Thursday, October 16, 2014

Super Random Thoughts

- This has been my dessert lately. If you shut your eyes and think sherbet or ice cream...nope, it doesn't taste like either.

- Everyone and their mom is pregnant. I'm not going to drink the water at my school because I'll be guaranteed a baby due between March and April. And I'm not even going to start counting the babies ready to hatch in blogland. Congrats to all!

- Last night, while on a walk with the pups, they spotted a rabbit. I had stopped to talk to some people and their leashes had a slack in them as they sat and watched the rabbit's every move. Within a split second, the rabbit moved and both Wrigley and Bailey jetted towards the rabbit. I kid you not when I say that I thought they pulled my arm off. They jerked me into the street so hard I got tears in my eyes and now I have leash burn on my hand. Gosh those dang pups. I blame it on Chris because he always says, "Go get those rabbits..." in a sneaky voice so both dogs run after the rabbits!

- Speaking of Mr. Tucker, he has been out of town all week and that has made for an easy week with no temptations to stray from my Whole 30 plan.

Don't forget to check out yesterday's post to see the best flag scarf ever!

Thoughts for Thursday


  1. Thanks for linking up! Good job on the whole 30-I have to try it after I have my baby because my sweet tooth has been out of control lately!! I swear I know at least 10 people that have announced they are having babies in April 2015- must be something in the water!

  2. Ha! Seriously everyone is pregnant due in March or April! I can name way too many people! Something's def in the water!

  3. Love this!! Definitely something in the water! Good work on the whole 30! I've been needing some motivation lately to resist those sweet temptations!

  4. LOL...I had my 3rd and LAST baby last May and I am so glad to be done. Love my kiddos, but this body ain't poppin' out any more will be the point of no return!
    California To Carolina
    The Gym Bunny

  5. Hehe literally every girl I have worked at in my office (of child bearing age) has become pregnant while working with me lol I stay far away from the water ;) My dogs are work enough for me right now ha!


  6. I have the same thing going on at work - everyone is pregnant around me and I'm not drinking the water LOL!

  7. hahaha I love that Chris encourages them to chase the rabbits! My husband does that sneaky little voice to encourage my dog to lick me in the face or go get your mom aka jump on me... They must think it is hilarious :)

  8. I agree that everyone is pregnant right now, or just had a baby within in the last few months. Definitely gives me baby fever a little :)

  9. i agree, everyone in blogland and in my life seem to be pregnant!

  10. How are you sticking to Whole 30? I wish I had that willpower! I want to do it, but I get too hungry!!

  11. Haha love your honesty..I hate when people eat fruit for dessert and say things like, "It tastes just like ice cream, or cake!" No, no it does not.

  12. That needs to be my dessert! LOVE your flag scarf btw. Have a wonderful weekend!
