Thursday, January 24, 2013

Helllllloooo Boston + Insta Friday

By the time you read this I - along with my Mister - will be flying high on our way to Boston. Woo hoo!

I give it approximately .125 seconds, once we are there, that someone comments on my southern twang. It has happened every.single.time. I am in the northeast. " Ummm, 'cuse me sir, tryin' to get to my bag. Thanks!" or "Do y'all know where I could find ___?" Dead giveaway.

You can take the girl outta Texas, but you can't take the Texas outta the girl :)

Right now I am sitting on the bed watching Chris try to pack. Have you ever watched an engineer pack a suitcase? Ha! It is a site. Everything has a place and the organization is unbelievable. Props to the hubs for his OCD packing skillzzz.

Now for some insta's from my week. 

Chris put milk in the cereal and ate his cereal from the bag. Oh geez. After proclaiming that I live with a grown child on IG (@sarahtuckerup), Amber was quick to correct me. She was right, he was just trying to not dirty any dishes. What a smart man I married!

Can I start by saying that Maddie is the BEST?! See the box above?! She sent me a FULL box of clothes that she didn't want!! Since I can't shop this year (which is an easy resolution when you have bloggy-friends like this!) Maddie told me she would send me some clothes, and I accepted since that wasn't breaking my resolution rules! Thanks, again, Maddie!!

I would show you what was in the box, but you will find out soon enough :)

I had my first attempt at spaghetti squash this week. I cooked it correctly, but I am not sure how to season it. It was okay, but isn't my favorite. I need some tips on how to make it yummy, please! 

I added a tad bit of butter, garlic powder, pepper, and Parmesan cheese...don't make fun of my lack in spaghetti squash seasoning knowledge.

Wednesday night I whipped up some meatloaf (recipe here), asparagus, and alfredo mac and cheese. The mac and cheese created quite a delicious stir on IG. Recipe in the picture below ;)


Well, I sure hope everyone has a glorious weekend! I will be eating my weight in clam chowder and desserts in Boston. Calories don't count on vacation, right?!

What are you doing this weekend? If you are in Boston, just look for the girl bundled up like it is -100 with a heavy southern accent!

Linking up with From My Grey Desk and Life Rearranged!



  1. I can't wait to see you in the clothes, you will make them look good! And funny enough, every single time we are visiting Wiki's family in Boston people always ask me if I am from Texas. It is almost hysterical. Especially b/c every time I am in Texas, I get asked if I am from Arkansas or Mississippi. Basically I cannot win. and each time when I say "No, I am from Virginia" People look dumbfounded and numerous times I get this response " You mean West Virginia? I've been to Virginia and they don't sound like you." haha fun times. Have a blast!!!

  2. I am going to definitely try the Mac& Cheese out! You have such a cute blog! Your newest follower & I would love for you to follow back!?

  3. Hope you lovebirds have a great trip!!!

  4. Have fun & safe travels!!! Can't wait to see all of your pictures!

  5. This made me really hungry.... :) cute blog. Just found ya through a friend!


    1. Thank you!! I am hungry looking at it now!

      Have a great day!

  6. I hope y'all are having fun!! :) Can you bring some cold weather back with you? I'm not quite ready for spring here in Texas. haha
    I've never really seasoned Spaghetti Squash...I usually eat it with Spaghetti Sauce or Marinara Sauce. Yummy! :) And cheese of course. ;)

  7. i loooove boston, one of my favorite cities. :) enjoy your time there!

    my first (and only) experience with spaghetti squash was this recipe. the 5-year-old gave it a "thumbs up"! -

  8. Okay, I have to keep the picture of milk in the cereal bag far, far away from my hubby, or he'll soon be doing the same! Haha. Although yes ... PROPS for not dirtying any dishes. ;)
