Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekend Wrappity Wrap

Hey, you! Just a little note before we get started...I updated my navigation tabs at the top with pictures of our home. Go check it out!

Ya, I remixed the title. Just imagine me moving my hands in a Dj-ing fashion. 

How was your weekend?! Mine was grrrrr-eat! 

My best friend {since the third grade!} came up from College Station to visit. I love how we don't see each other that often, but no matter what, we have a great time. We met up with our other friend {from elementary school} Kirstin and it was SO fun to all be back together.

Both girls were in my wedding and I adore them to death. Friday night we watched the Cotton Bowl at my house. Alisa was a very proud Aggie that night. We stayed up and had "girl talk" until the wee hours of the night. Chris fell asleep in a chair in the living room at 7:30pm {poor boy works hard!} and we stay up until a whopping mid-night. We. Are. Rowdy. 

Saturday Alisa and I headed to hang with Kirstin and her wonderful husband, Tyler, at there super-duper cozy house. I told Alisa the whole way there that I swoon at how cozy their house is...ahhhh. 

Once we got there we instantly got in on a game of "old-school" donkey kong. You know the one with the rail car on the tracks? Anyone? That occupied our time for way too long to admit.

I must have burned some cals playing Nintendo. I proclaimed my need for cookies or ice cream. I hinted more at the cookies. Kirstin quickly whipped up my FAVORITE cookies. She makes them every time I come over and I eat an absurd amount. This time it was seven. One day I will make them myself, but I don't want to ruin them. She gets them perfect. Don't mess with perfection, right?! And if her house isn't cozy enough, let's add a cute coffee mug and some cookies to the mix!

Sunday was a big 'ol fat relax day. After traveling all last week, and the hussle and bussle of the holidays, it was nice to get to kick back and throw my feel up. Oh, and snuggle up with this fellow and his sister.

How was your weekend? Did you hangout with some "vintage" friends? Cozy up on the couch and relax from the holidays?!
Have a great Monday!
Linking up with Created by Laurie, Sami's Shenanigans & Join the Gossip, Still being Molly & Lipgloss and CrayonsLife on Leroy & Weekend File.


  1. Looks like a great weekend with awesome friends. Hey any friend that whips up a batch of cookies is a keeper. My weekend was good, relaxing and uneventful. Perfect!

  2. Awww I love the pup!!! It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! I love the term "vintage friends"! Super Nintendo is SO MUCH FUN! I have an old refurbished Nintendo and all of my old games, but I need some kind of cord to get it to hook up to our tv correctly, so I'm not able to use it yet. I can't wait!

  3. What a fabulous weekend, looks like you had a lot of fun! Also, your pup is adorable!!! I have crazy puppy fever right now, and now I'm even more obsessed, haha.


  4. Sounds like a great weekend! So funny you played Donkey Kong! Also funny that you're friend's name is Alisa :)

  5. You should totally add a tab describing your Challenge for this year! It is such a big deal and you are doing great so far! One week in! 51 to go;)

  6. Aww, I love "vintage" friends. They are the best kind, no? They know all of your thens, nows, and probably the mess that's to come. :)Looks like y'all had a really good weekend!
    Found you from the link up ... Have a good week!

  7. Johnny Football pulled out a BIG win. Gotta root for the Texas boys!!! Glad you crazy, wild ladies had so much fun....Donkey, I love you even more now!!

  8. I love busting out my nintendo!!! How fun!

  9. Love this post! looked like fun!


  10. Aww that pup face!!! Thanks for linking up with us over at Life Lately!!

  11. Ahhh cute doggie! Love!

    Sounds and looks like you had a great weekend. Thanks for linking up for Weekend Update :)

  12. Just became your newest follower! When I have a moment more I will stop back by again! Can't wait to link up with you! Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!

  13. Your dogs are beyond adorable! Oh my goodness.
    We did a lot of Nintendo 64-ing it up during the holidays - I love that those old consoles never get "old".

    Stopping by from Weekend Update.
