Wednesday, July 30, 2014

WIWW: Floral Skirt + Link Up

It is nice to look at some girly pictures (of myself, so vain, lol!) since I have been surrounded by five boys all week. I have been soaking up time with my brother and his friends (all who I have known since they were in diapers), plus our computer batter is fried, so I have been pretty unplugged lately. 

So far I have done at least one load of dishes a day, had to tell them to stop rough-housing on my couch, and I watched two of them tase each other with my taser. No worries. I filmed them saying that no matter what happens, the Tucker's are not responsible for anything. Boys will be boys.

Having them around is so fun for Chris and I. Although I wouldn't give up my free summers, it can get a little boring around here, so it is fun to have them all here to spice things up.
Now let's talk about the Bachelorette finale. I read the spoilers, so I knew it was Josh all along, and he is totally my type, so I'm happy she picked him. He played baseball, has dark hair, nice teeth, and is a gentleman...sounds a lot like Chris! I would have taken farmer Chris, too, but obviously he wasn't an option. All I knew was I was elated she didn't pick Nick. Ewww. I know, some of you hate Josh, think he is a typical athlete, blah, blah, blah, but I married a college baseball player and he has been nothing but a saint to me, so I am giving Josh the benefit of the doubt. Plus, him and Andi are adorable together!
Watching the finale with five boys is quite an adventure. I told them repeatedly that there were three other tvs in the house and they didn't have to stay in the living room the whole time and comment on everything that was going on....BUT they insisted they stay and watch it with me.
Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related :)

And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Pinterest - SarahTuckerUp
Follow on Bloglovin
Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}



  1. Sarah, that skirt is edgy yet girly and I love it with the soft neutral top. Plus, your hair is looking gorgeous. One of your best outfits for sure. =)

  2. I'm with you, I am so glad she picked Josh! Love that skirt, and thanks for hosting the link up!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  3. i am sooooo in love with the gray-ish of this shirt paired with those bold bottoms. LOVE!

    glad i found you so now i can follow along with more!

  4. Love the combo of vivid colors with the neutral top....always so classic!!!!


  5. Love this bright skirt, so pretty! The neutrals are a great canvas for the skirt to POP!
    rom the link up, jess
    please stop by

  6. You look seriously stunning!! You pull off super girly so well--even if you have a blast kicking it with the guys :) Sounds like an awesome week!


  7. Love this skirt, the print is bold but so pretty. I like the way you have styled it with neutral top and shoes so it highlights the skirt. You look fab. Thanks for the weekly linkup opportunity.

  8. Another round of great pics, Sarah!!! This skirt is too much fun and perfect for your trip this weekend....which reminds me that i am the worst friend and never sent you those skirts! UGH!!! I suck!! So sorry!! Glad you are having fun with all the boys...I am sure things have been quite interesting around there! ;)

  9. That skirt is so bright and gorgeous!! Love these pics. Sounds like quite the adventure with all those boys in your house!


  10. I read the bachelorette spoilers too! I cant help myself :)

  11. I love the contrast of the floral and the gray! plus, your nail color is fab!

  12. love those colors with the muted top!

    Marie @ In Our Happy Place

  13. Why am I the only one I know that has never watched a Bachelor or Bachelorette?? But, if you send me those wedges...I may feel better about myself ;) Too freakin cute!!!

  14. Love the pattern of this skirt and I really like the zipper detail, so cute! I didn't watch Bachelorette this season, but I can guarantee you I will be watching the Bachelor in Paradise or whatever the heck it is, it's sure to be good!!
