WIWW: Maternity Style + Link Up

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

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I can finally share the clothes I've really been buying! Last week I showed y'all the non-maternity versions of what I've already purchased, so I'm here today to share the items I actually bought!
My pants started fitting tight a couple weeks ago, so I figured why not just bite the bullet and buy some maternity pants. The feeling of your jeans cutting in to your stomach is close to the worst feeling in the world.

I can't wait to finally get around to styling my bump...which has yet to really pop!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.

Questions about Baby Tucker

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Holy smokes, y'all know how to make two parents-to-be feel special! Thanks you so, so much. Chris and I are feeling the love!

Sorry to leave yesterday's post so vague, but I'm here today to spill the beans about what has been happening thus far and to answer some questions people had.

How far along are you?
Today I am 12 weeks 4 days. Woo hoo! I figured it was time to tell because the other day a 3rd grader said, "Mrs Tucker!!.....you look like you're pregnant..." I replied with an "ohhhh really??" Yup, time to tell.

How have you been feeling?
I've been (knock on wood!) feeling really great. I always knew I'd be one to suffer from morning sickness, but when it didn't hit I was always so cautious knowing it could show up at any moment. Well, it never did! From weeks 5-8 I felt icky in the afternoons when I got home from school, but right at 8 weeks, it all stopped. Riding as a passenger in a car was no fun and I did get carsick once, but I feel like I can't complain about getting sick once.

Right before we went to Mexico was when the afternoon nausea stopped and right when we got back from Mexico the exhaustion hit. Y'all, that stuff is for real! I had to stop at Sonic one day to get a milkshake just to keep my eyes open. I felt like I had pulled an all-nighter in college.

Finally, I am not as tired when I get home and throughout the day. Every weekend requires a nap, and I'm ready for bed at 8:00pm, but I don't feel exhausted like I did.

Knocking on more wood, I feel like I'm about to hit that "pregnancy is great" stage. I managed to make it to the gym and run a slowww mile and a half, so that's a plus. Minus the three times I had to pee in an hour.

Do you know the gender?
We don't, BUT we will very soon! We (I should say I since Chris gave zero blood) got blood drawn last week and should know this week or next what the gender is. We aren't having a gender reveal party because, as cute as they are, they aren't really for us. So y'all will most likely find out the day after we do...and I don't know when that day is, so yay for the waiting game.

What do you want/think the baby is?
Chris and I both want more than one baby, so I'm praying that we have one of both eventually, so it honestly doesn't matter to me. Chris is, of course, boy all the way. I was feeling girl, but every wives tale says boy and I'd be pumped about that. I've always dreamed of having a big brother for all the other siblings, but I'd be equally as happy for a girl!

When did you find out?
We found out August 4th and I will have the story, and video, of how I told Chris for you very soon!

Will you be doing weekly updates?
Doubtful, but I'll probably tie them in with my WIWW. Kick me, but I won't be doing those things that everyone else does because, just being honest (emoji of monkey covering their eyes...), I don't care to share if I get stretch marks or gain weight or whether my rings are on and off. I know woman love doing them to document each week, but I'm just not that sentimental. I'm growing a human, so I don't mind if I've gained 20 pounds or 50 or if I'm craving all the cake in the world. I've got 9 months to rock it and that's just what I'm going to do.

Also, I've taken one picture of my belly and I'm not even sure what week it was at, so I'm totally winning in the documentation department. Even Chris said, "Are you going to take those weekly pictures because you've taken none..."

I'd start taking them if I could figure out a cute idea that didn't involve slaving over a chalkboard for hours only to erase it one week later. Love the idea, but I have yet to find the time... unless someone wants to come do it for me :) I'll pay in cookies and puppy kisses.

Does that mean I won't update y'all at all? 
No way! But I'll probably do it in more of a this is what I felt this week way. And I'm guessing I'll be missing many weeks because teacher exhaustion is kicking my butt. And throughout this process so far I've proven to not be the most sentimental person ever, so hopefully I get a couple updates in before the baby is born, ha!

The future of the blog...
As you can tell the last couple months I haven't been blogging much because when you're holding on to a huge secret there isn't much else to talk about other than that secret, so there will be quite a bit of baby stuff (how I found out, how I told Chris, etc.), but now that my energy is coming back I hope to have more house updates documented! 

Once again, thank you ALL for your prayers and well wishes. This baby was prayed for and given to us in God's time and we couldn't be happier. Know that we are praying for those of you struggling and we are wrapping our positive thoughts around all the other mommas to be.

Baby Tucker || Coming April 2016

Monday, September 28, 2015

WIWW: New Items + Link Up

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I've got nothing. I would love to come here and show y'all that I've taken cute outfit pics and done my hair and not looked like a worn down teacher, but the truth is that when the weekend comes we are either a) so busy I am just soaking in life, or b) too tired to even care about getting all done up and take pictures.

I did manage to get out of the house last weekend, so here are some things that I got while I was out and about, and some things I wish I would have gotten!

- This tunic came home with me because hello...boots and leggings!

- Comfy grey jeans, check! (similar grey styles here)

- I can't forget my booties that will be on repeat.

Some things I'm wishing for:

- I'm sort of obsessed with these long cardigans. Again, leggings and boots anyone?

- We have several winter weddings coming up and I'm loving these affordable options. I always struggle with what to wear to a winter wedding, but these options are possible winners.

- Everything. Just everything. They are killin' it.

- Last year I bought my first pair of Chucks and I think this year might be the year of the second. They are so comfortable and practical for school.

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.

Booties and a Burger

Monday, September 21, 2015

I'd call last weekend a super success. The weather was so fall-like. It was rainy, cool, and perfect for doing nothing. 

I decided to head out in the rain Saturday morning and beat the shopping crowds. I finallyyyyy got the booties I've been eyeing for months now! (These booties are almost exactly the same!)

As much as I love these with the fringe, I know that everyone and their mom has them, so I opted for a pair I haven't seen everywhere. 

While shopping I really worked up an appetite, so I couldn't resist a yummy In-N-Out burger, fries, and shake. I sat in my car and ate it because I couldn't wait until I got home!

The rest of Saturday was spent napping, lounging, watching football, and more lounging.

Sunday was church, grocery shopping, and school stuff.

Another week is upon us and I'm already itching for the weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday, September 18, 2015

One || Hello Fresh. See those won-ton/dumplings above? Made my me, Chef Tuck. No I'm not getting paid to say any of this, but it is pretty awesome. I know there are a lot of those meal delivery companies floating around, but I happened to get a free week of Hello Fresh and the convenience is unreal. To have everything you need for a meal delivered to your door with detailed instructions on how to cook it....the food angels are singing!

Two || These. Yes, just yes.

Three || I want a new fall/winter bag, but holy options! I've been eyeing some here, but wold love suggestions!

Four || Any of these would be the perfect present for a special woman in your life. Or a gift for yourself. Christmas is coming and it is never too early to get started shopping!

Five || Our favorite pumpkin patch is all set up and opening this weekend and I can't wait! Seeing pumpkin patches makes it more real that the best season of all is almost here!

Happy Friday!

WIWW: Shoe Craving + Link Up

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Can you tell I'm ready for fall?
According to men, woman have plenty of shoes. According to a woman, you can never have enough. Thankfully God made me a woman, so I will never have enough. Sorry Chris!

In my mind something feels wrong about wearing sandals after September. Yes, Texas can still swim in October, but I feel like ditching the sandals is like humans forcing fall to arrive.

I've been eyeing new booties for weeks now. I couldn't justify buying them when it was still 100 outside, but now that I can see cooler temps ahead, I am ready to pull the trigger and pick out a pair. Sam Edelman has been a fan favorite lately and I'd have to agree.

I know it doesn't really snow here in Texas. We get our once a year the whole town ices over and life stands still weeks, but can't a girl have a need for winter boots with the fur? I mean how cute are ALL of these?!

I'm also taking suggestions for favorite booties! Comment and let me know what you're loving!

PS: If anyone in my family is reading this - it is September and you probably want to start Christmas shopping and, since I'm such a kind person, I just provided you with several options for Santa to pack under the tree. Or you can just give them to me now. I won't mind :)

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.

Life Update || Weddings and Food

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I'm going to start by saying I am missing these people. And Mexico. But mainly these people. I wish I was back in college with these two just living the college kid dream.

School is exhausting, as every teacher would say, and I', trying to soak in these last days of summer by not being huddled behind a computer. I'm sure when the winter months are upon us I'll be blogging about my cabin fever, but for now I am going to relish in these final days of mild temps and sunshine.

Last weekend my Mom and Aunt were in town for my cousin's wedding. I took them to the McKinney Square and we shopped and had pizza. It might have been my third time to have pizza in four days, but we don't judge here, so I'm not worried :)

Saturday was the third wedding I've been to in four weeks. Yes, you read that right. During this chapter of our lives it seems to be wedding season all year long. At my cousin's wedding, instead of cake, they served cookies and milk. Y'ALL, these were the best cookies I have ever had...and I've had a lot of cookies. You can bet I'll be hunting down their caterer and finding out where I can order these babies. The white chocolate macadamia nut did not stand a chance. 

Sunday we finally unpacked our bags from Mexico and cleaned the house. Chris was outside for a really long time and I kept hearing the mower stop and start, so I figured I'd go out and see what what going on....

Imagine me as the monkey emoji covering my eyes. #emabrrassing. I'm expecting a letter from the HOA any day now and all fingers are pointing to the Mr.

That's all I've got for today! Happy Tuesday, friends!

Mexico Recap

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Last Thursday we loaded up and headed to beautiful Cancun, Mexico for my cousin's wedding. This was the first time my WHOLE family has vacationed together and it did not disappoint. Five days of family fun is just what the heart needed. 

The wedding was at the Finest Playa Mujeres resort. The whole resort is absolutely breathtaking. We booked a swim-up room which I highly recommend. Being able to walk out the door and hop in the pool is exactly what vacation is all about. 

The food was okay. I'm not going to lie and say there weren't some meals that we didn't like, but I'll also say that none of us went hungry :) Their ice cream is to die for!

Chris and I had the best time unplugging from technology and spending quality time with our family. My brother and Chris are two peas in a pod and broke the rules just about everyday. From not wearing the appropriate clothes to making a pillow wall on the hammock to jump over, they were constantly being told to stop doing something. At one point there were about five men with ear pieces staring at us while we were in our swim-up pool because they were preparing to tell the boys to stop jumping over the hammock. It was quite hilarious!

We spent our days lounging at the beach and pool, burning at the beach and pool, playing beach volleyball, playing tennis, stand-up paddle boarding, kayaking, maneuvering our own catamaran, snorkeling, napping, ordering room service, and ordering fruity drink after fruity drink.

I'm not sure when our next vacation is, but I'll be dreaming about the clear waters of Cancun for weeks to come!


WIWW: Ready or not + Link Up

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

top // pants // shoes // earrings // rocksbox: code tuckerupxoxo
It is September, people. If I wasn't worried about literally dying from a heat stroke, I'd be wearing my fall clothes. As it plays out, I love my life, so shorts and dresses are the attire for now, but at the first crack of temperatures below 80 you can bet every Texan will be whippin' out their booties and scarfs proclaiming on Instagram that fall has arrived. And that picture will probably be followed with a "day at the pool!" post just to keep followers on their toes. 

I don't think we are set to hit 100 this week and we have a "cold front" blowing in that will drop temperatures to the upper 80's, but it is supposed to rain making the humidity stay at the tippy-top of the percentage charts at approximately 100%. Basically you can drink the air it is so wet.

Aside from the weather, I can't wait to recap our trip to Mexico! We went last Thursday for my cousin's wedding. My whole family was there and we all had the best time. 

Happy Wednesday! 

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.

Viva la Mexico!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hello! Long time, no blogging! We just got back from Mexico and I'm playing catch-up in every aspect of my life, so I hope to bring you a full recap of our trip soon. Until then, you can just gawk at this picture with me and dream of yourself on that hammock.

Happy Tuesday!

WIWW: Black Lace + Link Up

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

top // shorts //shoes
Aside from our class pet dying on the third day of school, everything has been going swimmingly. Kids are kids and I've already had to throw my "look" out a couple times. I've also been given the sweetest hugs and been told I'm "the coolest teacher in this hallway," so I'd call that a win.

On the home front, Chris has been getting up earlyyyy (starts with a 4...) to go to the gym, while I've been snoozing until (starts with a 6...) way too late. I'm hoping to get back in the gym at some point, but I'm still working on gaining my endurance to put up with ten year-old cherubs all day.

Other things to note:

- These sandals are worn six out seven days each week and I'm contemplating the socks with sandals look for fall because they are that comfortable.

- The State Fair is this month and I'm already craving a corn-dog and fried grilled cheese. So yum.

- You can still use TUCKERUPXOXO to get one month Rocksbox FREE! (The KS earrings I'm wearing are on rental from Rocksbox!)

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.