The Lovely Lookbook September Recap Features

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

So, as a surprise, and a thank you, to all the ladies who link up each month for The Lovely Lookbook, Caitlin and I will be scouring your posts in search of a couple looks that we just can't get enough of.

Last month's link up was all about dresses, and these two ladies did it right.

On the left we have Whitney from Peaches in a Pod. She took a dress and made it look like a skirt. Talk about using what you have! And, I would have never guessed it was a dress! I also can't get enough of the pop of green and the stripes. You rocked it, girl!

Now onto the lovely lady on the right, Brianne at Being Bracco. When Caitlin and I saw her utility vest we both said, "I want one of those so bad!" Seriously, I have been eyeing that vest since I first saw it in June. I think I might need to make the purchase after seeing how Brianne styled it so effortlessly. Santa, I'll take one just like hers, if you're reading. Thanks.

Tomorrow kicks off our October link up featuring fall colors, so be sure to come back here or visit Caitlin's blog and link up your fall inspired outfits!


Monday, September 29, 2014

You're in the right spot! Thanks to the gorgeous Aubrey, my blog now has a fresh new look. Less newlywed, more old married woman. Totally kidding. I have many more years to go before I can claim that title.

Anyways, I am so happy with how Aubrey took my thoughts (I wouldn't even say I had a vision, because I just told her colors and she did this!) and created the perfect new layout for me!

A couple things to note before I give you an inside look at our weekend.

Wednesday is The Lovely Lookbook's second link up and the topic is Fall Colors. So you can plan on coming here to link up your fall looks. It will also be my normal WIWW, so I am excited to see everyone's outfits!

Now onto what went on in the Tucker house this weekend.

Sometimes we play basketball in the kitchen...

Friday night we went to McKinney Square with our best friends. We are so blessed that Chris's two best friends from high school, and their wives, live close, so we have been trying to get together on as many Friday's as possible. It was Oktoberfest on the square but we were able to snag a table at our favorite restaurant, Spoons, without a wait. Everyone was outside enjoying the food and drinks from the vendors, so it wasn't even crowed.

After dinner we walked around the square and then decided we would head back to Spoons to listen to some live music. Around 10:30pm we all were half asleep and decided it was time to go home.

Last week was crazy at school (when is it not?), plus staying out late Friday, so I slept in Saturday and then took a two hour nap around four. In between napping I managed to almost finish our cabinets. I can't wait to show y'all the reveal! It is so humid here that the drying process is really what slows me down.

Just me and Wrigs workin' on the cabinets.
I also managed to meet up with Caitlin to talk about The Lovely Lookbook. Saturday night Chris and I split a large Domino's pizza for dinner. Yes, I ate half and he ate half. Move over Chris, when you're wife is hungry, she is hungry.

Sunday I got up and kept truckin' on the cabinets. Chris went in to work for a bit while I headed to lunch with a friend. After lunch I headed to go watch one of my student's baseball games while Chris steam cleaned our carpets.

Late afternoon Sunday was spent running errands and doing house stuff. We picked 15 jalapenos off our jalapeno plant and they are THE HOTTEST PEPPERS EVER. Chris and I both have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to spice and I ate a piece the size of 1/4 of a pencil eraser and holy freakin' moly. The heat from those things is unreal. For some reason, out of the 15, one pepper grew to be bright red....and the color resembles the heat scale of that little thing. Chris had to spit it out and then drink straight from the faucet. Hot peppas, people!

It was a productive weekend, but I am already exhausted and the week hasn't even started.

This week my kids and I got to camp for three days, so I can't wait to share those stories with y'all!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Leann and Kimberlee!

Friday Favorites

Friday, September 26, 2014

At this moment, I have a dog who is snoring on me, a husband who is off playing in his basketball game that I didn't go to because it starts after my bedtime, and a TV that I haven't watched since last weekend.

To be honest, the last thing I want to do is bore you with my hectic week, so instead I will leave you with some things I am currently loving right now. And then I'm going to watch .97 seconds of TV until I fall fast asleep.

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A Day in the Life of a 5th Grade Teacher

Thursday, September 25, 2014

4:40am - Alarm goes off and, after multiple elbows to the back, Chris hits snooze.

4:49am - I get up, turn the lights on, and we get out of bed. Bailey gives us a death stare, while Wrigley is as hyper as a toddler on a Saturday morning.

4:57am to 5:05 - Leave the house and drive to the gym.

We workout until 5:45am. That is the absolute latest we can stay.

We get home and Chris showers while I make a protein shake and drink it while I do some blog stuff.

6:04am - Chris gets out of the shower and I get in. Out of the shower at 6:12am.

I have my hair and make-up done by 6:30am. 99% of the time my hair is in a ponytail, so it takes less than a minute for me to do my hair.

I get ready, pack my lunch, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, and Chris leaves around 6:25am.

I finish packing my lunch, let the dogs in, shut all the doors, get my breakfast, and head out the door between 6:35am and 6:45am.

I eat a banana and usually something else for breakfast besides my protein shake.

Get to school between 7:00am and 7:15am.

I set my things down, go put my lunch in the fridge, and go get coffee.

7:30am - The bell rings and in come my cherubs. On this particular day I had actually curled my hair (first time all year) and sooooo manyyyy kids (and teachers) commented on it. One kid said, "Wow, Mrs. T, you have such nice hair!" to which I replied, "Well, what kind of hair do I have all the other days?" "Ponytail hair." Touche.

7:30am to 7:45am - The kiddos do some sort of warm-up, turn in their homework, get out their planners, etc. Lots of questions are asked during this time and they are pretty rowdy.

7:45am - Announcements.

7:55am - I walk the kids down to their specials class; either music, art, PE, or library.

7:55am to 8:45am - Team planning, conference, run to the bathroom, fill water cup, etc.

8:45am to 10:15am - Math. I have three, thirty minute stations where the kids are either working with me, or on a computer.

10:15am to 12:15pm - Reading time. Notice I have no break between math and reading, so normally I throw on a short video and run (literally) to the bathroom.

During reading it is usually pretty chaotic because I have kids coming and going. At this point, the kids are pretty antsy and they struggle with concentration.

12:15pm - Lunch. I have lunch duty so I walk around and eat my lunch while monitoring the kids.

12:40pm - This is technically my lunch and the kid's recess. I always have students stay with me during their recess for missing homework, so this isn't a break for me. I rush from lunch duty down to my classroom to make sure I'm in there when the kids leave the lunch room.

12:40pm to 1:05pm - Tutoring while eating. Most kids are at recess, but there are usually 3-7 kids in my room catching up on some work.

1:05pm to 1:55pm - Science of some sort. On this particular day we were working on a science article on Google Classroom. Also during this time, half my kids are in the science lab.

1:55pm - The kids in my room go to lab and the kids that were in the lab come into my room.

1:55pm to 2:40pm - We do the same science lesson the kids before them did.

At 2:40pm we pack up and clean up my room. By this point the cherubs are hyped up on the sugar they ate from lunch and they are almost too hyper to contain. It is crazy how they transform in the afternoons.

2:45pm - The dismissal bell rings and I take the daycare kids to their bus.

3:00pm - All kids are gone and it is time to plan, go to a meeting, etc. On this day we planned until 4:30pm, then we had a meeting from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.

Leave school at 6:30pm.

Get home at 7:00pm.

Let the dogs out in the front yard to play, check the mail, talk to Chris on the phone as he is driving home. Chris gets home, feeds the dogs, and sits at the table while I make dinner.

Make dinner: baked frozen chicken and sauteed veggies.

I watch New Girl while eating and then start writing my blog post.

8:44pm - Finish blog post, shower, then get in bed.

9:02pm - We are in bed and I'm usually begging Chris to turn the TV off so I can go to sleep. He has to sleep with it on, and I have to sleep with it off!

And that, my friends, is a glamorous day in the life of a 5th grade teacher.

Even after these days, and being at school for tons of hours, I still love it so much. It is truly the best job in the world!

And, to all those teachers out there who have kids, I commend you. I have no idea how you do it!!

Happy Thursday!

Linking up with Annie and Natalie!


WIWW: Repeat + Link Up

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The truth is, I've been exhausted lately. We haven't done much that requires me to dress in anything other than shorts and a tee shirt. We went out to eat at CiCi's which is as fancy as we got last week. I did wear something semi-cute to church, but it wasn't worth documenting. I am still getting a feel for my students and that, coupled with a new schedule (different from last break for almost four hours...with 21 ten year olds...) has me pretty tired at the end of each day.

I'm just tired here lately, so today you get some repeats just in case the land that you live in has decided to welcome fall...unlike Texas.

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)

Don't forget about The Lovely Lookbook link up on October 1st. The topic is fall colors!

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}

Link up!

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This is me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014



This is me. A dog mom, jean wearing, t-shirt reppin' teacher who comes home everyday smelling of 5th grade stench and clothed in random marker marks.

This is me. Exhausted everyday from hearing my name 1,000+ times, yet so humble that, by my presence, I may change one life.

This is me. A wife who makes gourmet leftovers for dinner and watches endless hours of football games just so she can have some time with her husband.

This is me. A woman who prefers her most flashy accessory to be her lanyard holding her school badge, and her wedding ring. Big jewelry and running around with students is not an ideal combination.

This is me. My dates with my husband are every morning at the gym. I never knew that starting the day at 4:40am could lead to me being a happy camper, but I've come to cherish that hour we get together. Believe me, I never thought I would/could actually get up that early, but after some time now, it is proving to be my favorite part of the day.

This is me. A girl who loves her family, God, good food, and a simple life.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Quotes From 5th Graders

Friday, September 19, 2014

While doing an experiment where we made our own lava lamp:

Can I drink it? What would happen if I drank it? Would it taste good? (repeat 21x)

After literally running around the classroom then asking if she can use the restroom, one of my cherubs stops and says:

When a colored woman gots to go to the bathroom, a colored woman gots to go to the bathroom.

A student was reading a passage out loud about an eagle that got hurt:

And then they needed to take the eagle to the vegetarian.

When they don't understand how to say something in English (native Spanish speaker):

How you say that?

As I was talking about my family:

What about your baby Mrs. T? You know, don't you have a baby?

This year is off to a great start. I am growing to know my cherubs more and more each day. Their personalities are quite amusing and they definitely make each day unique!

Happy Friday!


WIWW: Joules Wellies + Link Up

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Joules Wellies c/o // Fossil purse // Target top 

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Last month I talked about how wonderful The Hundred Event was. One thing I may have failed to mention is the gifts I walked away with from the event. Yes, I learned lots of things about blogging (you can read what I learned here), but who doesn't love getting gifts for simply signing up for something?

On the last day of the conference we were told we would all be getting a free pair of Joules Wellies! You've probably seen their wellies scouring the streets of Pinterest. The ones with the bows on the back? Ya, those are Joules. Adorable.

Joules was a sponsor of The Hundred Event and, to add icing to the already delicious cake, they sent each attendee a pair of wellies.

After multiple failed attempts to deliver my wellies, I finally got them yesterday. It was like Christmas! I came home from school and threw them on. Not only are they super comfortable (something I wasn't expecting), but can you argue with how cute they are? And what a perfect Christmas gift for the girls in your family?

My Mom and Dad are here for the week and my Mom grabbed the other shoe and put it on and declared, "I need a pair of these for Christmas!" I guess I'll be ordering a pair for her soon.

It is supposed to rain the majority of the next couple weeks, so I am happy to get some use out of these cuties!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)
Don't forget about The Lovely Lookbook link up on October 1st. The topic is fall colors!

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}

Link up!

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A Heartfelt Puppy Post

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The love of an animal is something I never realized. Growing up we always had dogs. I can't remember a time in my life without a dog actually. Having dogs in my adult life is different though.

I grew up on tons of acreage way out in the country. Imagine the country, then multiply that by 100 and you've got a good picture of where I grew up. Our dogs always stayed outside. They roamed around hundreds of acres out in the country, never were walked on a leash, and were never fenced in. And they were definitely never allowed inside. 

When it got cold we would put a heat lamp out in their doghouse for them. My Mom would fill their little house with tons of blankets. They would run around like the cold weather didn't phase them at all.

It wasn't until I had Wrigley and Bailey that I really discovered the meaning of "a man's best friend." 

Chris sent me this picture the other day while I was at work (Chris was on night shift so he was home during the day).

It literally broke my heart. My girl loves me. I know she is only a dog, but her and Wrigley are literally our world. Until human children enter the picture, Chris and I would do anything for those two mutts. 

The way Wrigley follows me around and the way Bailey gives me the stink eye in the morning are things that will never get old. They each have such huge, yet different, personalities and I can't imagine our life without them.

I know this is such a random sappy post, but my lovely husband said last night, "Isn't it going to be sad when they aren't around anymore?" Hello Debbie Downer, welcome to the party! I instantly teared up and got really sad. It didn't take long for Wrigs and Bays to lighten the mood with their random silliness. They are the best of friends.

So, there ya have it. One sappy post from a puppy parent. And yes, I know they aren't puppies, but they will always be puppies to us.

Thanks for playing along with this random little post.

I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday, and Wrigley does, too!
