Thursday, January 31, 2013

Insta Friday: rub it in, why dontcha?

It has been one heck of a week. After traveling for 99% of January, I am pooped. Absolutely pooped. Colorado, Texas, Colorado, Texas, Boston, Texas. Ahh! 

I arrived back in Texas on Monday, only to send my precious hubby off to South Carolina for a work conference. I felt sorry for him that he had to go "work"....

...until I kept getting pictures like this sent to me!

Text from Chris: "Morning beara" (his nickname for me)

Text from Chris: "It's tough at these conferences :-)"
 I so do not feel bad for him having to go straight from Boston to "work." He was rubbing it in as much as he could.

Conversation Wednesday night:

Chris: "Babe, guess what I had for dinner tonight?"
Me: "What honey?! Seafood?"
Chris: "Nope, duck! What did you have?"
Me: "Grilled turkey and cheese sandwich..."
Chris: "Mine was WAY better!" 


So, while Chris was off to eat duck and sip wine on the beach all for a "work" conference, I was lugging myself through the Baltimore airport and decided I should treat myself to this little bit of heaven. It was delicious. 

At least I got to come home Monday night to these babies...I apologize for Wrigley's awkward head tilt. Weirdo.

And of course I bribed them with cheese. They will do ANYTHING for cheese. When Daddy is away, Mommy and the puppies will play eat grilled cheese and get on the couch when they aren't supposed to...shhh...don't tell :) 

Seriously though, HOW do you EVER resist these faces?! 

Good 'ol college-style dinner...grilled turkey and cheese.

Okay, I have a confession:
The turkey we had was expired by like a was a brand new package, so I used a couple pieces on my sandwich and gave the rest to the puppies. Yes, I gave my dogs an entire package of turkey meat, and I think I made their day because of it! Plus, they are total stalkers and won't leave me alone when I scarf my food, so I had to distract them. 

Happy Friday, peeps!

What are you plans this weekend?

My Mister is off to play golf on Saturday (does he stay on vacation!?) and I am aiming to unpack all our suitcases before our CLEANING LADY comes! Yes, you read that right. I mentioned a couple months ago that I was dying to get someone to come clean our house and I am super-duper excited for her to come. I cannot keep up with the housework all while being a tax accountant, grad student, and wife. If my IG (@sarahtuckerup) is full of spick-and-span house pictures this weekend, I apologize in advance!

Linking up with From My Grey Desk and Life Rearranged!



  1. That grilled cheese looks so good! & jealous of your husband living the good life on the beach!

  2. Amen to the cleaning lady. and I am like you, over traveled. Since December I have been to Boston, Virginia(twice)The mountains(only a few hours away) and Florida and in the next 5 weeks I have Virginia, Wine Weekend in Yadkin Valley, Georgia, Florida and Louisville. All separate trips. I am already tired thinking about it! haha

  3. Hey there! Found your blog via H54F! Those pictures your husband is sending you must be looks like paradise there! And I'm betting your puppies are loving you after their special turkey dinner! :)

  4. yep. my husband was in Boston all week and it was "hey babe.. look at this scallop pizza, fancy mac n cheese, filet mignon." I feel your pain!:)

    1. Painful, right?! Ugh! All while I was at home chompin' on grilled cheese and expired turkey :)

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I can't ever resist those sweet puppy eyes! Have a great weekend!!!

  6. I totally eat like a 4 year old when hubs is way. Easy Mac anyone?

    1. I know, right! That was another option I had, but I was too lazy to boil the noodles hahah!

      Have a great day!

  7. I am more than happy to come to TX and eat McFlurries and hot sammies with you next time the hubs is out of town. Those are 2 of my favoritest things. And play with those pups, of course! Floyd will take some turkey too!

  8. Your husband is lucky! SC is the best place {in my humble, totally un-biased Carolina girl's opinion of course!}.

  9. I am from the InstaFriday Link up!!! I'm also from Texas! Your dogs are super adorable. South Carolina is super pretty! I love it there :)

    Hope the place looks great after the cleaning lady!!! They are well worth it.

  10. Dang, that is one professional looking grilled cheese (no sarcasm either!). Mine never look even remotely appetizing. Ha. I am also jealous that your hubby is in such pretty weather. I'm stuck in freezing (literally) cold weather in Chicago. I continue to ask myself why I still live in the Midwest...

    Stopping by from the link-up! Loving your blog. Your dogs are precious!!

  11. You are a busy gal! And your hubby has a great eye for photos. Just popping over from Life Rearranged - Happy Weekend! I have date night with the hubs this weekend. Have fun enjoying your clean house!

    1. Busy busy busy is my life lately! Thank you!

      So happy you stopped by.

      Have a great Monday!
