Thursday, October 9, 2014

Whole 30 Challenge

A couple weekends ago I met up with Caitlin to talk about The Lovely Lookbook (click here to go link up your fall colors since my linky wasn't working last Wednesday!). While we were talking she mentioned that her and her husband are trying out the Whole 30 program. She explained to me the premise of it and I thought it sounded doable.

I left Starbucks and called Chris and told him about my new plan to only eat whole foods for 30 days. He said, "Can I still have Blue Bell and spaghetti?" to which I replied ," Nope." He quickly came back with, "Yup, I'm out." Then he decided to say, "I'll bring you home some wooden pallets from work since that's just about how your food will taste during this challenge. Plus, they're organic since they are pure wood, so they fit all the challenge rules." Hardy-har-har, Mr. Tucker.

Jokes aside, I chewed on the idea of only eating whole food for 30 days. No sugar at all. No added sugar, no fake sugar, no sugar. No pasta, bread, beans, or ice cream. No yogurt, no almond milk. Basically, I can't have most of what I eat. I thought about the idea for a week and, after a night sitting on the bathroom floor because of acid reflux, I decided, I'm in.

This is my thought; I can do anything for 30 days. YOU can do anything for 30 days.

With Chris a no-go, I knew I needed to get mentally ready for Cokes to be opened in front of me and ice cream to be ate every night after dinner. So what did I do last weekend? Ate ice cream and drank Coke basically for three days straight. No wonder my stomach hurt so bad.

Just like my year of no shopping challenge, I knew some planning had to happen.

Last Saturday I read all there was to know about this challenge. I made notes and wanted to be really educated since screwing it up would completely defeat the purpose. I scoured Pinterest in search of edible whole food recipes, made my grocery list, and set out to Sprouts for the first time in years.

Why am I doing this, you ask?

Mainly because I am working my tail off in the gym every morning. I have come to love going to workout in the mornings, but I am definitely negating what I'm doing by chowing down on crap day in and day out.

Another main reason, my acid reflux. I have struggled with this since my freshman year in high school. I have been on every medication for it and nothing seems to work except getting my diet right. I am tried of waking up during the middle of the night with a sour stomach, and Chris is tired of waking up with me.

So, for roughly 30 days (at least 25, I started the challenge Monday) I will be eating nothing but whole foods. I say roughly 30 days because we go to West Point and NYC at the end of this month and I don't want to starve if nothing is available for me to eat. I am going to try my hardest to stick to it while in New York, but my main goal is to make it to October 30th.

I will be tracking my progress, not my weight. I am not doing this to lose weight and it is not a diet because the program says I can eat as much of any whole foods as I'd like. I will be tracking inches around my waist and I will just be keeping tabs on how I am feeling. I want this to be a lifestyle change, not a thing I do for 30 days then toss it to the wind.

And as for Chris Tucker, well he gets what I cook, so like it or not, he is doing a version of the program as well!

I can't wait to share recipes with y'all and let you know how it is going!

Have you ever done a whole 30 challenge?

Thoughts for Thursday


  1. Good luck!! I'll be interested to hear how it goes!

  2. Yay for you! I started mine on the 1st. My kids (6 & 8) and husband get to eat whatever I fix for dinner too and so far only one meal hasn't been a hit but I knew that going into it!
    I feel SO MUCH better that I'm shocked actually! It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be either. Good luck to you.

    1. Well, Chris has eaten what I've fixed, but a couple nights he opted for pizza and Subway instead hahah! And he always finish his meal off with ice cream, so I'm not sure he is jumping on this band wagon quite yet!

  3. I have been interested in this, but I have food issues already so I don't know if I could. Why are beans off limits? Aren't they whole foods?

  4. Good luck! I'd love to try it however with my schedule it won't allow for me to make the stuff I need to do it. Someday!

  5. oh good luck, I can't wait to hear about the results and the recipes that you like!

  6. We are doing it- and Chris will fall in line once he realizes that is dinner---and he starts to feel amazingly good too!

    1. Chris has gone and got Little Caesar's pizza and Subway because he isn't a fan of "Paleo." Hahah! I'm thinking that he isn't budging on his stance to keep eating the way he always has :) Plus, that boy could never give up pasta and ice cream...and cokes!!

  7. It's hard, but doable. I'd love to see your shopping list! Good luck!

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

    1. Definitely hard, but getting easier each day! I'm working on a grocery list post!

  8. Interested in hearing more about this. What do your foods/meals look like? Good luck!!

  9. I did the whole 30 earlier this year and for me it was super hard being a vegetarian! Not a whole lot to eat. My stomach did feel better than normal and I looked the best I ever have but I just didn't have a whole lot of energy. I think with meat it will be 100 times better though! Good luck! You can totally do it!!


  10. I am on day 27 of Whole 30 right now!! You will love it! I feel so amazing, my skin is so clear and I can't believe just how delicious so many of the meals were! If you need any inspiration at all I would be so happy to help. You can do this!! :) xx


    1. You go girl! I am on day 6 and I finally feel human again! Send some recipes over my way! I have been cooking up a storm all day trying new recipes out!

  11. I've heard good things about the whole30 programme, I'm looking forward to reading about how it goes for you!

  12. Can't wait to hear how this goes for you! My husband and I just started a healthier "diet" last week and it's hard, but worth it. Cutting out pasta and bread is rough...we ate some version of it almost every night. I know you can do it and hope you love the results!
