Recipe: Easy Homemade Bread

Monday, September 30, 2013

I got this recipe from a friend last year and it has yet to disappoint. Except when you use expired yeast...but this story is for a different day.

You will need:
- 2T sugar
- 2T active yeast
2.5c warm water
- 2T oil
1T salt
- 6c flour

Put the sugar, yeast, and warm water in a bowl. Do not stir. Let sit for approx. 15-25 minutes until bubbly.
Add in the oil, salt, and flour. Mix well. Cover with towel and let rise 10 minutes. Stir down. Stir down and let rise two more times.

On the final time you stir down the dough, shape into loaf pans (I bake two loaves). Spray you loaf pans with Pam. Once you have the loaves of dough in pans, cover with a towel and let rise for 30 minutes. Bake at 325 for approx. 35-40 minutes.

Enjoy :)

Linking up with Jess and Ashley!


Laser Hair Removal Update + Weekend Shenanigans

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Saturday morning was D-Day, also known as our laser hair removal appointment day. You can read about our lovely first experience here. I will keep this short and sweet.

People have been asking what it looks like right after the treatment. I don't get red at all, but Chris has really sensitive skin and he has a rash for a couple hours after the treatment. It was gone by Saturday night. 
It hurt A LOT less the second time. I didn't have to get my legs done this round because the hair has not hit its 'growth cycle' yet and all my others 'areas' were so much less painful than last time. Last time I felt like I went through childbirth. This time I felt like I had a mild sunburn. Can you imagine my relief?

At the end of the day, I can already tell this is money well spent.

Saturday afternoon was spent grocery shopping, baking bread, watching college football, feasting on my favorite crockpot recipe, taking a nap from 6pm-8pm, then going to bed at 9pm. It was cloudy and rainy all day which made for the perfect lazy Saturday. 

During our trip to the grocery store Chris insisted on buying Wrigley this GIANT bone. We had a gift card, so that was what we spent it on, a bone.

Candles, college football, cozy snuggles, and a giant bone.
Sunday we headed to church then to the Rangers game. It was a gorgeous day. Low 70's, not a cloud in the sky. Then, when we got to the game, we were baking. The sweat was in all the wrong places and caused you to have to stay seated or someone may think you wet yourself. I wore my running shorts and a tee shirt, so I lucked out and I didn't totally look like I wet myself. Drenched pants aside, we won! Tonight we play Tampa Bay and I am crossing my fingers we win again!

Chis in the blue shirt and blue hat, Jake (Chris's best friend), Alisa (my best friend), and me. We made it on Fox Sports!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with 
Sami's ShenanigansLife of Meg, and Join the Gossip

Double The Pleasure, Double The Flatbread?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

So, last Thursday, I loaded up during my super long (sarcastic) lunch break and headed over to Wendy's to get in on this flatbread action everyone has been talking about. I decided on the Asiago Ranch Flatbread

I got back to school, sat down, ate my flatbread, and made my lovely 15 second Instagram video. Then I waited...and waited...and waited for it to load. Fail. Fail. Fail. All day long. Finally, I just gave up and realized it was a lost cause.

Fast forward to today, when I decided to get in on this action all over again. After a morning full of errands and grocery shopping, I was in dire need of some grub.

Off to Wendy's I went again and this time I tried the Smoky Honey Mustard Chicken Flatbread. It was delicious and much different than the Asiago Ranch Flatbread. The Asiago Ranch Flatbread was packed with ranch and bacon, while this one was more on the "lighter" side. It was fantastic!

Next time you are out and about and want a light, delicious sandwich, try a Wendy's flatbread! From now until September 28th, you can win $6,000 by creating a six second video of you and your flatbread sandwich. Post it on Instagram, or Vine, with the hashtags #6secondsflat and #tuckerup to enter your video. For all the delicious details, click here.

Happy Saturday!

An anonymous letter to my Facebook friends

Friday, September 27, 2013

The purpose of Jenni's link up today was to be as snarky as can a funny way so please, don't get your panties in a wad about this post. It's only a blog post, people!

Dear friends of Facebook,

No one wants to hear about your relationship and how you breakup and get back together every five minutes, okay? Your private life should stay private, unless you are in a solid relationship. Oh, I forgot, you've been dating a week and you "love" each other and refer to one another as husband and wife. My bad, my bad. I seem to have been taught that true love was something different. I apologize. And for those of you who think people actually care about you and your rotating door of significant others...we don't. We just use your drama to make up for the drama we lack in our lives. It is quite entertaining if I do say so myself.

Posting a selfie and captioning it with anything but "picture of my self" makes no sense. "Work", "Happy", or "Doin' work" is not a sufficient caption for a picture of yourself, or a picture of your face. No work is happening in that picture other than touching a button, and your "Happy" face looks just like your "Pissed face" and your "It's the weekend" face. Am I guilty of posting a selfie? Yes. Do I post them everyday? No. I will go out on a limb and say that I have posted four, maybe five selfies, yet all of them had a focus of something other than me and my caption was not "Kissy face" or "xoxo, me". It was more like "burnt my forehead with a *&%$#*@ curling iron" or "look at this headband". Other than the hundreds of "selfies" I post for my blog (to which I consider a hobby/side job) I am not a proponent of selfies. All I'm saying is no one cares.

Hey everyone! Guess what!? No one wants to see the 2,356 things you pinned on  Pinterest or the 145 pictures you liked on Instagram! As a matter of fact, we don't care about what you're listening to on Pandora, or the fake ad you liked claiming to give your free tickets to something. We don't want to know what articles you read about politics. I try to block these from my newsfeed all. the. time. but I always manage to miss someone.

You know what else we don't care about? What you're doing allll dayyyy longgggg. I know, this may sound shocking, but some people can't sit on Facebook and Tweeter all day and let the world know that at this moment they are eating a donut and two seconds later you are washing it down with a refreshing sip of Coke. I barley have time to eat a donut, so I have no idea how these people work and post on Facebook all day long.

As for friend requests. No, I'm not going to accept you after I purposefully deleted you. I am also not going to accept your request if I don't know you! Or talk to you! Or think I will ever see you again in my life!

Parents. Geezzz. Where to even begin. Act your age. Stay out of your child's gossip. Definitely don't post selfies! And please, please don't air your baby momma drama, or tell us how your baby daddy be caddy. There is nothing worse than talking about your divorce, or unpaid child support, or your crazy ex-husband. And limit the comment on your child's drunken pictures. The fact that your see your underage child hammered at a party and you 'like' it speaks volumes about your ability to actually parent. 

And lastly, friends, please go through your friend list and if you don't recognize me, or my name, within two seconds, please hit delete. That will save me a lot of time that I don't have. 

Your Facebook friend, 
Sarah Tucker 
Linking up with Jenni!

This is how I feel.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Thursday!


WIWW: All sorts of wonderful things! + Link Up

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I had no idea what to title this post. To be completely honest...I have been at a math training all day and they are not kidding with this stuff. I have a master's degree and fractions were whoppin' my you know what. I have determined that, although I teach fifth grade, I am not smarter than a fifth grader. 

You see, math always came really easy to me, therefore I really enjoy teaching it. I have come to find that the toughest part of doing math is teaching it to kids. Specifically kids who don't have accounting backgrounds and love math. Have you ever thought about teaching a kid, who hates math, how fractions work? Or why 1/4 is larger than 1/8? Or how is 4/12 equal to 1/3? It is like trying to teach me a foreign language. Nearly impossible.  

Although nearly impossible, that is the beauty in it! I love the challenge. I want to be that teacher that they say ten years from now taught them fractions and decimals and all this other stuff that they probably won't ever need in real life...butpleasedon'ttellmyprincipalIsaidthat.

If you haven't watched the documentary TEACH I suggest you do. It brought me to tears. No one (not even me a mere two months ago) realized how hard teaching is. I know I have said it before, but not all children learn the same, or understand information at the same rate. I have 19 kids and each night I go home and plan 19 lessons on how to make each of those children individually better. It is tough, and takes a lot of Pinteresting (I am sorta kidding...), but at the end of the day, I am the one responsible for their future. I am responsible for letting them know that they can be what they want to be and they can do what they want to do!

Please watch THIS clip about TEACH. It brought tears to my eyes, and chills to my skin, just thinking that a student could say this about me.

"That's the weird thing about her, she cares about us and we just don't know why."

Now that I have poured my heart out, again, for my job, I will wipe my tears and start talking about this amaze-balls bag I got, courtesy of Lulu's.

If I were shopping this year, Lulu's would have a lot of my money. I love the size and shape of this bag. One of the things I want to expand next year when I can shop again is my accessories collection. Thankfully, Lulu's took care of my 'Little Green Purse' need!

I am not sure if people are still rockin' the bubble necklace, but since that's all I've got, I'm going with it. I love how it pops off this new (yes I said new) Gingham top I got from Banana Republic with rewards moola. Boo-ya! Didn't break my resolution. Ha!

Anddd obviously I have gotten way off track and this post has no real point so I will end it now. Usually I end with some randomness for Wednesdays, but I think this post encompasses random, so I will spare you.

Top: Banana Republic (exact) // Jeans: J Crew (similar) // Shoes: Steve Madden (similar) //Purse: Lulu's c/o // Necklace: random boutique // Watch: Fossil (exact)
Happy Wednesday!

PS: I had some other cute outfits this week...if you haven't got your outfit fix from the vomit of picture this post contained. Here and Here

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post!!  
(some people have been forgetting this lately and, to be honest, it is really disrespectful. 7 out of 21 bloggers linked back to me last week. I will be deleting your post if you don't respect my one and only rule. Thanks!)

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker

Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


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My Favorite Dress, Transitioned

Monday, September 23, 2013

Remember this beauty? As in the dress? (I am not that into myself...)

In this post I promised I would show you how I would transition this mint little number into a fall masterpiece. I am no Picasso, but I think I can give a first grader a run for their money.

Texas gave us a taste of fall last weekend. As in taste I mean like licking the crumbs out of the cookie jar. We had just gotten our fix of the cool air then seee yaaaaa. It was gone. 

In the millisecond that my body stopped sweating I decided to throw on this dress and convert it into a fall staple piece. A simple cream cardigan and my favorite boots made for the comfiest outfit.

How are you transitioning your summer pieces?

Happy Tuesday!


Channeling Jackie O

Words cannot describe the love I have for this dress. It screams classic, elegant, and modern all at once. And did I mention it has pockets? Oh ya, it has pockets. Genius.

When eShakti contacted me and offered to send me a item of my choosing I was pumped. Since I haven't been shopping all year, I am always excited when I get offers like this. It really makes me think long and hard about choosing an item. Before my resolution, I would gravitate towards something more trendy. Now, I try to stick to the classics because you never know when I will go on a shopping fast again!

Dress: eShakti c/o {exact} // Shoes: Nine West {similar}

This was my second time to work with them and eShakti is something special. Each item you order is customized to fit your body perfectly. This dress fits like a glove. When scrolling through their fall collection I was in awe of all the pieces I fell in love with!

Their website offers regular sizing, as well as customization for women sizes 0 through 36. You can customize anything through their easy 3-step design and fit page. 

To change up this look I could add a skinny leopard belt or some funky shoes. I currently have neither, so I went with the classic black pump. I seriously felt like Jackie O. Everything from the pearls to the dress to the shoes made me feel like a first lady. Luckily, I am not the first lady and I was able to hop out of this cute little number and into my finest pair of Nike running shorts...sans the running. 

Thanks, again, eShakti! You are truly an amazing company and I am so thankful for your generosity.

My dress {here} is still available! 

Happy Monday!
