Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Easy Homemade Corn Dogs - So Good!

Hands-down the best recipe I have copied off of Pinterest. I went to the grocery store in search of a rotisserie chicken to make chicken spaghetti. My cheesy-chicken dreams got crushed when me, and the rest of Dallas, also wanted a chicken and the fresh batch wouldn't be ready for another hour. Onto Plan B.

I remembered pinning homemade mini corn dog muffins and decided I would try them out. I wanted something quick and easy.

These did not disappoint!! I followed the recipe exactly and they were amazing. Chris walked in and said, "Wow! Something smells good!" There is a secret ingredient that makes them delicious! The only thing I did different (that I just now realized) is that I used a regular sized muffin pan, and she used a mini muffin pan. Next time I will probably try the mini muffin pan, but the regular size works just fine!

Click HERE for recipe. Enjoy!


  1. Oh my goodness, I MUST make these! My girls love corn dogs and this would give me the ability to use the uncured kind in them. Definitely making these soon.

  2. ooooo love these for Drew! He loves corn dogs, but I hate that it's hard to find a good, organic version out there. I might make myself and repost! Thanks Sarah!

  3. These look sooooooo yummy!!! Like I need to make these...Getting everything this weekend so I can pop in the new Footloose, drool over Julianne Hough's amazing legs...and chow down. You see? I'm craving these so much I already planned the day I eat them. lol

  4. Just pinned this!! I love corn dogs so I will have to try these!

  5. I made these for my nephews party last year! Your pics turned out great.

  6. I will make these over the weekend. My little man would love these!

  7. Oh my gosh, YUM! Corndogs seriously are my favorite food!

  8. yumm! This looks delicious :) I never tried corndogs but they look always super delicious!
    I think I should bake some as soon as possible!
