Friday Favorites

Friday, September 30, 2016

1. Graham's nursery got featured on Shutterfly this week! You can check it out here.

2. I'm really late to the bandwagon, but I might have these sandals in black and nude. And, I'm now understanding why they're so popular.

3. Shay sent me her newest cookbook, Eats, and I'm obsessed. Each weekend I lay it out, scroll through, and make our grocery list. I LOVE that each recipe has a picture. No one wants a cookbook without pictures! Thanks, Shay!! You can get Eats this Saturday on Amazon! Also, don't forget to check out her other two cookbooks, Mix & Match Cakes and Mix & Match Meal Planner.

4. Fall weather in Texas. Between football and the crisp mornings, life doesn't get much better!

5. G baby's giggles. Enough said.

Happy Friday, friends!

WIWW: Twinning + Link Up

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Would you believe me if I said that twinning with Graham was actually an accident? It was rainy all weekend and I knew I wanted to wear my rain boots when we were out and about. I had originally planned on wearing my go-to striped dress (on sale for 13!), but at the last minute I saw this one that matched much better. 

Graham had been wearing that onesie all day and then I got out the matching pants and realized that we were total twins! I'm not going to lie, I was eating it up!

I can't wait for more accidental matching moments!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

Just What I Needed

Monday, September 26, 2016

This weekend was just what I needed. I feel like life is SO FULL right now, but also SO TIRING. My little Etsy shop is making all my dreams come true, but that isn't without late nights of hard work.

My little guy is possibly teething (?), possibly sleep regressing (?), possibly just going on a sleeping strike (?) and it has both Chris and I foggy eyed, but so gleeful at the same time.

Friday night we packed up and headed to my in-laws house. They live about an hour away and their community has this huge garage sale every year and we always score the best stuff.

Saturday morning we got up bright and early and were able to get some great toys for Graham, a garage shelving system that will help with organizing my signs, and a few other random things.

We shopped until we dropped, literally. Chris and I both took about a three hour nap while Nana was on baby duty. It felt so good because I was so tried.

Saturday afternoon we headed back home and just relaxed the rest of the evening.

Sunday was all about Chris, Graham, and I. Graham woke up every. single. hour. Saturday night, so we watched church on the computer because it took all my strength to just get out of bed.

I also went to the grocery store bright and early, since G woke us up anyway, and after ringing up almost $200 worth of groceries, I reached in my purse only to find that I'd left my wallet in the diaper bag. Ugh! The lady said she could hold all the groceries and I could run home and that's when I remembered I had my check book! I wrote a check and the lady asked for my driver's license number and that's when the cashier at the next lane shouted how that was not acceptable. Ugh! I was almost in tears because I got four hours of broken sleep and that's when the nice guy behind me graciously paid for my groceries and I wrote him a check. There are still good people out there, people! I was sooo thankful and he said he totally understood the up all night thing. Thanks to the guy behind me!

The rest of Sunday was full of football, errands, chores, and napping. I walked in on G and Chris napping and I seriously sprinted to the couch in the other room and laid down so I could catch a little nap.

Now it is Monday and I really wish I had one more day with my family. The air is starting to cool off (high 80's people, high 80's!) and it is all rainy and there's nothing more I'd rather do than be cuddled on the couch snuggling my G baby.

But, this teacher's salary isn't going to pay itself, so off to wrangle my cherubs I go!

Happy Monday!

Graham || 5 Months

Thursday, September 22, 2016

I may be three weeks late on this, but I did not want to miss documenting how much has changed with G during his fifth month of life!

For starters, we have a ham on our hands. Our little guy is a giggle box and we're told he is the happiest baby from his teachers. I always ask if he cries and they just laugh and say that he is literally happy all day. We are blessed with a little guy who loves life.

What's new...

- Graham is an eating machine. He has eaten carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and squash. Each night he gets a veggie and some rice cereal.

- He can roll both ways, and he's fast at it! We hadn't seen him roll onto his belly yet, but one day I got a note from his teachers saying that he needed a new sleep-sack because he was now sleeping on his belly. That day when we got home, I put him on his back and he rolled right over. Silly boy!

- He is a talking machine. If you follow me on instagram (@sarahtuckerup) or on snapchap (@the.tuckers21) you know that our boy has a voice.

- He lovessss his jumper. He gets going so fast I feel like he might bounce right out!

- He still loves his carseat, but only in the car. Once we are to our destination, he wants to be out and looking around.

- He still is not sleeping through the night consistently. If he does wake up, luckily it is only once. Although, now that he is a belly-sleeper, we've been making it almost through the night!

- He has his first cough/runny nose and I know that's just a symptom of daycare. I haven't taken him to the doctor because he hasn't had a temperature and I know they're just going to tell me to elevate his bed and run the humidifier, which we are doing.

- Grabbing our face is his new favorite thing, and we LOVE it. It is seriously the sweetest thing.

- He now freaks out if we leave him alone in a room. He definitely knows when we are not present.

- He wears 6-9 month clothes and wears size 3 diapers.

- He loves bath time. I slowly dump the water on his belly and he tries to grab the stream of water. It is the cutest thing!

- He still loves getting his diaper changed. He just coos and smiles!

- He is a total momma's boy, but when Chris gets home, it is all eyes on daddy.

Each month gets better and better. Chris and I decided that if I could birth 5 month olds, then we would have 100 kids. Those newborns are cute, but this stage is so. stinking. fun. And, I can tell it is only going to get better!

On the 1st we will have a SIX month old. Holy cow!

Happy Thursday!

WIWW: Favorite Fall Outfits + Link Up

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

One of these days I will find time to take current WIWW pictures, but, to be honest, it has been soooo hot (like over 100 degrees!) and by the time I get home, I look like a melted little puppy. On the weekends I've been a crazy sign-maker lady, so I'm lucky to even put on makeup!

But, these fall favorites of mine are making me wish for cooler weather to get here asap! There is really nothing better than fall clothes, right?

gingham shirt // scarf // jeans // booties
flag scarf // booties // jean jacket // jeans // sunglasses
vest // scarf // sunglasses

PS: Don't forget to check out the new signs I added to my Etsy shop! Get your Christmas shopping done early! And you can always follow along to see new signs on Instagram @TuckerUpAndCo.

Happy Wednesday!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp  and Snapchat (the.tuckers21) for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

End Of Summer Steals

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Summer may be coming to an end, but, unfortunately, cooler weather is no where in sight for us here in Texas. The only perk of continuing to sweat our butts off is getting to buy discounted summer staples, and still getting use out of them.

Here are my favorite end of summer deals:

Some of my favorite summer sandals are on super sale! Say that 10 times fast!

The season's hottest pool accessories are on major discount. Didn't get to ride a floating unicorn this year? That's fine because you can save it for next summer!

Soooo many adorable swimsuits are are major discount. This is the time to splurge on those suits you passed up this summer because now they are all on sale!

And there are also so many cute summer dresses on sale, great maternity clothes, and so many purses that are calling my name!

Happy Shopping!

10 Things About Me

Monday, September 19, 2016

1. I'm almost always in Nike running shorts and a tee shirt. Not that I run...

2. I prefer my hair in a ponytail, but my short hair makes me not hate wearing it down.

3. I hate when girls call other girls babe. My husband calls me babe...not anyone else.

4. Food is my love language. I don't believe in eating healthy, just eating in moderation. Except ice cream, that doesn't have calories.

5. I fiercely honest. I can't hide my opinions or thoughts!

6. Massages are my most favorite thing in the world. If I ever get rich, that's who I'd hire first; a personal masseuse.

7. I met Chris when I was 19 and had absolutely no interest in him.

8. Laundry is my least favorite household chore. I'd rather scrub a toilet any day.

9. Teaching is my second career. Public accounting was my first, and it was terrible.

10. Being a mom is something I've always dreamed about. I was definitely that girl who dreamed about her wedding and future family. Chris and Graham have surpassed any expectation I ever had!

What are some fun facts about you?!

WIWW: Scarf Love + Link Up

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wearing a scarf automatically makes you feel more fall-ish. Granted, if you're in the south you may be sweating bullets under your scarf, but at least you're partaking in the 'season.' 

Here are five scarves all $25 and under!

Heritage Plaid

Plaid Infinity Scarf

Check Square Scarf

Pretty Plaid

Ombre Print Scarf
Happy Wednesday!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp  and Snapchat (the.tuckers21) for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

Baby Bear || Haven Gray Kids Giveaway!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

There is nothing more fun than shopping for your baby. I thought I'd be out of luck with boy clothes, but then my friend decided to open the cutest BOY'S online clothing store and all the boy mommas sang hallelujah! 

Celeste is a boy momma who searches out the cutest boy clothes available and brings it to you all in one convenient site, Haven Gray Kids

I mean, look at G baby in that adorable Baby Bear onesie. I seriously was melting when I was taking these pictures!

Lucky for you, Celeste is giving away $25 to Haven Gray and all my readers get 15% off their first order when they enter in the code TUCKERUP!

So, if you are a boy mom in search of the cutest boy clothes in all the land, look no further than Celeste. I mean, check out her boys on instagram and tell me they aren't the most stylish young men you've ever seen?! 

Happy Tuesday, and may the boy-mom luck be with you!