Things that make me really happy

Thursday, July 31, 2014

- Antique jars handed down to me from my grandparents that make cute little vases.

- Dancing around the kitchen to a new song (All about that bass, anyone?) while my husband watches me with a sweet smile on his face.

- This tiny "T" necklace that I got last week. I am not one for dainty jewelry, but I can't take off this necklace.

- When Wrigley and Bailey cuddle up next to me. Melt my heart!

- Recently Chris and I have been going up to the park to play basketball before dinner. It makes me so happy to just laugh and have some friendly competition with my husband.

- All the family time we have had the past month makes me so very happy! I mean, how can this face not make you smile!

Mt brother and his three friends at Six Flags. My brother is the back left one...the one who looks scared out of his mind. He hates roller coasters!
- Having a house full of kids/people always puts a smile on my face. I can't wait for the day we fill our house with lots of kiddos. the more chaos, the better :) 

What makes you happy?!

Happy Thursday!

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin

And if you want to link up your outfit posts, be sure to check out yesterday's post!

Linking up with Annie and Natalie!

WIWW: Floral Skirt + Link Up

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It is nice to look at some girly pictures (of myself, so vain, lol!) since I have been surrounded by five boys all week. I have been soaking up time with my brother and his friends (all who I have known since they were in diapers), plus our computer batter is fried, so I have been pretty unplugged lately. 

So far I have done at least one load of dishes a day, had to tell them to stop rough-housing on my couch, and I watched two of them tase each other with my taser. No worries. I filmed them saying that no matter what happens, the Tucker's are not responsible for anything. Boys will be boys.

Having them around is so fun for Chris and I. Although I wouldn't give up my free summers, it can get a little boring around here, so it is fun to have them all here to spice things up.
Now let's talk about the Bachelorette finale. I read the spoilers, so I knew it was Josh all along, and he is totally my type, so I'm happy she picked him. He played baseball, has dark hair, nice teeth, and is a gentleman...sounds a lot like Chris! I would have taken farmer Chris, too, but obviously he wasn't an option. All I knew was I was elated she didn't pick Nick. Ewww. I know, some of you hate Josh, think he is a typical athlete, blah, blah, blah, but I married a college baseball player and he has been nothing but a saint to me, so I am giving Josh the benefit of the doubt. Plus, him and Andi are adorable together!
Watching the finale with five boys is quite an adventure. I told them repeatedly that there were three other tvs in the house and they didn't have to stay in the living room the whole time and comment on everything that was going on....BUT they insisted they stay and watch it with me.
Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin
Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}

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5 boys, 1 girl

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lots is going on here in the Tucker house!

We spent the weekend with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. We swam, shopped, and went to a Rough Riders game. Now my 19 year old brother and his three best friends are here for most of the week, so our house is far from quiet! Can I just say that they have been here less than 12 hours and I already have had to do a load of dishes, there is dirty, smelly boy clothes everywhere, and I've had to tell them not to wrestle on my new couch! I can tell this is going to be an adventorous week!

On top of all that, our computer battery finally took a dive in the dead pond, so we are waiting for a new one to come in, so I'm here on my phone typing away while Chris ine the boys play with the remote helicopter. 

Pray for me people. I am highly outnumbered here. Happy Monday! 


Christmas Shopping in July

Friday, July 25, 2014

I was going to not post today, but insomnia hit because the mister is working nights and, to be honest, I am sorta scared to sleep alone, so I just stay up. It totally throws off my sleep schedule and I become sort of a nightmare to live with when I am sleep deprived, but luckily that's what naps are for, right? 

So, since I am not into infomercials, I decided I would try to whip up a blog post and do some online Christmas shopping. Yes, you read that right...I am starting to Christmas shop. Last year I waited until December to shop and I hated the fact that we spent so much money in one month. So, since there are tons of summer sales going on right now, and Texas has 10 months of summer, I thought I would knock out some Christmas shopping while I was in the right state of sleepy mind.

Below are some of my favorite pieces that are all on sale. Ya'll know I am a cheapo when it comes to clothes, so the fact that these items are dirt cheap makes me want to buy everything in another color!

All the links are clickable!

Okay, if I could wear this outfit everyday, I would. It definitely makes me feel feminine, yet I totally feel comfortable. I also bought these pants in an olive green color because they are that perfect. And by the way, those wedges are the most comfortable things in the whole wide world. I also have them in black! Old Navy and Gap have perfected the shoe making process, I tell ya!

A lot of you asked about my tank I wore last week. It is from Old Navy, not Target, and it is only $8.99! And these sandals, like the wedges, are so comfy. I actually bought two pairs and I wear them all the time.

the skirt is also in black and beige (it's my most favorite skirt, ever!)

No, lie. Best. Skirt. Ever. You can eat all you want and since it has an elastic waist you don't feel restricted. Ya'll know I have to have room for my ice cream! And I bought this shirt in plain white also. I'm tellin' ya, if it fits, buy it in ever color :)

I was super skeptical about buying a jean jacket because I hate feeling restricted. All I thought of when I thought jean jacket was have uncomfy jeans on my arms. I hate not being able to move, but this jacket is like that perfect pair of stretchy jeans. It was totally worth the money and I know I'll have it for years!

Since my family reads my blog, I can't giveaway everything I have bought for Christmas, but I can tell you a couple things that might be perfect for a lady in you life!

- This colorblock clutch is perfect. I bought one last week and it is genuine leather and so wonderfully made.

- These scarfs are so cute. Scarfs are the best stocking stuffers for all the woman in your family!

- This tassel necklace is everywhere! So fun!

- And lastly, the necklace of the year, the personalized bar pendant. This is on my Christmas list!

I hope this helps you kick start your holiday shopping! I know I am trying to not make the same mistake I made last year of buying everything all at once. This year I am trying to be proactive and get my shopping done while the sales are hot!

Do you Christmas shop in July?!

Happy Friday! And I am posting over on Helene's blog today, so go check it out!

PS: Hello, if you are here from Helene's blog! I'm so happy you've stopped by and I hope you enjoy this little space of mine!


WIWW: Stripes + Link Up!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

 Do you ever put on something and think, "I should really wear this more often?" That is this dress for me. This dress is light, airy, and so cute, yet I seem to never wear it.

I got the dress at a boutique a couple years ago, so it has no source, sorry! The sandals are my favorite Gap ones and the jean jacket is from Old Navy.

Currently I am down here in the Hill Country soaking up time with the family. We have eaten Mexican food, shopped, visited my grandparents, and I have slept in. Poor Chris had to stay in Dallas to work. I try to convince him he should just be a teacher, but he isn't taking the bait.


- I just groaned loudly and my brother said, "How is the blog coming? Feeling uninspired?" Yes, I am. I am in a blog funk.

- My Mom bought me some adorable shoes today that I can't wait to show off soon. Maybe that will be some inspiration for me to get a post up next week. 

- I am obsessed with Sally Hansen Insta Dry nail polish. I have figured out the key is to NOT put on a base coat. Seriously, this stuff has stayed on for weeks, weeks, without chipping!

- I am just now getting into Modern Family and all I can say is, "I have been missing out!" So freaking funny!

- Sonic hot fudge milkshakes are like heaven in a cup. That's all I would request for my last meal, for anyone wondering.

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin
Happy Wednesday! 
Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}
Link Up!

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I'm over here, just livin'!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Let me just be super honest here. It is hard to blog in the summer. I have no outfit inspiration because I am constantly sweating bullets and wearing workout clothes. I don't feel like cooking because ice cream sounds better. I would rather be outside working on DIY projects than inside blogging about them. Hence why I have been absent the last couple days.

Friday I headed out to the lake with my girlfriend and her bridesmaids. Of course it was the first time in over 100+ years that it had been in the 70's in July for three days in a row here in Dallas. Seriously? The one weekend I get to go to the lake and it is cold. That didn't stop me from getting in the water and tubing like a maniac!

Andddd now I am still feel the wrath of being beaten around like a ragdoll on that tube. #worthit

Sunday I got back form the lake and headed straight to my cousin's  house for a BBQ and swim party. It was finally sunny so my porcelain skin got some color. All of this was happening while my phone sat inside.
I was home for a hot second and then headed down to the Texas Hill Country to visit my parents. I am making my rounds to visit grandparents and family since this is my last chance until school starts up again.
I could have posted yesterday, but all I was thinking was how I didn't feel like it. I didn't want to be on the computer, I had no pictures to show, and I just wanted to be present with my family. I literally took no pictures all weekend. My friend had to text me the one in this post.

I know here in a couple weeks life will be back to crazy. I will have a new batch of cherubs to love and I won't be spending my days at home.

For the last couple weeks of summer (seriously, it flies by!!!) I am going to try and be present as much as possible. If I don't get a post up, oh well. If I don't document my life day by day, oh well. I am looking forward to spending time with Chris and my family. Going to Rangers games and Rough Riders games. Meeting up with friends for lunch. Watching morning talk shows. I want to soak it all in because reality is about to hit me like a ton of bricks and life will be back at full speed.

I will still be hosting WIWW, but you can expect posts to be here and there. I hate the feeling that I HAVE to post, so maybe I will find a new motivation here in a couple days, weeks, or months. For now, I am off to spend time with my family and eat some yummy Mexican food!!

Happy Tuesday!

PS: for all of you commenting and asking questions about things, I will try to respond! I am also trying to stay off email, so please don't be offended when I email back a week later!

Recent Pet Peeves

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Throwback to our honeymoon in Kauai...because every blog post needs a picture.
1. Littering. Seriously, lazy, pick up your trash. Ugh

2. When Chris bites his nails and I can hear it. It makes me cringe. The nails on the chalkboard cringe. He does it subconsciously and I beat him immediately. Kidding, kind of

3. Shrieking. From babies, it is cute. From grown people it is annoying. Don't shriek when a bug flies on you. You can scream, yell, and cuss, but don't let out an awful, high pitched shriek. Ahhhhh.

4. When someone eats a meal and then wants to go workout because they just ate a meal. Ummm, no thanks, I don't want to go shake my stomach up on a jog. I want to let the calories sink into my thighs and remember the bacon I gorged myself on. So annoying.

5. When skinny girls say they are fat. 'Nuff said.

6. The keyboard click on the iphone. Turn. it. off. No one wants to hear you texting. Your ringer going off every five seconds is obvious enough that you're more popular than I. You text so we don't have to hear you, so don't make me listen to 1,987,558 clicks a minute.

7. People in my workout class who don't follow the instructor and, instead, do their own thing. Why did you come to a class to have someone tell you what to do only to not do anything the instructor says? It's distracting and kind of disrespectful to the teacher.

8. Changing the channel on every commercial. I think it is a man thing because Chris does it all the time and so does my brother. Can't we just leave it on one channel?

9. Girls who workout with their hair down. Really?

10. The weird/gross/irreverent articles that pop up on my Facebook. It is so annoying and I probably unfollow 5 people a day because all they do is share weird links.

What are you recent pet peeves? 

Happy Thursday!


WIWW: Pineapple + Link Up

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Top from Old Navy here. It is on sale for $8.99!!!

I have loved this pineapple top since the moment I saw it. It is light, airy, sleeveless, and cheap. I try to avoid sleeves during the summers because every article of clothing sticks to you, so, the less clothes, the less stickage. Catch my drift? With the humidity at 100% and the temperatures over 100, you are sweating 24/7.
In other news, where has the summer gone? Literally it is flying by. From running errands to trying to see all my friends, I have been go go go. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I can't believe I go back to school in one month! Ah!
PS: If you follow me on instagram (@sarahtuckerup) then you know my Mom broke her arm yesterday when she fell off a ladder. Thanks for all your comments and prayers! She is doing good and in great spirits, as usual!
Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}

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Hour Tour: Man Cave

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Man Cave. When we saw this house, Chris instantly fell in love with the man cave area. He was sold. I was sold for other reasons, but the man cave area was a plus. An area where I could send my husband while I watch reality tv is a win in my book.

Because I wanted to prevent this room from looking like a frat house, I asked Chris was his plans for the room were. After realizing his decorating skills were stuck in 2005, I decided I would decorate his man cave while he was at work.

Here are two pictures of how the previous owners had the room set up:

Here is the room the day I started decorating:

Last week we went to JoAnn's to look at fabric for curtains in the cave. That got the ball rolling for a full on room decoration and by the end of last Thursday, I was 90% done with the decor. I, of course, kept it manly, but I still wanted it to be a space where people could feel welcome and not like they were entering a college party house.

Here is the big reveal!

We finally hung the infamous "deer picture" that I talked all about here.

Last Christmas I bought Chris that putting green that, until last Thursday, hadn't seen the light of day since Christmas morning. As I was scouring the closets in our house to find decorations, I came across the putting green and decided it would be perfect (and get more use!) hanging on the wall!

Chris had a broken golf club hanging out in the garage so I decided to hang it up there just to confirm to visitors that, indeed, this was a putting green and not a giant piece of turf hanging on our wall.

Chris is obsessed with his coo-coo clock. It really creeps me out when it goes off, so I always make sure it is off. On the flip side, Chris always makes sure it is a tickin'.

Jungle Journey canvas picture found here.

We found this burlap fabric at JoAnn's and Chris instantly fell in love with it! He also fell madly in love with a camo burlap, but I put the nix on that! I am okay with manly, but we are not going to have camo curtains.

This piece of furniture the tv is on was my great, great grandma's. It is such a gorgeous piece and I am happy we have finally found a place for it in the house. We looked into getting it patched, but if you have ever seen the price of tiger-wood, then you know it isn't cheap! Chris doesn't mind the worn look.

My Dad and his siblings used this table when they were little. It is a really fun piece and, once again, goes great in the room!

From the deer to the leather furniture, this man cave screams, "Man!" Chris was so surprised when he got home and saw the room. He loved it and thanked me over and over for the next couple of days.

I still want to get a rug and some throw pillows, but for now, this is better than what it was!

Does your man have a man cave?
Happy Tuesday!