Wednesday, April 29, 2015

WIWW: April + Link Up

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Playing hooky today and throwing up some outfits from this month because, well, I'd rather do that than make you feast your eyes upon what I am currently wearing.

You can call this my April fashion recap post, but I hate using the word fashion because I really just wear cheap, comfortable clothes. I guess that is fashion, but fashion sounds so high-end which is not Sarah Tucker. 


- These pants need to be in your closet.

- Thanks for all the love on my post yesterday. Ya'll rock!

- I let the dogs sleep with me last night since Chris is out of town. That is a big no-no, but after consulting Chris and him saying, "absolutely not," I covered up the comforter and let the pups snuggle with me. I obviously listen really well.

-  Does anyone else watch Newlyweds: The First Year? If not, you should. I'm addicted, and as I have proven before, my taste in shows ranks right up there with the trashiest, so run to the closest tv and watch, watch, watch. And, if I am being honest, this is probably least crazy of all the shows I watch, so...convincing? 

- Who gets dizzy when looking at all the bazillion new emojis on their phone? (insert brown-heaired girl raising her hand here!)

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. Girl...that white bucket bag is so amazing it makes me want to cry!!! Great pics for April! I would love if you linked up with me today & added me to your list ;-). XOXO

  2. love all of your outfits!i really like the last one!

    1. Thanks so much! The last one is definitely a favorite of mine!

  3. I love your statement on fashion because I so agree…"cheap and comfortable", yep, that's me. I like all your recaps, but the first one is my fav.

  4. All you ladies look so fresh in your looks!!!


  5. I like your comfy style :) And for the record I would totally watch that same trashy tv if I had time. It's hard not to watch it! That black lace tank is my favorite.

  6. I don't think people should attach a price to fashion. I always say it's not how you look, it's how you pull it off...and you beautiful, always look great in your outfits! :)


  7. Haha, I'm totally obsessed with Newlyweds... almost anything on Bravo actually :P Great outfits!!

  8. I like to use the word "style" over "fashion" because my fashion is a good pair of bf shorts, a tee, and flip flops over anything else, any day lol Loved all of your April looks friend!

  9. I watch Newlyweds, I'm hooked from last year...and I want to give Nadine a hair re-do. It bothers me!!

  10. I don't watch Newlyweds..will have to check it out! Lately, I've been hooked on Married at First Sight! Have you seen it?! If not you should definitely check it out! It's a social experiment where two people are matched together and the first time they see each other is at their wedding! The show documents all the ups and downs of adjusting to married life with a stranger! I find it intriguing!

    Feel Great Fashion

    1. Oh my gosh, yes! I LOVE that show!! It is crazy how they all end up actually working out fairly well! Especially the ones who weren't initially attracted!

  11. I love sleeping with our dogs too. They are huge, so it doesn't happen too often(: Thanks for the fun link up! Susan
