Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

Alcatraz. It is gorgeous, people, gorgeous!
It's too hot to do anything here in Texas. I met a friend around 8:00am this morning to take outfit pictures, thinking we would be done before the heat set in. Wrong. We were drenched in sweat and didn't even make it to our last outfit.

I went to the dentist yesterday and I basically learned I need to go more often. Oops. No cavities, but I'm sure they would have had to scrape around less if I visited them more often.

I am counting down the days for The Hundred Event. I think they still have some spots left, and I would love to meet some of you there!

Chris plays in the basketball league with his work and his game tonight is at 10:00pm. Yes, the start of the game is one hour after our bedtime. I feel bad for Chris who has to wake up and go to work tomorrow!

Happy Thursday!

Thoughts for Thursday


  1. My hubs is in a softball league and sometimes they have games that start at 9pm and we live about 30 minutes from the field. I thought his games were late but jeeze, 10pm! I would be complaining too. When did 9 o'clock bedtimes become the norm? Sometimes I feel so old!

  2. Stopping by from the link up--- no cavities is always a good thing :)

  3. hold on... starting at 10pm?! no. no no. and it really is too damn hot.

  4. Ugh, I have been putting off a dentist appointment for FAR too long. I'm not looking forward to going and hearing what they have to say! =\ Jared is playing in a softball league w/ work now and some of their games start at 9 or 10. TOO late for me!!!

  5. Howdy! I found your blog from the linkup.

    Oh yikes--10 pm start time?! If I'm not in bed by then, something is terribly wrong. Hope he gets some good rest!

    1. I know, right?! I can see a game ending at 10, but starting?! Boo!

  6. Ugh I went to the dentist earlier this week and I swear she was trying to torture me.

  7. Kevin plays in a men's softball league and now I'm playing in a coed one with him. We have some late start times. The games are fun, but the next morning isn't!

  8. Found you through the link up and love your blog!! The dentist is on my list of things I definitely dislike yuck! Hope you get a break from the heat!


  9. I used to love the dentist when I was young, but now I hate it!! Glad you don't have any cavities though!!! Thanks for linking up with Natalie and i!!
