Monday, November 30, 2015

What I've been up to || Thanksgiving Break

Not only do I have the best job in the world, but it does have some a week off for Thanksgiving! Believe me, any teacher you talk to, or know, will tell you that time off is COMPLETELY necessary. You try to put up with 20-30 kids all day everyday and tell me you don't need a break. That's what I thought. 

This was, by far, my most productive break ever. I think I got more done over the last nine days than I did all summer break.

Friday (the 20th) Chris and I left town and headed out for a weekend at my parents. We had a special delivery to make to my brother (you'll see what that delivery is later) and Chris wanted to hunt. My parents live so far out in the country that we literally have no cell service, so it is a true vacation. All we did was eat and relax. I didn't get out of my pj's that entire Saturday. It was amazing.

Sunday morning we headed back to Dallas. I hit the ground running and started cleaning and Chris continued to work on our bathroom update that I will reveal to y'all tomorrow!

Monday was my first official day of break and I spent it with my friend registering for our little guy! She had a baby boy last April, so our babies will be a year apart. She guided me through each section and was a registering angel! I am so happy we checked that off our list!

After registering I headed to Hobby Lobby to find all new ornaments for our tree. We have been going with a really colorful color scheme for Christmas and this year we wanted the traditional green, red, and white. I got tons of ornaments and other essentials (that what I told Chris) and then headed back home to round out the day decorating our tree.

Tuesday I met up with a friend and her precious little girl for brunch so we could talk about my shower! She is the cutest and her husband and I have been friends since my freshman year of college, and she was just dying to start planning. I am so thankful to have so many people willing to pitch in and help. Chris and I are already feeling the love for our little guy!

After we pigged out on waffles and breakfast sandwiches, I decided I should head to the gym. Chris has been suggesting I wear his fitbit and get 10,000 steps a day. On this day I knocked that goal out of the park. I've been trying to walk/run for 30 minutes about three times a week, and I try to do some weights. I've been having some sciatic/butt/close to my tailbone pain that I am not wanting to irritate, so my workouts are on a "how is my butt feeling?" basis.

There's nothing like a gym bathroom selfie. This was my proof to Chris that I went to the gym, and had to pee every five minutes.  

Wednesday Chris took off work and finished painting and assembling our new light in the guest bathroom. We went and priced out granite and looked at new appliances. It was a very productive day for the both of us! 

For dinner, we headed to Chris's parents and went out to eat with them and my SIL and her new hubby. They were in town from Kansas City, so we decided to spend the night with them. We played cards, ate too many cookies, and relaxed.

Thanksgiving morning Chris's family had signed up for a Turkey Trot, so they all headed out bright and early, while Chris and I did our own 5k around the neighborhood. My back/butt pain was really killing me towards the end, but there was no way to get back home except push through, so that's what I did! 

In the afternoon we headed to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving dinner. We gorged on all the goodies and I didn't take my doctor's advice to graze and I ended up pretty full and miserable. 

To walk off some of my meal, the girls decided to hit up Old Navy's Black Friday sale where I scored the most adorable baby boy clothes. I couldn't resist!! This officially marked my first purchase for Baby Tucker!

Thanksgiving night my brother proposed to his girlfriend! They've been together since the 8th grade and we love Callie so, so much! They both were glowing and I can't wait to see the pictures from the hidden photographer! Most of the reason Chris and I had to go to my parent's the previous weekend was to deliver the ring my brother was having made up here in McKinney. I can't wait to see what the future holds for these two!

Friday I was supposed to go shopping with my cousins, but I really wanted to stay home and clean, organize, and get stuff done. Chris was having a guy's day, so I knew I could get a lot done without him here! Any other wives feel that way? The weather has been freezing and rainy which made my decision to stay home easier. Productive I was! I finished putting together the guest bathroom update, cleaned, posted things to craigslist, online Christmas shopped, and was active all day! I felt so accomplished by the end of the day!

Saturday we lounged around soaked in our final days of break. Our close family friend got married Saturday night, so we rested up for that!

I had the privilege of creating their wedding chalkboard. The mom sent me an inspiration picture and, although I was nervous at first, I am super proud of the final product!

Yesterday might have been the laziest day of my life. We literally only left the couch to go to Wing Stop. I knocked out some blog posts, browsed the internet, watched Christmas movies, and hung by the fire alllll day.

On our way to Wing Stop where it was 40 and raining and Chris is dressed like we are in Hawaii. 

My view all day. Seriously, all day. I was watching Botched for those of you who are curious about the tv show choice :)

And now it is Monday and I only have to survive until the 18th of December and then Christmas break is upon us!

I truly feel recharged and ready to see my cherubs again, but my and my pregnant belly are going to miss the all day grazing and sleeping in!

Happy Monday!


  1. Lazy days and only leaving for Wing Stop are THE best! Looks like you had a great and rested break my friend! Congrats to your brother and his new fiance!!!

  2. I feel the exact same way when Keith is home and that's why I feel like I got NOTHING done, haha!! He's at work, I'm off until tonight so I'm going to try, once I'm done blog reading.

    Congrats on the engagement - I bet it was hard keeping that ring a secret!

  3. You look as cute as a button pregnant! Glad you had a fun weekend! :)

  4. LOVE your wedding outfit and those tiny clothes are all too adorable!

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