Monday, January 14, 2013

tune up tuesday + a guest post!

Happy Tuesday, y'all!!

I am SO excited to bring y'all a post from one of my dear friends, Caitlin!

Before Caitlin tells you about her year of no shopping {yes, she was my inspiration!}, I have some outfits from last week to tune you in on. Ha, Tune Up Tuesday, get it?! Sorry, it's late and I crack myself up. This is the second week of this series...50 more weeks to go. Let's doooo itttt! 

If you have been living in the woods are new to my blog, welcome! You can read all about my 2013 resolution {here}. is HUGE.

If you follow me on IG {@sarahtuckerup} then you have seen these outfits! BUT you haven't met Caitlin, so scroll towards the bottom and meet her! You won't regret it!

Tuesday, January 8th
Chambray: Forever 21// Green Skinnies: Target// Riding Boots: Steve Madden
Wednesday, January 9th, 5:00am
I woke up at 5:00am to go the rain...Camp Gladiator kicked my butt. Literally couldn't walk, or sit. In honor of me getting my boo-tay out of bed, I rewarded myself with an outfit of the day numero uno.
Wednesday, January 9th, 8:00am
Blouse: Target// Tights: Francesca's// Boots: Chinese Laundry at Nordstrom
Now, you may be wondering where Thursday-Sunday went. I went to Colorado, silly! I wore ski bibs, snow boots, and my running tights 24/7. Literally. And there was no washer and dryer. TMI? Oops! I spared you the torture of seeing that outfit everyday.

If you really want to know what it looked like, remember this picture?

I know, I know. You are blown away by my "snow bunny" attire. Too bad those snow boots are "vintage" {Academy about 10 years ago}. You were dyinggg to go out and buy them, weren't you ;)

Monday, January14th
Blouse: Target// Black Skinnies: Banana Republic// Grey Boots: Francesca's that we are all tuned up and ready to tackle another week, it is time for me to introduce you to Caitlin!

Caitlin and I met almost a year ago when Chris started working where Caitlin's husband works. Our hubby's soon became buds, and before you know it we were going to Ranger's games {thanks to the guy's company and their awesome tickets!} and hanging out like we have been friends for years! Isn't that the best feeling when you find another great couple who you click with! Score!

Once I got to know Caitlin better she revealed to me the challenge. At first I thought, "There is NO WAY I could ever do that!" Wow, did the big guy upstairs have a different plan for me, or what?! Caitlin inspired me and I am thrilled to have accepted the challenge!

Now it just stinks that when I could shop Caitlin couldn't, and now she can shop and I can't! Lucky for me she has a killer closet that she said I can raid anytime!

Without further adieu, Caitlin!

PS: Isn't she gorgeous?! Go check out her blog. She is gorgeous, with a huge heart. Seriously, it isn't fair :)

hi tucker uppers!

 i'm caitlin and i blog over at greater than rubies. i'm so excited to be here with you today and share a little about my year without shopping. no shopping?! i know. crazy. 

pre-2012, if someone had told me i would go a year without it, i would have laughed in their face. i've always loved clothes and shopping was just what i did. i never wanted to wear the same outfit twice, but instead of utilizing what i had, i would buy things and see them only as "going with" what i bought them to go with. that left me with no choice but to shop constantly. 

 in november 2011, our small group read radical. toward the end of the book, i realized shopping was an idol in my life and the Lord convicted me that i needed to get my priorities straight. for accountability, i started greater than rubies and asked my friend kat if she would quit shopping, too. we settled on a 6 month fast before coming across the twenty pieces project. if those ladies could wear 20 items for a whole year, surely we could survive off our entire closets! we shopped for a few last items {which our husbands said defeated the point, but we found necessary!}, set up some rules, and the no-shopping began.

 while it wasn't as difficult a change as i'd expected, sometimes i hated it- especially while starting a blog and reading other adorable blogs whose authors were scoring amazing deals and looking so gorgeous in the latest trends. not shopping revealed my idol in full force {as well as others like pride. blech.}, but as time moved on, things changed. God transformed my heart, and i began to choose thankfulness for what i already had {plenty!}, and focus on remixing it. 

 now that the challenge is over, i'm thankful i had a year to figure out what i want my style to be like. i shop differently, staying under budget and purchasing timeless items that fit well and i know will mix and match with my closet. even more importantly, by God's grace, clothes and shopping have lost their hold on me, and i have more money to spend on others who need it more than my closet does. 

 thanks so much for having me today, sarah! i'm so proud of you for obeying what the Lord asked you to do. it will be hard, but i have no doubt He'll use it to change your life in amazing ways.

love you, lady!

Love you, too!! Thanks to Caitlin for stopping by. She truly is a Godly woman and I am SO happy to call her my friend. And I am happy to rob her closet borrow her clothes!

Hope everyone got over the Monday blues!

Have a happy Tuesday!


  1. I love both those Target blouses! Did you get them somewhat recently??

  2. YOU are gorgeous with a huge heart, my dear;)

  3. I'm so proud of BOTH of you. She is gorgeous and what an awesome thing to do. This inspires me to shop less and enjoy what I have. Practicing contentment is one of my principles for the year. Thanks for sharing her!


    1. Isn't she?! Practice makes perfect...ehhhh not shopping for a year ;)

      Have a great evening!

  4. AWW!! I'm so glad that we met and are friends and get to share things like this. Love you, girl!

    1. Me too! God knew what He was doing! chris and I are so happy to have you and Troy in our lives! Love you!

  5. Love your jean shirt!!
    And that is an awesome challenge to take on, so inspirational and all for the glory of Him. Amazing!! It definitely makes you self-reflect a little and think twice about your own personal idols...

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate those kind words. The challenge, thus far, has already been life changing.

      Have a great day!

  6. This is so great Sarah! You and Caitlin are huge encouragements.
