What I've been working so hard on....

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

...is getting ready for Flea Style! This is my first really big show and I've been (with TONS of help from my family) working as much as possible to crank out signs. Honestly, I'm exhausted, but in the best way.

Each day for the last few months I've gone to school all day and taught my 5th graders, come home and played with G, then, after 7:00pm when G goes to bed, Chris and I get to working on signs. I'm usually up until 11:00pm or so and then repeat that schedule day after day.

I know all this hard work will payoff, and I LOVE working on signs, so I'm anxious to see what customers say.

If you're in the Dallas area April 7-8, come see me at Flea Style!!

WIWW: Clogs + Link Up

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I'm basically obsessed with every inch of this outfit, and that doesn't happen often now that I'm a mom. 

I wore this last week to an event in Dallas and I felt it was the perfect blend of mom and young person. I'm always, always comfortable. Seriously. I never wear anything that isn't comfortable because life is to short to suck in! So, everything pictures is genuinely so, so comfy. Including my first pair of clogs!! These shoes stole my hear from the moment they arrived. Now I just need to find more places to wear them!

Happy Wednesday!

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Life in 5

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Monday (almost Tuesday!), friends! We had a full weekend and I'm so excited to show off what we've been up to!

1. Thursday night my best friend invited me to the Vouch Dating App launch in Dallas. The app is genius. Basically, I get to "vouch" for my friend, who is single. I get to finally swipe left or right and I'm not even risking my marriage doing it. It is so fun!! 

Anyways, the launch was at The Rustic and Sean and Catherine were there. I met her a few months back and she totally remembered me! They are as sweet as they seem and I was happy to run into her again. 

2. Friday evening Graham got to 'model' (a term used veryyyy losely) for the most precious children's boutique, Olive & Gray. I'm obsessed with their clothes. The little gray romper G is wearing is the softest thing ever!

3. Saturday we worked all day on signs and prep for Flea Style! If you're in the Dallas area April 7-8th, come see me! Flea Style is a huge show held at Fair Park. Come, it will be amazing! After working hard all day, we went to a baby shower for our sweet friends who are expecting a baby girl in May. Graham was fascinated with the flamingos in the pool.

4. Graham and his two Pops. I can't thank these two enough. They both willingly worked their tails off all day Sunday for me. Literally did anything I asked. We are so blessed to have such helpful family to help our little business thrive!

5. My brother and his wife stayed with us last night. They are up because my SIL has an interview for a nursing position up in this area, so prayers for her! We'd LOVE to have them close to us. Graham loved getting in some aunt and uncle time and would love it more if we got to see them on a regular basis!

PS: Her shoulder surgery from their wreck went well. As you can see, she is still in a sling, but thanks for all the prayers. She is doing great!

WIWW: Rediscovering + Link Up

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Do you ever finally clean out your closet and then rediscover something that you'd forgotten you had? That's how I felt about these booties. When I found them within the depths of our closet, it felt like Christmas morning!

I'm also embarrassed to admit how much I wear this sweater. It is perfect for everything. Seriously. I want 100 more. And I might as well throw this shirt ($7!!!) into this paragraph because it is on repeat, too. I'm guilty of having 1,974 things to wear, but repeat to the nth degree. 

All credit goes to my amazing sister in law who is the queen of finding the best earrings. Her secret: this place. 

Happy Wednesday, friends!!

5 Things

Monday, March 13, 2017

Hi friends! I took most of the week off to relax and spend time with my G baby! Last week was my spring break and it was glorious. We stayed home and, for the first time in a longgg time, I finally feel rested. A week off was just what this teacher needed. 

Here are 5 things for you Monday morning:

1. This kid. We went to this adorable little coffee shop on our town's square this week and he was being a hoot. We definitely don't have a shy boy. He was sticking out his hand for everyone to touch him, he was waving, giggling, and having the best time. He radiates JOY.

2. For those wondering about how my brother and sister in law are doing, they are good! My SIlL had surgery Friday to repair her separated shoulder and she is recovering well. Thanks for all your prayers!

3. If you're in need of adorable baby accessories or baby items monogrammed, look no further than Yellow Button Baby! Look at this adorable monogrammed bib. I die every time he wears it. 

4. Speaking of Etsy, some of the custom ideas my clients have leave me swooning! I mean, who would have thought to change the frame to gray? I don't know! But, I'm loving it!!

4. I'm one of those people who has used the same face wash/routine for years. I've tried all sorts of different washes and creams, but something I hadn't tried was Nerium. My friend let me try the Age-Defying Night Cream for seven days and, although skeptical at first, you can clearly see my results! Both pictures were at night, so terrible lighting, but I was honestly shocked at the difference in such a short amount of time. I got Impetigo under my eye a few months back that left a scar, but after using Nerium, the scar has almost vanished! If you have any questions or want to order your own Nerium products, reach out to my friend Kim!

Before and after only seven days of use.  

5. This boy. I didn't think I'd like to see him grow up, but it is the best thing ever. He is so hilarious and is already testing the boundaries. In this instance, he kept putting a leaf in his mouth and I'd say, "No," and he would pull it in and out of his mouth just to despite me. Little stinker. He is also obsessed with balls and will play fetch with himself for hours. Not going to lie, it makes Chris and I ecstatic that we may have a little ball player on our hands!

Happy Monday, friends!

WIWW: Mom Style + Link Up

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I'm over here just soaking in all the time I get with my sweet G baby! This week I'm on spring break and it has been glorious. Lots of relaxing, sign making, friend hanging, food eating, and lots of G sugars. It is the BEST.

I figured what better way to show off my true style than to include Graham in on a few pictures. He is the one who inspires what I wear each day. Everything I wear has to be comfy, not expensive (because, hello, poop? throw up? food?), and did I mention comfy? Seriously, this outfit is one step up from pajamas. You're welcome (in advance)!

Happy Wednesday!

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Graham || 9-11 Months

Friday, March 3, 2017

WHERE DID MY BABY GO? I'm going to just go ahead and say it: We have been blessed with the happiest baby! Everyone gives Chris and I credit for how happy G is, but all credit goes to the big guy upstairs because He blessed us with something special. Even at his crankiest, we've only ever had a full on cry from Graham maybeeee three times. He is pure joy.

Every night I pray for him to be always be a happy boy and to love others. My prayer is answered daily when this little hoot of a boy shows off his squinty eyes or laughs hysterically at himself for no reason.

So much has happened since my last update. I'm kicking myself for not documenting months nine and ten, but life got hectic and what can you do? Oh well!

We will start with 9 months: 

- At 9 months he weighed 23 pounds and was 28 inches. 87% for weight and 34% for height (insert laughing emoji here!). The doctor said he was due for a growth spurt and I just giggled because he is totally built like my side of the family; short and squatty.

- Graham turned 9 months on January 1st. He started crawling Christmas day and also got RSV. He started sleeping through the night and his first Christmas was just as we'd expected, perfect. 

- He was in his first wedding! Uncle Sam and Aunt Callie had the cutest wagon rider :)

- On January 21st he took his first plane ride to Kansas City.

- He started to imitate our sounds. 

- G started table foods this month. Thankfully he isn't allergic to anything! He isn't a fan of eggs, peaches, strawberries, or broccoli. He lovessss sweet potato, those lil' crunchies, peas, carrots, most meat, pears, and bananas.

- He cut his first tooth!

10 and 11 months (because it all is a blur):

- In February G really started pulling up. He realized how fast he could crawl and he became a speed demon.

- He no longer wants to be held. He wants to go, go, go. 

- He is a little explorer and gets into everything. 

- This month was really hard on our little guy's allergies. I thought he had pink eye because he kept waking up with his eyes completely matted shut, but thankfully it was just allergies. Once we started him on Zyrtec, his eyes have been so much better. But, if we forget to give it to him, he wakes up and can't see! It's SO sad!

- He got his second tooth! Thankfully (knock on wood!) teething hasn't been bad at all. There were a few nights that Graham would randomly cry out, but one he found his paci, he'd go back to sleep. One night, for the first time in a LONG time, I had to go in a rock him for a bit. I'm not mad about it one bit. I'll take all those extra snuggles.

- G cut his lip at daycare when he fell while pushing the walker. His teachers said they tried to give him ice, but he didn't even care and just wanted to eat it. He is a total boy. 

- On that topic, he has started crawling ALL over Bailey, all over Chris and I, and dies laughing when he rolls or falls over. I'm scared for how much energy a toddler Graham will have!

- He can say momma, dada, sometimes hi and bye, and occasionally hi dad. Of course none of it on command, but when he says it, we melt. Momma always is yelled at night or when he is upset. Dad is always said when we FaceTime Chris at work. It is adorable.

- He started getting brave and letting go of whatever he is holding on to. 

- In the bath, his favorite thing it to stand up and drink out of the faucet. 

- He can clap, sign more and all done, do touchdown!!, dance, blow kisses, give sugars, and give high fives.

I'm sure I'm forgetting 90% of what has been going on, but that's mom life for ya! I can't believe our boy will be ONE in less than a month!!

Happy Friday!!