WIWW: Just Porter + Link Up

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This post contains a few of my favorite (new!) things! I am not one to buy a lot for myself, but after having G, I've discovered that I need a wardrobe update, so I've been slowly buying things that make me happy!

First off, this hat! Now, I have to be honest and say that I got it at an outdoor market for $10, but here are some cute ones! Mine is lined with fleece and G modeled it better than I ever could.

Secondly, I'm wearing my favorite leggings. Y'all, I wasn't kidding when I said I wear them nearly everyday. They're the best. 

Third, this white jacket is just the perfect piece for cool days. It isn't freezing yet here in Texas, so this jacket is light weight and comfy. Plus, the sleeves come off so I can wear it as a vest as well! I got it at TJ Maxx and can't find it online, sorry!

Lastly, this awesome laptop backpack! Chris has been carrying it when he goes out with Graham and it is the perfect size. It isn't bulky and has plenty of pockets and places for things. Just Porter is an awesome company that donates a backpack full of school supplies every time one of their bags is purchased. You know that is near and dear to this teachers heart! Just Porter has many different backpack styles and prints. They would make a perfect Christmas gift for that guy in your life!!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Happy Shopping!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Today is the day to get your Chrismtas shopping done! If you've read this blog for awhile now, you know I've never been a huge fan of online shopping, but I'm now ADDICTED to Amazon. I literally ordered stuff from Amazon daily. We have a prime account, so if I need tissues, toilet paper, diapers, etc. I just order it instead of going to the dreaded grocery store!
Other than Amazon, here are the sales of a few of my favorite shops! 

Happy Monday!

Old Navy // 50% off EVERYTHING
- I bought this puplum top and this long cardigan and I've already worn them out!

Gap // 50% off EVERYTHING
- You know that I'm stocking up on all things baby for G!

Banana Republic // 50% off 5 regular-priced items Sitewide
DATE: 11/24-11/26 (online) 11/24-11/28 (in store) 
// 50% off Sitewide and In Store 
DATE: 11/27-1/28

Nordstrom // Take an extra 20% off selected sale items
DATE: 11/24- 11/28
// Designer sale – 40% off

Tory Burch // 30% off any purchase of $250+
DATE: 11/28

WIWW: SO Much Good Stuff! + Link Up

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hi everyone! I cannot believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving! We've got so much to be thankful for and I pray that each of you gets to stuff your faces with glutinous food all day. I'm so thankful for my crazy bunch!

Before I settle into my Turkey-day comatose, I wanted to leave you with SO much good stuff! Let's get started, shall we? 

1. First off, HELLO Shopbop sale!! They have so many adorable gifts for UNDER $50! I mean, who wouldn't love this stationary? Or what about your choice of coffee table book? And who doesn't love a good candle

In my cart I've got a personalized G necklace, mirrored sunglasses, and some new activewear to jumpstart my working out routine once 2017 arrives. New workout clothes means you have to workout, right? I'm also going to invest in another pair of these shoes because I wear them almostttt every single day. 

2. One of my dearest (in real life!) friends, Caitlin, is launching her new style guides this Friday! If you're a new mama or need help figuring out what to wear to work, Cait is your girl! She seamlessly guides you through the process of using what you have in your closet to show up to any event looking polished and put together. She is the most polished person I know! 

Get your New Mama Style Guide and your Workwear Style Guide this Friday, November 25th through Monday, November, 28th and receive 60% off using the code TUCKERUP! Also, if you use the code this weekend, you'll receive 25% off all future purchases, indefinitely!! You will not be disappointed in Cait and her styling services!

3. You might want to put my FAVORITE leggings in your cart in preparation for Black Friday, just in case they go on sale. Everyone on your Christmas list needs a pair of these

4. You can shop my Etsy shop early! Use the code BLACKFRIDAY for 20% off your order!! Get your orders in asap if you want your order before Christmas!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here. 

Life Lately + G's First Camping Trip

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hello, and happy Thanksgiving week!

I unintentionally took the week off last week from blogging. Monday through Wednesday I went to adventure camp with all my 5th graders and it was 1000 times more exhausting than any previous year. Plus, I was prepping signs for a flea market all week, so needless to say I was EXHAUSTED.

But, for documentation purposes, I wanted to show y'all pictures of our first camping trip with Graham. The first vacation I ever went on with Chris was a camping trip with his family. Now, it was our turn to take our first family camping trip.

We headed up to Broken Bow, Oklahoma with Chris's best friend and his fiancee. We rented the cutest cabin and soaked up nature and the fact that we got to get out of the house for a few days. Being at home, I always feel the need to be doing something; laundry, dishes, etc., so being away for the first time in a while was really relaxing.

Here are some pictures from our trip!

Graham was the happiest little guy. He is seriously so easy and go with the flow, but this trip he did not like getting out of his routine. The first night he slept perfect, but the second night he was off all night. He ended up in the bed with Chris and I, but we loved the extra cuddles.

We can't wait for our next adventure!

WIWW: Current Faves + Link Up

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

1. These leggings, yes, leggings, are on repeat lately. Chris, if you are reading this, I'll take the olive and burgundy pairs, too!

PS: Nordstrom is having a huge fall clearance sale...up to 40% off!

2. This purse has come in so handy. Being hands-free is key when you've got to wrangle a wiggly 7 month old.

3. My most worn winter item is my 1/4 zip fleece monogrammed sweater from Shop Tin Roof! I could/do live in this comfy sweater! It is perfect for anyone on your Christmas list!

4. If you're not follow my Etsy shop on instagram, you should be! I just made two of my biggest signs yet and I AM OBSESSED! Follow along @TuckerUpAndCo. Also, get your custom orders in as early as possible, so I'm not working like Santa's elves right up until Christmas :) Thanks for supporting my small business!

5. My favorite tan booties that I've had for years have almost seen better days. As sad as that is, I have my eye on multiple tan pairs, so help me decide!

Graham || 7 Months

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Graham turned 7 months (whoa!) on the 1st. I'm only a week late, so things are improving! 

Nicknames: G-baby, Graham Ray, Angel baby, G-man, Bubs, Bubba

Weight: Around 22 pounds. On October 19th he was 20lb 10oz, so I'm guessing he's gained since then. 

Clothes Size: 9-12 months

Diaper Size: 3

Likes: Food, tags, baths, naps, his bear, jumping, cuddling, screaming, grabbing anything and putting it in his mouth, schedules, his paci, blowing raspberries, being outside, and the dogs. 

Dislikes: Getting off his schedule, being tired, being hungry.

Schedule: Wake around 5:45-6:15. If it is a weekday then we feed him and sometimes he stays up, but if it is a weekend, we put him back down and he sleeps until 7:30ish. He naps around 9 and stays down anywhere from 1-2 hours. Then it is eat, play, nap, repeat. He gets food at 5:00pm, a bath at 6:15, a bottle right after bed, and he is down by 7. Daylight savings has really thrown him for a loop. We are trying to keep him up 15 minutes longer each day, but he flat out passed out drinking his bottle. 

Milestones: He can sit 100% on his own. He can also (gracefully?) fall to his stomach. He grabs everything and is constantly talking. He chews on his feet and is a rolling machine. Sometimes I think he knows how to give sugars, and it is the cutest thing ever. Today (Nov. 7th) he actually opened and closed his hand when I said, "Bye, bye!" He can also hold his own bottle, is getting the concept of feeding himself, and will drink water from our cup when offered.

Looking forward to: The holidays! I just want to dress him out and take him everywhere. He is the best little guy we could have every hoped for. 

We went camping last weekend and G was darn near perfect. He definitely knew he was not in his crib because he didn't sleep that well, but we let him cuddle in bed with us, which was the best feeling ever. He was also a champ at not being on his strict schedule. We can't wait to take him on more adventures!


This is definitely the best age. You are rapidly growing, but it is SO FUN. You are a total momma's boy and nuzzle my neck all the time. One day last week I cried after I dropped you off because, as I was putting your carseat away, you were looking for me. Even the teacher said, "He is looking for you." I almost broke down in tears right there. But, Miss Rebecca always stands at the window and y'all wave at me as I drive away. I love my job, but I miss you all day long, sweet boy! 

Your personality is too darn funny. Literally you love making yourself laugh and you can entertain yourself for a solid 30 minutes before you need someone else's attention. You constantly laugh and smile and are a fan favorite by all everywhere we go. 

YOUR SMILE. Oh. my. gosh. You have this flat grin thing going on and I'm sure those will be the pictures we show at your wedding. I'm not sure where you learned this smile from, but it is the cutest thing we've ever seen.

As far as looks go, you are still rockin' the blonde hair. You have blue eyes like your momma, but they have a green tent like your Uncle Sam. You can thank your daddy for those precious squinty eyes and your pops for your giant hands. 

It is so fun being your mom and, if we could copy you, we'd have 10 more babies. Well, we might just risk it and have 10 more anyways. Just kidding...only 9 :) 

Happy 7 months, G baby! 
