Tuesday, February 11, 2014

WIWW: Birthday Suit + Link Up

Gingham top: similar here
Scarf from Ross: similar here, here, here, here 
Sperry boots: exact here

I'm obsessed with this scarf. Like wore it three days in a row last week, obsessed. 

Saturday night I was getting ready to go out to dinner and I put on an outfit; nice blouse, tailored pants, uncomfortable wedges. I then proceeded to walk around the house for two minutes then I realized, who am I kidding? It was my birthday and I wasn't even comfortable going to my own birthday dinner. 

Out with the fancy, in with the comfy casual! That's my motto! Gingham, scarf, boots, and stretchy jeans. Winning.


- I am finally going to spill the beans on our house hunting news tomorrow!!

- I wore a onsie - yes, a fleece onsie! - to school yesterday to school for pajama day. I have never got told I look prettier more times than yesterday. It was unreal. The day I literally roll out of bed, I get told, "Mrs. Tucker you look so pretty!" more times than the days I wake up and actually look at myself in the mirror. I also got told by a kindergartner, "My baby brother was wearing that (pointing at my onsie) this morning!" Just turned 24, but not a day over 11 months. 

- I started doing our tax return yesterday and it said we owe money...that's wrong in so many ways.

- The picture came in the mail...and it's HUGE!

- Confession: I made these homemade corn dogs again last night...and I ate 12...
Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}



  1. LOVE this look! I've saved it to copy when I find my perfect floral scarf. :) Hope you're having a great week, lady!

  2. What an adorable look! I have a gingham top on my wishlist but I like the bigger pattern like yours- super cute! Can't wait to hear about your house! And we need to start our taxes soon...ugggh!

  3. Michael and I did our taxes last night too. Too bad it is all going straight to the bank. The picture....not good. YAY for house news tomorrow. I will be waiting so I can shriek with joy again. Love you!!

  4. I love that scarf too! It is the perfect color background plus floral to bridge the winter and spring seasons! I WANT a onsie! I don't care if I don't get a pajama day at school, me wants. We have dress up for random things days, like I am wearing a cap today as I type for one of our anti-bullying themed days. But in middle school, they won't do pajama day...too risky! I am Jelly!

    Patrice @ http://dittothatstyle.blogspot.com/

  5. Love your scarf with that shirt! unexpected but FABULOUS!

    1. Also, maybe it just my computer but my photo is not correct on my link up above!

  6. Love this look and I can see why you love the scarf so much :) OMG - I would love to make homemade corndogs!! YUM


  7. Such a cute look!! Love that scarf!

    Happy to link up with you today!

    xo, Erica

  8. I love this look--it is comfy but you still look so stylish :) Hope you had a great birthday dinner--and thanks for hosting the link-up!


  9. Yes! Comfy is definitely the way to go, especially when you look as cute as you do! Happy birthday!!
    Chicnova giveaway

  10. OMG so jealous of your PJ day!!!! I really want those sperry booties!!


  11. Love that scarf! I would wear it a lot too! Can't wait to hear about the house hunt!

  12. Well hey there....I like your Birthday Suit..winky wink ;) lol Adorable friend! Love the floral with the gingham print! And ummm... I need house update already!

  13. That blue gingham and floral is gorg! Glad you wore whatever you wanted on your birthday! :)


  14. Hahaha that's so funny about the compliments. I've always secretly wanted to wear a onesie. Maybe I could convince my work to have a pajama day...?

