Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thought vs. Reality || Pregnancy

Thought: I'd be buying baby clothes left and right.
Reality: The thought of shopping makes me cringe. The crowds, the crowds, did I mention the crowds?

Thought: I'd for sure suffer from morning sickness.
Reality: Only had minor nausea in the afternoons for three weeks.

Thought: I'd eat anything and everything I wanted.
Reality: Some of my old favorites are just not that appealing. Give me all the toast and cereal!

Thought: I would be living, breathing, sleeping baby.
Reality: Being a teacher has me so busy, most days I have to remind myself I'm pregnant.

Thought: I'd get way bigger, faster.
Reality: A growing belly takes time.

Thought: I wouldn't exercise or really want to.
Reality: That was true the first trimester, but so far I've proven myself wrong in the second trimester. The gym has been my friend lately.

Thought: We would have a name picked out.
Reality: The thought of what you will call your kid the rest of their life is more daunting than I imagined.

Thought: I'll probably read some books to figure things out.
Reality: When my head hits the pillow I am out.

Thought: Chris is going to be a nervous wreck until the baby comes.
Reality: He can't stop talking about our little guy.

Tomorrow I will be 18 weeks. Time is flying!


  1. Time is going soo fast!!! I shop online, but with baby #2, I don't need much!!

    1. So fast! I know with the holidays coming, time is going to fly!

  2. Shopping online is totally the way to go! Crowds are awful, especially this time of year. I was super sick with my first (throwing up multiple times a day for 12 weeks) and just nauseous for a couple weeks with my current pregnancy - hormones are weird. Also my first is a girl and my second is a boy, so that likely has something to do with it. Naming kids is really hard! I was in the same boat as you with our first, it took us until month 8 to finally agree. Enjoy all the sleep while you can!

    1. I've heard boys are easier...I guess I'll have to wait and see if that really plays out :) And yes, naming is so hard! We are still undecided!

  3. Picking a name is so hard! I'm 30 weeks and we just now picked one.

    1. SO hard! I have a name I LOVE and am not backing down...and Chris is almost convinced, so we shall see!

  4. The name was always the hardest part for me!! I analyzed everything and I can't imagine being a teacher and having so many names run through your class! I was a serious cereal addict with baby #2.

  5. Good to know the myth vs. reality...I will store this info for when I get pregnant...

    1. It is such a unique experience! You think your body will do one thing and, bam, it does the opposite!

  6. Wow time is flying!! I think the name will be the hardest!

    1. Name is definitely the hardest!! Still undecided!

  7. I enjoyed reading this post!!! I look forward to getting pregnant someday and it's interesting to read that it's not all you think it is.
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. Definitely not what you think it is! It is such a unique experience that is totally unpredictable!

  8. But Target has the cutest little boy clothes...

  9. I love this post style! Please do more of these.

    1. I will! They are fun to do and it helps me keep track of what is going on without being a full blown "here are my symptoms..." post!

  10. LOVE this post & your honesty! :) Have a great week!

    1. Thank you!! Each day things change, so I can't wait to keep updating y'all!

  11. I love this! And it's so true. It gets even more minimalistic the more times you get pregnant ☺️ You look super cute with that nelly! Can't believe you're almost half way!

  12. Oh Sarah, I'm so happy for you! Those last words are so incredibly true that it made me cry! �� My little one is 6 months and it has FLOWN! I loved and relished every moment of being pregnant! Motherhood has completely changed me and I love it! Best wishes for you! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing and so much fun! Enjoy it! ��

    1. Hi Aimee! So sorry I've forgot to write you back! We are gearing up for these final 11ish weeks and we can't wait! Hope you are going well!
