Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WIWW + Link Up: Leopard Scarf & Little Black Dress

Reason for the laugh: Bailey had just jumped up on the ledge and Wrigley tried right after her and he totally ate it. Poor pup, but he sure gave me a laugh!
Fair warning: the pictures in this post contain an unreal amount of winky eyes. The winker has gotten so bad I can't tell if it is the sun glowing as bright as my body in the summa-time, or if I have caught the winky in not only my left eye, but now my right. Oh geezzz, being a Tucker is tougher than I thought! But I wouldn't trade this winker for the world!

Now that we have gotten that out of the way let me start by saying a big 'ol Texas HELLO! to those of you visiting from Pinterest Told Me To! Thanks so much for stopping by, and thanks to Sheaffer for having me over on her little bloggy-blog! Be sure to head on over there and check her, and I, out!

NOW, finally, "Gosh Sarah, get onnn-witcha-bad-self already!" Okay, okay onto the outfit. Last weekend I hung out with my childhood besties and I wanted a comfy outfit to go around town in...and an outfit comfy enough to gorge myself on Kirstin's homemade cookies without having to show off my cookie-gut. Yum. I have been looking to Pinterest for outfit inspiration since I have to make do with what is in my whole closet for a year thanks to me taking on 'the challenge'

Can I just say that looking at Pinterest when you aren't shopping for a year is like staring at the sun; you can do it for a second then it hurts! I see things on Pinterest and mark them on my "List of things to buy in 2014!" I won't evennnn begin to tell you how long that list already is. Em-bare-assing.

Let's start with these earrings. Ummm, hello emerald beauties for five dollars. Have you ever been to Well I went (back in December! don't be gettin' your Spanx in a wad that I broke my resolution!) and was swooning over these babies! Aren't they gorg?! And for only five smack-a-roos I won't feel bad if I lose them, or only wear them occasionally.

This little black thanggg was Chris's sister's. She put it in the "garage sale" pile a couple years ago and I snatched it up like an eagle snatches up a baby...

Thanks, Laurs! I love that I can steal your giveaways! Don't be afraid to "garage sale" more items :) 

Don't mind the dog turd to my left. Just tryin' to keep it real. (Honey, you missed one!)

Earrings: Scarf: Market Days Boutique// Dress: Hand-me-down// Leggings:  not sure...// Boot: Chinese Laundry at Nordstrom// Bracelet: Forever 21
The scarf...I am not a Mom yet, but I am sure I will do this for my child one day: My Mom and I were shopping at Market Days a couple months ago. She ran across this scarf and had it in her hand, ready to check out. I proclaimed how I LOVED it and had been searching for one like it and how I needed it...blah blah blah. It was the LAST one. So what does a perfect Mom do? Well she let's her daughter have it and says that she will "...find another one. There are plenty out there!" Mom, you are the best! Love ya long time (as in all my life...)!!

This was one of the comfiest outfits evaaaa. Got a little black dress? Some riding boots? I betcha do! Whip this outfit up in no time!

Well friends, another Wednesday down and another ski trip to attend tomorrow.

I know, I know, "how many times does this chick go skiing?!" and "doesn't she have a 'real' job in the corporate world?!" Actually my firm takes us on a ski trip to Crested Butte every year to thank us for our hard work! Awesome, if I do say so myself! So, tomorrow I will be boarding a chartered flight, with my other 200+ coworkers, headed from DFW to the gorgeous Colorado. I hope to get some posts up between now and then, but skiing and relaxing may take priority!

Have a great day! 

Here are the rules - don't break 'em:

Follow Me and Alisa Via GFC
Like Alison via Facebook
Link Up ANY Outfit post {please link directly to your post, not homepage}
Link back to our blogs or use the button below
Last, but not least, have fun and make new friends!

**If the rules are broken, we will kindly remove your link from our linky par-tay. Every party has a know the song!**

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So and The Pleated Poppy and Rolled Up Pretty!


  1. Love it. Your mom is such a sweetheart!

    1. She sure is! Mom's are the best!

      Have a great day!

  2. I have my leopard print scarf on today, too! I love it so much! And how sweet is your mom, seriously?

  3. I love how you tied the scarf! Actually, I just love this outfit period! And the doggy photobomb is cute too :)

  4. Great look. The scarf brings it all together. Score!

    Happy Life!

  5. ahh, mama's are the best like that!

  6. Your outfit is SO cute!!! Loving the gray tights with it!!!
    And, have fun in Colorado!!!! Love Colorado!

  7. Found you through Pinterest Told Me To, love that you're doing this challenge! I look forward to seeing how this year shapes out for you and the outfits you come up with! Will be your newest follower as soon as I get home and have access to GFC.

  8. Can you stop being cute for like 5 seconds???? Love your hair like that! And give your mom a big high five from me...that was a tough one to let go must be a really good kid. :) Thanks for linking up!

  9. Love the outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh I absolutely love those earrings and really this whole look from top to bottom! Super cute. How have I not found your blog until now?!?

  11. Love the leopard scarf, the boots, and the emerald green earrings - they are so pretty! But I really love that first photo bomb by the dogs cute:)

    Pink Chai Style

  12. Totally random but I love how your backyard fence is installed!! No place for the puppies to dig out!!

    1. Thank you! Bailey, the black dog, actually dug out by the fence where it connects with the house! Ugh! We might have to just rock in our whole backyard :)

      Have a great day!
