Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIWW: List + Link up!

Outfit details here.

Outfit details here.

Outfit details here.

Outfit details here.

Outfit details here.

What does every 'fashion' blogger do when they didn't have time to take pictures? Why, recap previous outfits, of course! House hunting and bad weather are to blame for me not getting around to taking pictures last weekend, but it is fun to look back at last month's outfits.

As many of you know, I conquered my shopping addiction last year when I set out to not shop for an entire year. That challenge ended on January 1st of this year, and my new goal for 2014 is to only buy one thing per month.

I am happy to report that I bought nothing. Nope, nada. (I did get those Toms booties, but it was with money I got from Christmas, so that doesn't count.) After getting loads of clothes for Christmas, I have not have the urge to buy anything. Oh, and I have literally had no time to shop. Between selling a house, buying a new one, and teaching, my life is a wonderful, hot mess!

One of my blog besties, Ashley, hosted a linkup on Monday about making a list to keep yourself accountable. I think I need to make a list. I'd be lying if I said I didn't already have five other lists going on behind the scenes, but honestly...who only has one list?

Here is my list for February:

- Do not procrastinate packing up our house. No one likes to move, but when you sell your house and the new owners are moving in on March 3rd, you kind of don't have a choice. I need to focus on steadily packing from now until we move. 

- Continue with only purchasing one item (or less) this month. Seeing that we are going to be closing on a house, I don't think it will be hard to convince myself that saving money is the best option. 

- Enjoy my birthday and Valentine's Day. I seriously hate Valentine's. Shouldn't we love each other everyday? And don't even get me started on bears and chocolate. Gag me. Give me ice cream and I am a happy girl. My birthday is on the 8th (Saturday) and then a week later is V-Day, and for my entire life those two holidays have been combined. Boo. This month my goal is to enjoy both occasions without spending much money. I told Chris not to buy me anything until after we close on our new house (given that we find one...)!

- Try to only grocery shop for necessities. I want to move as little food as possible when we move, so every meal is strategically planned based on what is in our fridge and pantry.

- Take a deep breath and be thankful for everything I have been given. I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed lately and I really want to focus on slowing every aspect of my life.

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}

And linking up my list with Ashley!


  1. Wow, you are one busy lady! Love these looks, especially the long turtleneck with the booties!

  2. I forgot that we're bday twinks on top of name twinks. One day off, but mine is the 9th!!

  3. Girl, you've got a lot going on! I totally hear you on the combined holidays bday is actually today and with it being not far after Christmas and our anniversary, somehow they all get combined into one. Good for you for making a point to celebrate your birthday and V-day separately :)

  4. I find it so much easier to avoid shopping during the summer, when it's nice out. I have been trying to come up with other things to do during the winter that are indoors and warm! Good for you for not going crazy and shopping like mad after completing your resolution!

    <3 Vicki

  5. Style blogger & life getting in the way!! LOL! Thanks for always keeping it real and making me think twice about my closet purchases!! :)

  6. Awww, I feel your pain about sharing birthdays with holidays. Mine gets lumped in with Thanksgiving and I hate thanksgiving good. So I make sure we have something other thank pie...I don't like pie either :-)

    Patrice @

  7. Happy early birthday girl! Mine is the 9th!

  8. You are seriously such an incredible inspiration with your shopping ban(s)!! I honestly believe it would be impossible for me to not shop for an entire year. Once a month sounds more doable but still HARD. You go girl!! Good goals too :) And happy Early Birthday! My Hubby's is the week after Valentines.


  9. I'm loving all of these looks! And happy early birthday!

  10. Happy Early Birthday! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and the house hunt! I live in Dallas too and although I am not house shopping, have seen my friends go through the same thing. It always ends up working out! :)

  11. Nothing wrong with recapping. You know I loved that very first Outfit and even re-created. Hoping your house hunting will come to a successful close soon and Happy Almost Birthday!!

    I'd love your thoughts on how I styled my husband's Plaid Shirt. And stay tuned for a special collaboration post, tomorrow. Thanks. =)

  12. Girlfriend I totally feel you on Valentines and birthdays! My birthday is next Wednesday the 12th! Boo to commercial holidays. Thinking of you and the house hunting process! :)


  13. I am waiting for your post about what we talked about today....just saying. AND yay for making your own list. I would come help you pack, but I think i'll settle for helping unpack/drinking wine with you! I am the worst grocery shopper ever so we can help each other. Love you friend.

  14. Wow. It’s great that you achieved your “no shopping” goal last year. I know it's difficult, but I guess nothing is impossible if you’re really determined to do it. From this success, it's possible that you will achieve all of your goals this year, particularly the packing goals. It may be challenging, but I’m sure you can handle it well. March is only a month away. I hope everything are boxed up by then. Good luck!

    Clay @
