2016 Christmas Card
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Y'all, I can't even with that big ol' baby belly!!! And the vest! And the hat! Ahhh! It's too much.
Tiny Prints does it again with our Christmas cards. Even though we were super late to the game, I will still cherish these cards as our first cards with Graham!
I had been stalking Tiny Prints digital catalog for weeks before settling on a more simple card for this year. Between traveling, having a baby to take care of, teaching full time, running my Etsy shop, and having some weird bacterial infection on my face, pictures were a last minute thing.
If you're like me and super late getting cards out this year, you should check out these adorable "Happy New Year!" cards that they offer! This may be the way we go next year...
If you hurry, Tiny Prints is offering 25% off everything + 40% off two-day shipping with the code SAVENOW! You can still get those cards in by Christmas!!
Happy holidays everyone!
2012 Card
2013 Card
2014 Card
2015 Card
Monday, December 12, 2016
My days start early, around 5:30am, and I literally don't have a moment to rest until after G goes to sleep at 7:00pm. At that point, I race to find something for dinner and then head out to the garage to work on signs. I've been working on signs until around midnight and then crawling into bed and repeating the same schedule day after day.
Don't get me wrong, I'm so blessed that my little sign shop has really taken off, but dang, this momma is tired!! Between teaching 10 year olds all day, to racing home to spend time with Graham, then doing signs, blogging is just the last thing on my mind. And I know, I normally hope to get back on track, but my brother is getting married in a few weeks and there is just no break in sight.
Anyways, all of this to say I'll be here reporting back to y'all about my life sporadically from now until the New Year....unless someone can find me a spare moment :)
Happy Monday!
Graham || 8 Months
Monday, December 5, 2016
So much has happened this last month that I want to document!
Nicknames: Graham Ray, Angel baby, G-baby, Hoppy (because all he wants to do is hop!)
Weight: Around 25 pounds! He is a BIG boy!
Clothes Size: 9-12 months
Diaper Size: We are finishing out our 3s, but definitely ready for 4s.
Likes: Playing on the ground, other babies, eating, stroller rides, the dogs, tags, his paci, bath time, kisses from daddy, teething toys, and music.
Dislikes: Being on his belly too long. He can't yet go from belly to sitting up, so he hates it when he gets stuck. He doesn't like socks. The only other thing he doesn't like is sleeping through the night :)
Schedule: Well, G has had a major sleep regression. We aren't sure what to do! He isn't a crier, so the cry it out method isn't working! He was sleeping through the night from like 6-7 months, but hasn't slept through the night in WEEKS. He wakes up every night and wants to practice all his new tricks, which I know is a common thing, but we can't get him to go back to sleep! One night last week he played from 2:11am to 3:20am and we finally went in and gave him a bottle becuase he wouldn't stop rolling around and babbling. Recently, he has been waking at 12:30am, which is totally random, but we can't seem to shake it! He isn't crying long enough to cry it out. He whines and then plays. Whines then plays. Repeat. We hardly ever go in there, but, again, Saturday night he wanted to play for an hour! Any tips on this would be really helpful!
Food: He eats a 5-6oz bottle of breastmilk every 3-4 hours during the day and also a breakfast pouch, veggie/fruit at lunch, and some sort of baby food for dinner. We will probably start table foods at 9 months, but for now, the convenience of pre-made baby food is what this momma is all about!
Milestones: Our G-baby holds his own bottle, gives you his paci then takes it back, waves hi and bye bye, and imitates some sounds that you make. He goes from sitting to all fours pretty quickly. He loves rocking on his hands and knees, but isn't crawling yet! At school they teach him sign language and, not surprisingly, he's got milk down perfectly. He also fake coughs and wines if he is the only one in the room, but immediately stops when you enter the room again. Also, bath time is one of his favorite things and he has started to go to his knees and really play during bath time.
Looking forward to: His first Christmas! I'm also looking forward to the day he starts sleeping through the night consistently! But, we do cherish those extras moments we get with him at 3:00am :)
The Truth About Breastfeeding
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Let me get all the fluff out of the way...
- I'm so thankful for being able to feed my child.
- I'm so thankful to be able to produce enough to feed my child.
- I'm so thankful my body has cooperated from day one and breastfeeding has come more natural than I ever imagined.
- I'm so thankful that I'm a human cow and have over-produced from the beginning affording me to have over 500 bags of frozen milk stored in our freezer.
Is that enough pat on the back statements? Good.
Now let's get to the truth...
Breastfeeding in the single most sacrificial thing I've ever done in my life.
From day one I quickly realized why so many women give it up for whatever reason. How come the person who just pushed a human out of a pin-sized hole then has to turn around and have their boobs mutilated for God-knows how many months? All the while everyone else gets to just hold the baby.
I quickly became one of those people who envied all those around me who got to hold Graham without having to whip a boob out. So many people would say, "Well you just held him for 45 minutes while you nursed him" and I'd have to pull a b-move a tell them that I'd love to hold my child while is isn't literally attached to my body.
As time went on, and things got easier, I still hated it. I dreaded the fact that I was the one who had to leave the room, cover up, eat a cold meal, get up in the middle of the night, etc. because I was his sole source of nutrition. I hated (and still do) that my wardrobe has to be nursing friendly. I dreaded the pain that came with it and the fact that my world truly revolved around whether or not my boobs would explode.
It was right when G turned three months that I was going on 4-5 hours of broken sleep for about a week, when I had a huge breakdown and told Chris that I just couldn't do it anymore. I would get up to feed G for 30-40 min (when things were all said and done) and then I'd have to pump because he wouldn't fully drain me, and by that time it would be only an hour or so before he'd wake again. I was miserable.
Luckily, Chris had a plan that literally saved me. He suggested that he just give G a bottle while I pump, that way I wouldn't have to do both. Duh! What a genius I married, right? Haha!
So, from 3 months on, anytime G needed a nighttime feeding, Chris would hop and give him a bottle while I pumped.
Now, here I am 8 months into this motherhood thing and I'm still pumping. I haven't nursed Graham in about two months (or maybe more? I can't remember) and I don't miss it one bit. He takes a bottle in about 3 minutes and I can pump around 12 ounces in 10 minutes. This is so much better than nursing him for however long.
Here's my theory on why I'm still a human cow: pumping saved me.
I never thought I'd say it, because I despised it at first, but if it weren't for pumping, I'd have given up on this whole thing a long time ago. I've been exclusively pumping for a few months now and, although I still dread it each time I hook up to that stupid machine, it has become such a part of my routine that I am hardly even phased by it anymore.
If you know me personally, then you know I am not the mushy-gushy, sentimental type so, no, I'm not sad or sentimental in the least about never nursing Graham again. I'm actually elated because I seriously hated it that much. I am Graham's favorite person, we've bonded (blah blah blah), and I think that has nothing to do with the fact that I breastfed him for the first three months of his life. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm his mom, period.
Bottom line: do what is best for YOU. I've always been Team Sanity and if that means pumping, good. If that means formula, good. If that means, exclusively nursing until they're 5, gross, but yay for you.
Breastfeeding is the hardest and, in my opinion, worst part of becoming a new mom. I'd have five more babies by now if boobs weren't involved. So, new moms, just know that it might get better, but it might not, and that's okay. Just know that your baby will love you and that you are doing a great job.
Now, I'm off to count down the days until I've weaned myself off of this milking machine.
Happy Thursday!
PS: My child is 8 months old today and I'm going to find out how to slow down time. Wish me luck!
WIWW: Just Porter + Link Up
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
This post contains a few of my favorite (new!) things! I am not one to buy a lot for myself, but after having G, I've discovered that I need a wardrobe update, so I've been slowly buying things that make me happy!
First off, this hat! Now, I have to be honest and say that I got it at an outdoor market for $10, but here are some cute ones! Mine is lined with fleece and G modeled it better than I ever could.
Secondly, I'm wearing my favorite leggings. Y'all, I wasn't kidding when I said I wear them nearly everyday. They're the best.
Third, this white jacket is just the perfect piece for cool days. It isn't freezing yet here in Texas, so this jacket is light weight and comfy. Plus, the sleeves come off so I can wear it as a vest as well! I got it at TJ Maxx and can't find it online, sorry!
Lastly, this awesome laptop backpack! Chris has been carrying it when he goes out with Graham and it is the perfect size. It isn't bulky and has plenty of pockets and places for things. Just Porter is an awesome company that donates a backpack full of school supplies every time one of their bags is purchased. You know that is near and dear to this teachers heart! Just Porter has many different backpack styles and prints. They would make a perfect Christmas gift for that guy in your life!!
Happy Wednesday!
Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.
- Write about something fashion related!
- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!
Happy Shopping!
Monday, November 28, 2016
Today is the day to get your Chrismtas shopping done! If you've read this blog for awhile now, you know I've never been a huge fan of online shopping, but I'm now ADDICTED to Amazon. I literally ordered stuff from Amazon daily. We have a prime account, so if I need tissues, toilet paper, diapers, etc. I just order it instead of going to the dreaded grocery store!
Other than Amazon, here are the sales of a few of my favorite shops!
Happy Monday!
Old Navy // 50% off EVERYTHING
- I bought this puplum top and this long cardigan and I've already worn them out!
Gap // 50% off EVERYTHING
- You know that I'm stocking up on all things baby for G!
Banana Republic // 50% off 5 regular-priced items Sitewide
DATE: 11/24-11/26 (online) 11/24-11/28 (in store)
// 50% off Sitewide and In Store
DATE: 11/27-1/28
Nordstrom // Take an extra 20% off selected sale items
DATE: 11/24- 11/28
// Designer sale – 40% off
Tory Burch // 30% off any purchase of $250+
DATE: 11/28
WIWW: SO Much Good Stuff! + Link Up
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Hi everyone! I cannot believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving! We've got so much to be thankful for and I pray that each of you gets to stuff your faces with glutinous food all day. I'm so thankful for my crazy bunch!
Before I settle into my Turkey-day comatose, I wanted to leave you with SO much good stuff! Let's get started, shall we?
1. First off, HELLO Shopbop sale!! They have so many adorable gifts for UNDER $50! I mean, who wouldn't love this stationary? Or what about your choice of coffee table book? And who doesn't love a good candle?
In my cart I've got a personalized G necklace, mirrored sunglasses, and some new activewear to jumpstart my working out routine once 2017 arrives. New workout clothes means you have to workout, right? I'm also going to invest in another pair of these shoes because I wear them almostttt every single day.
2. One of my dearest (in real life!) friends, Caitlin, is launching her new style guides this Friday! If you're a new mama or need help figuring out what to wear to work, Cait is your girl! She seamlessly guides you through the process of using what you have in your closet to show up to any event looking polished and put together. She is the most polished person I know!
Get your New Mama Style Guide and your Workwear Style Guide this Friday, November 25th through Monday, November, 28th and receive 60% off using the code TUCKERUP! Also, if you use the code this weekend, you'll receive 25% off all future purchases, indefinitely!! You will not be disappointed in Cait and her styling services!
3. You might want to put my FAVORITE leggings in your cart in preparation for Black Friday, just in case they go on sale. Everyone on your Christmas list needs a pair of these!
4. You can shop my Etsy shop early! Use the code BLACKFRIDAY for 20% off your order!! Get your orders in asap if you want your order before Christmas!
Happy Wednesday!
Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.
- Write about something fashion related!
- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!
Related Posts:
Life Lately + G's First Camping Trip
Monday, November 21, 2016
Hello, and happy Thanksgiving week!
I unintentionally took the week off last week from blogging. Monday through Wednesday I went to adventure camp with all my 5th graders and it was 1000 times more exhausting than any previous year. Plus, I was prepping signs for a flea market all week, so needless to say I was EXHAUSTED.
But, for documentation purposes, I wanted to show y'all pictures of our first camping trip with Graham. The first vacation I ever went on with Chris was a camping trip with his family. Now, it was our turn to take our first family camping trip.
We headed up to Broken Bow, Oklahoma with Chris's best friend and his fiancee. We rented the cutest cabin and soaked up nature and the fact that we got to get out of the house for a few days. Being at home, I always feel the need to be doing something; laundry, dishes, etc., so being away for the first time in a while was really relaxing.
Here are some pictures from our trip!
Graham was the happiest little guy. He is seriously so easy and go with the flow, but this trip he did not like getting out of his routine. The first night he slept perfect, but the second night he was off all night. He ended up in the bed with Chris and I, but we loved the extra cuddles.
We can't wait for our next adventure!
I unintentionally took the week off last week from blogging. Monday through Wednesday I went to adventure camp with all my 5th graders and it was 1000 times more exhausting than any previous year. Plus, I was prepping signs for a flea market all week, so needless to say I was EXHAUSTED.
But, for documentation purposes, I wanted to show y'all pictures of our first camping trip with Graham. The first vacation I ever went on with Chris was a camping trip with his family. Now, it was our turn to take our first family camping trip.
We headed up to Broken Bow, Oklahoma with Chris's best friend and his fiancee. We rented the cutest cabin and soaked up nature and the fact that we got to get out of the house for a few days. Being at home, I always feel the need to be doing something; laundry, dishes, etc., so being away for the first time in a while was really relaxing.
Here are some pictures from our trip!
Graham was the happiest little guy. He is seriously so easy and go with the flow, but this trip he did not like getting out of his routine. The first night he slept perfect, but the second night he was off all night. He ended up in the bed with Chris and I, but we loved the extra cuddles.
We can't wait for our next adventure!
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