Wednesday, October 29, 2014

WIWW: Denim and Stripes + Link Up

Chris, bless him. As a blogger, I think we are all guilty of forcing our significant others to take our pictures. And, if they're like Chris, they always strive for the best. Sometimes the best isn't necessarily what you get.

Take, for instance, the bottom two pictures. Chris was trying to "get creative" and I have about a dozen pictures of half (or less!) of my face. We got a really great laugh out of it! 

Now let's talk outfit. I could sleep in this dress and wear this jacket everyday. I got the dress a couple years ago on major clearance at Target and the jacket has been a staple in my wardrobe since we went to San Francisco in June.

I also expressed to Chris that this dress could work when I am pregnant as well. That led to him asking me to model for him the different stages of pregnancy using a towel (totally realistic, right?! ha!). After every month stage I modeled he said, " aren't really going to get that big, are you?" Yes, husband, I will be growing another human. He was a little in shock, so I might have just pushed back the process of having a Tucker Jr. another year ;) 

One last thing, don't forget to come back on Saturday and link up with Caitlin and I for The Lovely Lookbook. This month's topic is stripes!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy.


  1. Oh yeah, my husband was fired pretty early on. Though he tried, he just didn't get it. I love this dress. Everyone should own a striped dress and this one is perfect. Thanks for hosting the link up.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. You look amazing in this outfit, love the cute striped dress with the statement necklace & denim jacket!! That's too funny about your hubby & made me laugh because I often have so many of those when mine tries to do something different too:-) Gotta love them for trying.

  3. You look so cute!! Hehe guys are so funny when it comes to pregnancy--my husband like died when he saw how big his sisters belly actually got! (and she was tiny so wait til he sees how I get ha!)


  4. It's always a fun and eventful shoot when you model the stages of pregnancy! Love that you paired this dress with the fun jean jacket for a casual look!


  5. My manfriend is like that too. He tries to get creative, but most of the time he just gets really funny candids of my mid sentence hahah btw, love the jean jacket! I know most people have the basics: striped dress and jean jacket, but I don't see this combo often and I must say I love how you paired them together! :)

    Dear Sunny Vintage

  6. I am totally digging those shoes! Love 'em.

  7. Love the striped dress, so comfortable and yet stylsih!! Cute booties as well. The jean jacket adds some nice shape to it
    from the link up
    please stop by, jess xx

  8. Love this whole look! It looks carefree, yet pulled together. Perfect!

  9. Loving this! You look adorable!


  10. Love those Steve Madden shoes and the striped dress. Perfect look!

    Lisa @ Daily Style Finds

  11. Hahahahaha!!! I like when Aaron tries to get all creative too. Even though we don't really use their vision, it's cute to see them taking an interest after all this time of us dragging them out to take pictures for us ;)

  12. Love this striped dress, so cute! That is too funny with the pregnancy! I was just telling my mom, "ok, now lets try to take some 'creative' shots"... haha!


  13. Love this outfit! I think a jean jacket looks good with almost any dress, :) LOL at Chris's comment about "you're not really going to get that big" guys are so clueless sometimes!
