.

- If my work, or some function requires me to have a specific item of clothing and I don't already own it, I can buy it. For example, if for some {weird} reason I need a purple collared shirt...I would have to go buy it.

- Undergarments do not count. What if I suddenly grow out of my A cup?? Ya, I went there.

-I can "swap" clothes with a friend, or accept presents for special occasions. A random Wednesday is not a special occasion.
- And the final exception is if God finds 2013 the year for me to bear a child. If that happens it would truly {if ya know what I mean...} be a "God thing" and I think that gives me means to drop the challenge. 
Why am I doing this?

It all started when my friend Caitlin {who will be guest posting later in the week!!} told me she was doing this challenge and it was changing her life, for the better. 

You see, I am extremely guilty of buying and wearing items once and having them sit in my closet for months, sometimes even forgetting I own that article of clothing. I "reward" myself with clothing, shoes, or accessories and the object of the reward gets lost and is in turn focused on what item I will purchase. 
I spend hundreds {yikes, I hate admitting that!} of dollars a year on clothes when I have a car to pay for, a house to pay for, student loans to pay off, trips to plan, a retirement to save for...and an entire closet full of fabulous clothes in mint condition.

I am not saying this isn't going to be hard as h-e-double hockey sticks, but after talking with Caitlin. praying about it, and seeing the benefits that can come from doing this, I am ECSTATIC to be committing a year to this challenge.

Here are two of my favorite Bible verses that helped me with this decision:
Matthew 6:19-21

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Luke 12:15
And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

Personally, this is the biggest challenge I have ever taken on. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to shop. As many women say...it is my happy place. New clothes make you feel good, happy. 
Materialistic items make me giddy, I'd be lying if I said they didn't. That is why this is a challenge. I challenge myself to finding true happiness in NONmaterialistic items.

I will now ask friends out to coffee instead of to the mall. Maybe I will learn something new about them instead of focusing on which heel, or blouse, looks better. I will spend more hours at home with my husband instead of going to my "happy place." I will save more money and apply it to things that benefit my family, my husband. 

I will learn to TRULY appreciate the things I already own.

I had a moment that touched my heart about a month ago. When Chris and I were choosing our Angels from the Angel Tree at Church I had a feeling of guilt. All this little girl longed for were clothes, shoes, and jewelry. She longedddd for it, wanted it SO badly. I knew whatever I bought her would bring so much joy into her life. She would cherish the necklaces I bought her. She wouldn't wear it once and allow it to get lost in her jewelry box, as I am guilty of. She would wear her blouses until she grew out of them, or they were worn out. Most of all, she would appreciate it.

I have always loved fashion, always. I started shopping at an early age and have been blessed to be able to "reward" myself more than I should. When I told my family this was my New Year's resolution they laughed out loud, as did my husband. Their reactions show how much I shop and love clothes.

Today I was thinking. I was thinking about how I already feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. It is the weirdest thing, seriously. It is January 1, 2013 and I have an ENTIRE YEAR of no shopping and I feel wonderful. Knowing that no matter what birthday party, company picnic, girls night or date night out crosses my path, I know I will have an outfit for it and won't have the panic of having to go to the mall in search for an outfit I will wear one time. 

It literally makes me cringe thinking of all the money I have spent in search for that perfect outfit that only one person noticed and pictures didn't do justice. 

Now, this challenge is not for everyone. And in no way am I judging anyone! I need this for me. I want to grow to have relationships deeper than materialistic items. I want to wear my clothes out and get their full money's worth. I want to mix and match items that I never thought would work. I want to delete the 20+ emails I receive daily from clothing stores luring me in to shop for items I don't need. 

I want to dominate this challenge, and come out a better person. 

And I want to drag y'all along for my journey. I know there will be new trends this year. My closet is FULL of colored jeans. What if colored jeans go out of style and I am the only Skittle in a patch of brown M&M's? Oh well. What if my collection of bib and bubble necklaces are no longer the "it" accessory and I am left with an "outdated" look? Oh well. What if I have a wedding to go to and I already wore that fancy dress to a party the week before? Oh well.

What if I get to know my best friend's even better because we went on a walk instead of going to the mall? What if I saved enough money to pay off the minimal amount of loans I have left?

What if I get to know God better, deeper?

What if I dominate this challenge and come out with an amazing new outlook on life and what it is truly about?

Ya, that wouldn't be so bad.

I am honestly so excited to blog about this journey. What I Wore Wednesday's are now going to mean that much more because I won't be showing y'all my new items, but instead you might actually see the entirety of my closet. 

I. am. pumped.

Please pray for me and this challenge. I know I will go to the mall, go to TJ Maxx, go to Target...and it will be tempting. Please pray that I stay strong, that I learn to steer clear of temptation and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It is now almost the end of day one...and I already feel changed. 

God is good.

Happy New Year's everyone! May 2013 be the best year yet!



  1. WOW! This a huge resolution for you. I believe that you can do it and will love the results at the end of the year. Your determination is awesome! Good luck I will be rooting you on!!!!!

    1. Thanks SO much for that, Ileana! It is people like you that will get me though it!

      Happy New Year!

  2. I love this idea Sarah and really admire you for taking on the challenge. I'll be praying for you.

  3. What a huge goal! Love all the thought you have obviously put into it, and we'll be here to cheer you on!

  4. WOW! Such a great post and inspirational. I'm not sure if I have the will power but it makes so much sense to do it and even try myself :/ Good luck and sending sweet prayers up for you!

  5. I am so proud of you! Awesome!!

    1. Thanks Stace! Hopefully Chris and I will see ya soon :) I want to see that bling ;)

  6. Girl you will rock this!! I just know it!! Many blessings in this new year!! :)

  7. I'm so crazy excited for you!
    btw.. if you want a clothes swap buddy, email me :)

  8. This is a great resolution! Stepping out of one's comfort zone can be a wonderful thing. One of my goals for 2013 is to live more simply. Which involves ridding ourselves of unwanted and unneeded "things" and stop acquiring more. I just discovered your blog...and look forward to seeing where this journey takes you.

  9. Wow, I SO admire you for doing this!!

    The Tiny Heart

  10. Wow-- that is big! I think it's wonderful though, and I'm sure God will bless your efforts. Good luck!! :)

  11. You can do it!! My aunt did this one year and it was a fabulous learning experience. I, too, have decided to do something similar. HOWEVER, I got 2 pink lines for Christmas (positive prego!!), so I will have to buy select items as I out grow them. I will not use this as an excuse to get an entirely new wardrobe (hello - I only hope to be "larger" for a few months). Good luck!

  12. Prayers for strength! I wish my weight didn't fluctuate so much and I would be more apt to try this. Good for you, my sis in law made it through a whole year last year, nothing new. She did yard sale, thrift shop and clothes swap though.

  13. Wow...this is amazing, and def something that I have thought about for myself and should really do it. However, I would feel horrible if it was that I challenged myself to do and then failed. But it will be something that I seriously consider doing, if not just scaling back tremendously. Good luck to you and I wish you the best. And thanks for sparking the idea in my head. :)

  14. Wow! This is huge! I'd have such hard time and I'm not that much of a shopper! Good luck and I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  15. omg.. i couldn't do it!! although i do have very little clothes.. but my hat goes off to you! Good luck!

    1. Thanks girl! I appreciate your encouragement! Thanks for stopping by!!

  16. This is SOOOOO awesome. Seriously.
    I have a similar resolution, which is to reduce my spending on little things & clothes.
    I am trying to shop my closet more...stay tuned for my post this Friday, you will like it!
    I don't know if I could say NO shopping at all, but maybe that means I SHOULD say no shopping. Super proud of you!
    And, totally LOL'd at the A cup. I hear ya sister. I am a nursing mom right now, so the "girls" are bigger, but normally I am a small, small, very small B :)

  17. I'm excited for and with you and rejoicing with you now as obviously the Lord has been speaking to your heart and you are listening! We were at a {remote} overseas military station the past 2.5 years and shopping for clothing was challenging...I hardly shopped at all for myself except on the internet and only when I was 99.9% sure the item would fit because returning would be logistically challenging. All that to say that I think it'll be more challenging for you as you have the convenience of great stores at your fingertips, BUT it is doable and especially with the Spirit's power! Blessings!!

  18. I have been doing the same challenge since August 2012 (so about 5 months into it now). I too was inspired by Caitlin, I found her blog randomly one day and realized that God was asking me to tear down that idol. I thought it was going to be really hard...so far it has been awesome! God has started working in my life in HUGE ways and is changing me from the inside out. It is so worth it, I continue to have the feeling that a weight has been lifted and I have even given away tons of my clothes that I just don't wear or aren't my style. I just want to encourage you to stick to it because the Lord will bless you and show Himself in your life more than you ever thought He would!!

    1. You go girl! I am so excited to do this...so far so good :) Caitlin is one of my great friends (as in real life, our hubbys work together!) and she is such an inspiration...plus she has a great wardrobe in case I ever need to borrow something! I am SO excited to see what The Lord has for me. He has already been stirring in my heart great things...I know the best is yet to come! Thanks for stopping by, and your wonderful words of encouragement! I know you can make it to August! Go, go, go!!

  19. I came across your blog from Pinterest Told Me To...anyway, WOW. What a great idea. I'm reading 7 by Jen Hatmaker right now, and I know "clothes" is coming up. I won't tell you the whole premise of the book, but I just think this is such a great idea. I'm so guilty of indulging my materialistic ways and I have way, way, way too many clothes. I think I'll be doing this same thing for 2013. Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. I think this is a great challenge! I personally hate shopping for clothes, so it wouldn't be a huge deal for me. Now shoes...yes! That would be difficult! ;)

    Have a great day! (I live in a North Dallas suburb - howdy "neighbor"!)

  21. I found the link to this post from Kodi, and I made a resolution to live more simply and less on material things, but I certainly could stand to do exactly what you are doing! And as I read your post, I definitely felt like I could have written it, word for word. While I need to fill in some gaps in my closet (i lost a lot of weight after baby) I can definitely wear what I have and get by, no doubt and all of the points you made were ON POINT.

    You just got a new follower! Love your blog so far! :)

  22. YAY! So I finally got a chance to sit down and read your post and love it. I am SO EXCITED for what God will do in your life this year, Sarah, and so proud of you for obeying His call. PS I totally felt the same way at the beginning of last year! The 'weight off your shoulders' won't go away and I'd venture to say stays permanently. (I mean, I know I'm not even a month past finishing my challenge, but so far it's true!) That being said, let's have coffee and you know my closet is always open for borrowing! :) Love you, girl!

    1. Coffee date soon!! Love ya! Hopefully see you soon....let's make it happen!

  23. Wow...I am totally inspired by this as I have been feeling the same way but not sure I can make it for a year. Your post really inspired me. A lot of what you said is exactly what I have been thinking. Just became a follower and I am looking forward to cheering you along on this journey...you can do it!!!

    1. Thanks Katie! It takes a lot of praying, and a lot of planning! You will know if it is right for you! Can't wait to have you follow along!

      Have a great night!

  24. Wow.
    This is such an encouragement! I'm not at the point where I think I could go an entire year without shopping, but I thought about putting myself on a two-month shopping freeze. Gotta start somewhere ;D

    But seriously, this is awesome. God is going to reward you for taking this act of selfishness and greed out of your life. Such an encouragement to see!

  25. Wow! What an amazing and inspiring challenge. I will keep you in my prayers and look forward to reading your future posts.


  26. Wow! I just came to this post from your latest one and I am really impressed by this challenge. I feel like doing something like that myself one of these days! I truly love and enjoy my clothes very much--and going a month or two without buying anything would be easy, but a full year would be very challenging. We're trying to live our lives in a less stuff-accumulating way, right now...thinking about the way I shop is very important...

  27. Hey there! Found your blog via Hi Sugarplum! What a challenge you are partaking in! I'm so intrigued to catch up on how it's been going for you & can't wait to follow along! Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Wow, I love that you are doing this. I wish that I had the willpower....but maybe I will get there! You have inspired me :)

  29. ok so i just read this from the link on today's post (the 2nd of may). now i completely understand why you aren't shopping. amazing challenge, i look forward to the rest of the years' stories on how you do!!!!

  30. Hi Sarah, found your blog via Caitlin's IG and I just wanted to let you know that she (and some others) inspired me to do a clothing fast too. I hope you don't mind me following you on IG. I'm a wife and mom of two little ones and a teacher too. This challenge has helped me grow in so many ways. I hope we can encourage each other through this challenge! God bless you,
    Iris How

  31. This is fabulous my dear!!! I'd love to see a picture of your closet!!!

  32. Very cool Sarah! I am off to read the results now . . .
