Tuesday, January 29, 2013

WIWW: Boston Outfits + Link Party

Sooo, last week, in my head this is what I thought:

"I am going to plan all these cute outfits and Chris will take my WIWW pictures in a historical park in Boston. It will be epic! I will frolic in the snow and look totally cute and not tired or jet lagged at all. I will have rosey cheeks and the cutest outfit and I will look just like a native Bostonian."

Fast forward to actually being in Boston and that whole dream went out the window. See ya dreamy plan of perfect pictures in the Boston winter; hello freezing temperatures, layers of jackets, and a snotty nose!

Having that tragic less than amusing story behind me, I can now reveal the two plain pictures in front of our hotel room door. Chris, the efficient photographer he is, snapped one and only one picture of the two following outfits.

Jacket: Kensie// Top: Random store in OKC mall// Jeans: The good 'ol Banana Republic// Boots: Oldie, but goody Steve Maddens
Attention: I had been up since 3:30am when this picture was taken. I had not showered, I was starving, and less than amused that my fairy tale plan of pictures in the park was demoted to a white door in our room. Okay, the last part was a lie. All I was thinking about was food. And a shower. 
Sweater: Forever 21// Jeans: Target// Boots: Steve Mads// Hair: Freshly washed
Attention: Can you tell I am a bit refreshed? It is amazing what sleep and a shower can do. 
You can see my other outfits I wore that were taken with my less than professional camera via IG (@sarahtuckerup) at this post here.

By the way, I am doing SO good with my resolution!!!!! I am not much for bragging, but I didn't even go into one clothes store the whole time we were there. We were even staying a block away from the famous Newbury Street that is lined with everything from American Apparel to Burberry. I was there for everything except shopping! Chris offered to buy me a Harvard shirt (was that a hint that he wanted me to look smart?), but I politely declined reminding him of my resolution :)

Now it is time to party!

Check out the new button Alisa made us. How awesome is she?!


- Follow Alisa and I, pa-leaseee and thanks!
- Grab a button or link back, pa-leaseeee and thanks!
- Link up any outfit post and have a blasty blast!

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, The Pleated Poppy, Rolled Up Pretty, and Get Your Pretty On!


  1. I laughed so much at this post, not because I am mean but because I am exactly the same as you. I have all these plans for cute outfit photos when we go somewhere that might have an exciting backdrop and a good excuse to be out taking photos of myself prancing about and then we get there and reality hits. I had the aim of this when we went for Sunday lunch lately in the snow (see this post - http://bakeglueandtrend.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/sunday-lunch-in-snow.html ) but I could barely stand in the snow in my coat let alone take my coat off so the actual outfit photos were as usual taken in my kitchen lol. I did get some pretty pictures of my boots, coat and bag in the snow though lol.

    You don't look tired in your face in that first picture (you still look lovely) but your posture says it all, like "hurry up and take the photo before I collapse into the carpet" lol. Love both outfits and well done on sticking to your resolutions!! I am linking up today :)

    Janine xx
    Giveaway Post >>> bakeglueandtrend.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/love-dress-giveaway.html

  2. WOW! Passing up Newbury street is very hard to do. I bought a fake Harvard tshirt for 5$ near the waterfront. It's a sleep shirt and great souvenir.
    You looked cute regardless! Great boots.

  3. SO CUTE girl:) and way to go with the shopping in Boston. I so badly wanted to ask about it, but declined bc I am your friend and good friends don't tease that way! Loves!

  4. Halarious! I have these big plans in my head and they typically work out like this too You do look cute though in the indoor shots and not at all tired or jet lagged!

    1. Well thank you!!! The plans never go as planned, do they!? Ugh! Oh well :)

      Hope you're having a great day!

  5. Wow! You have some definite will power! But, your closet is filled with such cute stuff...I am loving that black sweater with the crosses!!! Rats for it being to dang cold for fun outfit pics...at least you guys had a so much fun!! Thanks for linking up!

  6. love it! I'm your newest follower! I'd love for you to visit when you have time.

    Love, Traci Michele @ Ordinary Inspirations


    1. Thanks girl! Heading over to your bloggy blog when I get a break from work!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

      Have a great day!

  7. Lovely outfits, and the hat too, so cute.
    Thanks for the fun party.

    1. Thank you!! So happy to have you over! Thanks for stopping by :)

      Have a great day!

  8. You and your hubby are SO cute together. Do you ever see a couple and say "those two just go together"? Well that's you two. Cute Boston outfits!

  9. I am crazy about that cross sweater! Hope you had fun in boston, you and your husband are darling!


  10. Glad you posted outfit details, because I loved the F21 sweater with the crosses on it and wanted to know where it was from! :)

  11. love your sweater with the crosses on it! Also, I have to tell you, this is one of the best designed blogs I have seen in a long time. Did you do it yourself? It is fabulous! Just found your blog and I'm so excited to get to know you better. Hope you don't mind if I follow along!

    new follower :)

  12. well you look much better than I would after not sleeping or showering! ha! Love the brighter colored skinnies, I've got to get myself a pair...I tend to buy earth tones but love seeing colors like you're rocking! Thanks for co-hosting having fun hopping around!

  13. You look sooo adorable! I've always wanted to go to Boston. Sounds like it's VERY cold this time of year. Maybe I'll wait until Spring. :)

  14. You make that white door look good!! ;) Loved your trip outfits! The colored skinnies are adorable.

    1. Hahah thank you!! I love those colored (stretch) skinnies :)

      Have a great day!

  15. haha- ive been to boston in december/january. i think i slipped on the ice 14 times and lost a finger due to frostbite. its pretty but uh, freeeeezing!
    you look cute though :)

    1. Freeeeeezing is an understatement! We will definitely be going back when we don't have to layer up as much :)

      Thank you!
