10 Most Popular Posts of 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 has been a great year for my blog. I have met, in person, several bloggers who have turned into life-long friends. I have found something I am passionate about that makes me happy. I have been able to share my life with hundreds of people and have gotten so many sweet comments from complete strangers. 

Even though each post is a hit in my book, some were really home-runs for my readers! Take a look back at ten of my most popular posts in 2013. It looks like y'all are interested in DIY projects and food...exactly why we could all be best friends :)

1. Top Knot Video Tutorial - My southern accent and the fact that I said "spritz" seemed to be standouts in this amateur video.

2. Super Exciting News - This post outed the real life 180 I made and I am so happy I could bring y'all along for my new chapter!

3. DIY Anthropologie Wine Glasses - Let's be real, anything that is a legit DIY knock-off from that heavenly store is like hitting the jackpot.

4. DIY Christmas Wreath - Y'all really love adorable Christmas wreaths!

5. Easy Crock-Pot Broccoli Cheese Soup - Melted cheese with a dash of broccoli. Come to momma!

6. Yellow Cake Cookies - Of course you have to have dessert with every meal and these cookies are more addicting than an episode of Real Housewives. 

7. Tax Questions for Bloggers - I have to credit the numbers on this post to a couple big-time-way-bigger-than-me bloggers who retweeted and pinned this post. Never did I imagine something as boring as taxes would be such a big hit.

8. My 2013 Resolution of No Shopping - Counting down the hours until I can spend the Christmas money that is burning a hole in my wallet.

9. TUT - This post has one pretty, and Godly, woman guest posting for me. She was the inspiration for my resolution.

10. DIY Shoe Rack - All credit goes to Chris and Pinterest. This post contains no instructions as to how to build a shoe rack because Chris built it while I was running errands and surprised me with it when I got home. I have had several emails asking for measurements and my only reply is...wing it! 

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my ramblings! You're the best!

2013 Christmas Recap

Monday, December 30, 2013

I am back with a happy heart, a stocked closet, and a house that looks like Santa's workshop, but it feels good to get back into the blogging swing of things!
Where do I even begin? Last Monday afternoon Chris and I headed down to the Texas Hill Country to spend Christmas with my family. Our car was packed with presents and pups and I-35 was good to us. (Anyone in Texas knows that it is rare if I-35 is friendly...)

Tuesday started early for Chris as he headed out to hunt around 5:45am. I took a rain check and enjoyed sleeping in. A day full of lounging ensued and then it came time to get ready for church. I was terrible at documenting this whole vacation through pictures so I apologize for the wordiness. 
After church, just as we got home around 9:00pm, we got a call that my Meme had fallen and potentially broken her hip. Since my mom is her medical power of attorney and her primary care taker, I offered to drive my mom to meet the ambulance at the assisted living home. We prayed in the car in hopes that everything would be okay when we got there. Luckily, the paramedics had gotten her up and she was able to move, so they knew it wasn't broken. She did have an irregular heartbeat, but had an appointment with the cardiologist already lined up, so she, and my mom, decided that she would just get some rest and see how she felt the next day. (Everything turned out fine, thank God)

Christmas morning we opened presents at my parent's house and then went down the hill (literally) to my aunt and uncle's house. We brought down an egg casserole and munched on monkey bread, pigs in a blanket, and mimosas...a meal we have been having for as long as I can remember!
Eventually we came out of a food coma and decided we should get ready for the day. My mom prepared prime rib, glazed carrots, asparagus, green bean casserole, roasted potatoes, and rolls for us. In the words of my dad, "This is the best meal of my entire life!"
Thursday Chris had to wake up early and head back to Dallas. He and the pups and our presents headed back north and my dad, brother, and I headed to Austin to visit my granddad. 
Friday I rode back to Dallas with my cousin and her husband. They were headed up for a little weekend getaway and the timing was perfect since Chris took our car back.
Friday night when Chris got off work, we headed over to his parent's house for Christmas round two. Once again, we were spoiled too much! Chris said, "I love having double Christmas!" I would have to agree :)
We spent Saturday lounging around, running errands, and then eating another wonderful meal. My mother-in-law cooked a delicious turkey and it was like Thanksgiving all over again!
Now it is Sunday and I have yet to shower or get out of my pj's all day. I just brushed my teeth at 4:00pm, and that was only because I ate a lunch of seven pink startbursts. I have been playing with my new 50mm 1.4 lens and putting away Christmas presents and I have no plans of doing anything important all week. This teaching thing really does have its perks!
Our presents: I got a Canon 50mm 1.4 lens, a camera strap, a camera bag, clothes, shoes, and a slew of other things I am so appreciative of. Chris raked it in with a remote control helicopter, camo gear, tools, a putting green, an air compressor, and so many other things! We are so undeserving, but so thankful.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday! 
Coming up this week are some great posts about the end of my year of NO shopping!!
Linking up with  Life of Meg!

"Shut up" is a figure of speech

Thursday, December 19, 2013

an engagement picture because i'm mushy-gushy like that
1. At 3:00pm today I am officially on Christmas vacation! I have officially survived the 'crazy week.'

2. My co-workers on my fifth grade team are the best. I seriously love my job because of them, and of course I love my kids. I know you're probably sick of me saying that, but until you go from hating one job to being in love with another, you won't understand the pure joy of driving to work with a smile on your face.  

3. Alex and Sierra won the X Factor. I am not a die-hard fan of the show, but these two are, not only the most adorable couple on the face of this planet, but incredibly talented. Just YouTube them. And, yes, if you're wondering, which you're probably not, but Chris and I do pause the TV to try to mimic their vocal performances. It is an epic fail each time...epiccc fail.

4. A lot of people commented on my post the other day about me referring to Chris as my 'boyfriend for life.' I am glad y'all love the saying as much as I do! You should never stop dating your spouse, right?! BFFL, holla.  

5. Monday was two years since Chris proposed to me. I can remember it like it was yesterday which is so cliche, but seriously. Where the crap does time go? You can read our proposal story here.

Bonus: The other day in class we were talking about figurative language. I later told one of my little ladies to stop telling people to "shut up." She proceeded to look and me, bob her head side to side, smile at me with her ADORABLE dimples, and say, "But Mrs., it is a figure of speech, sooooo there is really nothing wrong with it." Oh the mind of a fifth grader!

Happy Friday!

PS: I will not be hosting the WIWW link up next week and my posts will probably be a little sparse. I will be soaking up time with my family and friends!

Linking up with Lauren! 

DIY Burlap Christmas Wreath

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I felt like I wasn't a true DIY blogger unless I had tackled a burlap wreath. Now you can call me official. 

I won't say it is my favorite, but I love its simplicity. I am still adoring my other wreath I made...and the people of Pinterest seem to be thinking the same!

If you are wondering how I did it...well, just Google DIY burlap wreath and a plethora of videos will be at your fingertips.

I will say that Hobby Lobby was out of the 16" wire wreath making things (what is their official name?) So I went with the only other option, the 24", and I wish I would have waited and gone smaller. I feel like this wreath took about 60 feet of burlap ribbon, but it is what it is!

My plan is to change out the bow so I can use this as my 'year-around' wreath. People have those, right?

Have you ever made a wreath? A burlap one? How was your wreath making experience?

WIWW: Countdown + Link Up

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Not that I am counting down the days, but Christmas break is in two days...not counting today, of course. To say I am excited it an understatement. Here are some things I am looking forward to:

- Not hearing, "Mrs! Mrs! Mrs. Tucker! Mrs. Tuck! Mrsssss!!!" yelled at me for seven hours a day
- Sleeping in later than 5:30am
- Not having to drive an hour to work and an hour back
- Getting to eat lunch at a humans pace, not a starving dogs pace
- Seeing my family
- Spending quality time with my 'boyfriend for life'

This year we are spending Christmas with my family, so I am not looking forward to traveling, but I am blessed to be able to spend that quality time with them.

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Hello, Kendra Scott!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Isn't she gorgeous?

Last night Kendra Scott was in Plano doing a "Cocktails with Kendra" meet and greet. Alison was the sweetest to invite me along. We had a great time meeting in person, sipping on drinks, and drooling over all of Kendra's lovely creations. 

Here is a peek into our evening. 

It's blurry, but I'll take it. Alison is just as gorgeous in person as she is on her blog. 

I ran into one of my besties Jessica. If you've been around this blog for awhile, you've seen her around!

Shop the post:

Lauren Conrad Blouse: on sale  for $13.20, click here (I am wearing a small for a reference)

LOFT Ankle Pant: similar here

BCBG Wedges: similar here

How was your Monday night?! Have you met Kendra Scott?

Linking up with Niki and Karly!


Tucker Christmas Card 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

After two attempts at Christmas cards with the pups, this is what we settled on...and we love it! It is totally us.


See our other failed attempt at Christmas card photos, here.

And here are some outtakes!


The Tucker Tree

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Taken with my 50mm 1.4 that I am not supposed to get and use until Christmas...oops. I also have no idea how I took this picture, but I love it!

Another fun bohka shot. Don't ask me how many times I tried to google "booka", "bookeh", and "bookah".  

To be honest, I am not in love with the 'colorful' Christmas idea. A couple years ago I went to Target the day after Christmas and they had tons of colorful ornaments on super-sale. Like super-super sale. So, colorful it is. I don't hate it, I just one day far-far away want to get a pre-lit, white, 10-footer and cover it with cliche green and red ornaments.

Until my cliche Christmas dreams come true, I will plop a cliche, giant red bow on top and call it merry! 

Here is last years tree, just for giggles. 

Chris was not a fan of last year's tree topper. Party pooper. He isn't much for those curly, glittery things. Men, meh. 

Linking up with Courtney and Megan!


Seven Affordable Gifts for Her

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

If I were to go to the mall and sit on Santa's lap (it's not too late...), this is what I would tell him I want. I might have already bought number four... and wrapped them and put them under the tree and they aren't returnable because this particular store was closing but they truly are the best booties my tooties have ever been in and I sure hope that Chris forgives me when I open that gift and everyone looks around wondering if a real Santa actually came down my parent's non-existent chimney and put them under the tree. I hope that run-on sentence showed you just how perfect those booties are...

By the way, I am in my last month of my resolution!! And getting clothes and shoes from Santa doesn't count. 

two- sweater
seven - camera strap

What do you want for Christmas?! These are seven affordable and adorable gifts for a lucky lady!
