Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hour Tour: Man Cave

The Man Cave. When we saw this house, Chris instantly fell in love with the man cave area. He was sold. I was sold for other reasons, but the man cave area was a plus. An area where I could send my husband while I watch reality tv is a win in my book.

Because I wanted to prevent this room from looking like a frat house, I asked Chris was his plans for the room were. After realizing his decorating skills were stuck in 2005, I decided I would decorate his man cave while he was at work.

Here are two pictures of how the previous owners had the room set up:

Here is the room the day I started decorating:

Last week we went to JoAnn's to look at fabric for curtains in the cave. That got the ball rolling for a full on room decoration and by the end of last Thursday, I was 90% done with the decor. I, of course, kept it manly, but I still wanted it to be a space where people could feel welcome and not like they were entering a college party house.

Here is the big reveal!

We finally hung the infamous "deer picture" that I talked all about here.

Last Christmas I bought Chris that putting green that, until last Thursday, hadn't seen the light of day since Christmas morning. As I was scouring the closets in our house to find decorations, I came across the putting green and decided it would be perfect (and get more use!) hanging on the wall!

Chris had a broken golf club hanging out in the garage so I decided to hang it up there just to confirm to visitors that, indeed, this was a putting green and not a giant piece of turf hanging on our wall.

Chris is obsessed with his coo-coo clock. It really creeps me out when it goes off, so I always make sure it is off. On the flip side, Chris always makes sure it is a tickin'.

Jungle Journey canvas picture found here.

We found this burlap fabric at JoAnn's and Chris instantly fell in love with it! He also fell madly in love with a camo burlap, but I put the nix on that! I am okay with manly, but we are not going to have camo curtains.

This piece of furniture the tv is on was my great, great grandma's. It is such a gorgeous piece and I am happy we have finally found a place for it in the house. We looked into getting it patched, but if you have ever seen the price of tiger-wood, then you know it isn't cheap! Chris doesn't mind the worn look.

My Dad and his siblings used this table when they were little. It is a really fun piece and, once again, goes great in the room!

From the deer to the leather furniture, this man cave screams, "Man!" Chris was so surprised when he got home and saw the room. He loved it and thanked me over and over for the next couple of days.

I still want to get a rug and some throw pillows, but for now, this is better than what it was!

Does your man have a man cave?
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Love this! It's the perfect compromise of a "family room" for visitors and a man cave. Kevin has a man cave but it's fixing to get converted to a play room for the babe. But the good thing is we can still leave the tv and xbox in there so he'll have a place to go when I want to hog the tv!

  2. Matt has a cave... it is his humble little abode where he does/organizes everything - the garage! However, I do love this room! Even though it's meant to be a "man cave" I would totally hang out in there too! Love the fabric you found for the curtains!

  3. yay! This is looks great and the fact that you put a putting green on the wall, genius! We have a "Man Cave" too, although Mr. doesn't like me calling it that, my son calls it Daddy's office. The whole reason we have our man cave, Mr. wanted the biggest TV that would fit into it, we currently have a 72" but he's talking of upgrading. I told him the 72" was almost too big and if we got any bigger your head would have to be on a swivel to see everything. Men and their toys! Geesh...

  4. This looks fantastic! I think you need to spend your spare time in the summer doing interior design! My hubby doesn't have a man cave, but I wish that he did, LOL!!

  5. Zack would die. He has been begging for a man cave and a place to put his fish a deer heads! :p Love it!

  6. Looks great! I love that you hung the putting green on the wall--so cool!

  7. Beautiful old dresser! Very cool that you have that.

  8. This room looks awesome! If my house ends up having a man cave, I am going to decorate it because, like your husband, Kevin's interior design "skills" are stuck in 2005.
