Wednesday, November 4, 2015

WIWW: Honesty + Link Up

Guys, I'f I'm being honest, it took everything in me to sit down and write this post.

Lately, blogging has been the last thing on my mind. Do I have the time to blog? Absolutely! What I've been choosing to do instead is:

- go to the gym
- snuggle and watch movies with my husband
- go on random dates with my husband 
- watch tv
- nap
- hang out with my girlfriends
- clean
- relax
- read magazines
- play with our pups

The thought of taking pictures, editing pictures, putting together a blog post, getting sucked in to reading people's blogs (which I do love and still try to read!) makes me cringe. The time. THE TIME! Oh the time it takes to produce one blog post is just time that I am not willing to spend lately.

Am I quitting blogging? Absolutely not. But, please don't expect a post everyday. My husband, dogs, family, job, sleep, sanity, and life take precedence over checking in here and I'm just not willing to give up my reality tv time to blog. #sorry. Also, sorry if you've emailed me and I haven't responded. My email at school is more than I can handle right now, so coming home to answer more emails is like asking me to eat dirt. It just isn't going to happen right now!

I've also felt myself pull away from all forms of social media lately. My instagram posts have been few and far between. When I do get on instagram, I hardly ever scroll for more than a couple seconds, so if you didn't just post something, I probably don't see it. My Facebook is filled with terrible videos and posts from people I don't even care about, but don't care enough to delete them. And, my time to read blogs is nonexistent since I have tiny people entering my room at 7:30 every morning and I don't get a break until 3:00pm, and at that point I'm so fried I can't read anything.  

All around, I think I'm subconsciously preparing for my little guy that is going to take precedence here in the coming months. Not much is a priority lately other than my husband and my job. I've been great at declining invitations without feeling guilty and I've been great at doing nothing.

I will always try to post on Wednesdays, so you can expect me here at least once each week. Wednesdays are mostly for my family to see pictures of my growing belly, since sending out a mass text of my gut isn't an option. 

And, since I spent time actually logging on to the computer I figured I'd knock out two posts, so come back tomorrow for a fun post about the reality of how my pregnancy is going!

Now for a gut shot. You're welcome :)

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. Growing babies is big business! Enjoy your time.

  2. I agree blogging takes a lot of time as a whole process. It takes a toll on you if you are pregnant. Love those booties on you and the belly shot.

    I miss hearing from you. Please welcome by and linkup with me today pretty Sarah.

  3. Blogging is sooooooo difficult to stay on top of and when you have kids it's a whole new ballgame. I don't know how some people do it.
    Focus your energy on what's most important, blogland will be here when you have time.

  4. Sarah, you go girl! That belly is amazing thing-I applaud you for wanting to enjoy every second of it!

  5. What a cute bump! Be encouraged I feel the same way about blogging. It takes a ton of time!

  6. Way belated congratulations to you! I'm so excited for you!

    I know how you feel about blogging. I realized when working on the kids' photo books that I needed to get back to it just for journaling purposes.

  7. Enjoy all of the above, you never know how much of it you're going to get when your little is here :)

  8. I am so relieved to hear this...I thought I was the only lazy pregnant lady! It's so hard to be productive isn't it. Enjoy it while you can! XOXO
