Wednesday, November 18, 2015

WIWW: Tornado + Link Up

Last night was a doozie, so today's post has nothing to do with fashion. We woke up at 4:00am to our town's tornado sirens going off. I always wondered if I would be able to hear the siren if I were in a dead sleep. The answer: yup!

I shot up and grabbed Chris and said, "That's the REAL siren!! Turn on the TV!" I'm not one to really freak out, but when we turned on the news they said a tornado watch was in effect and the path was STRAIGHT over our house.

Like the intelligent people are are, we went outside to see if we could "see" anything. Then we put on our shoes and sat on the bed waiting for them to confirm a tornado touched down. Thankfully that never happened, so we got back in bed around 4:30am and continued to watch the news. 

Around 4:40am a second tornado watch went into effect, so the siren started up again. This time the circulation was on the opposite side of the county, so we stayed snug in our bed and listened to the rain pound our windows.

Our alarm was set for 5:30am, so needless to say this has been a long day! I couldn't fall back asleep after we were in the clear and all I kept thinking about was how in a few short months, I'll have a permanent (and random!) alarm clock going off. I then began to think about all things baby and just as I was drifting off again, our alarm clock went off!

On the bright side: three days until Thanksgiving break!!

Chris insisted on getting the Christmas tree out last night. We aren't decorating it yet, but it sure does get me excited for the Christmas season!!

Happy Wednesday!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. eek!! I am so glad you are safe! I'm from florida, and while we never had many frequent tornados, i remember waiting for hurricanes to strike. scary stuff! Thanks for hosting your linkup, stay safe!
    xo! Jordan Taylor | petiteMODERN

  2. I am a sensitive sleeper so the siren would definitely wake me up. Too bad you didn't sleep much. You are right that babies are on+off alarm clocks. And I cannot wait to see how you decorate for Christmas.

    Hugs my friend. Ada. :)

  3. Stay safe!!! Come join the RAYBAN GIVEAWAY I am hosting for the SUNGLASSES SHOP at the blog from Nov. 16-22!!


  4. That sounds awful. I'm so sorry!! Hope you get some rest today.


  5. oh my gosh, so scary.
    We had a scare in the summer and had to take both kiddos down in the basement, not fun!
    hope you can have a nap today

  6. Missouri was in line for those storms but all we got was rain rain rain! So glad nothing happened too bad in your area. This might be a silly question, but do houses in Texas have basements? I only ask because I know in many southern states that answer is no.

  7. So glad everything is okay. I have been woken up by the sirens in the middle of the night, too - and it is such an unsettling feeling.

    Daily Style Finds

  8. What the heck is going on with the tornadoes lately?! So glad it was just a warning and everything is ok. This is totally making me want to get our tree already. But with a house full on Thanksgiving, we have to wait.
