Being on the news and other things...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

1. I got shouted out on the Dallas Morning and see! My kids think I am famous, and this experience was a dream come true for all of my babies. They will always remember their 5th grade year when they got mentioned on the news!

2. We are, with smiles on our faces and hope in our hearts, going out to house hunt all day tomorrow. We are also talking with a builder to check into going that route. Fingers crossed!

3. And people think teaching is easy...the struggles of this job are unreal. I asked this student of mine (who's first language is not English) to write the word 'because' 20 times for homework. This student has repeatedly misspelled this word and it was time for me to try an old school approach. This is what they turned in...

And I have to get this student to pass the STAAR test in three months...I'm always up for the challenge because I adore my kids, but this one is going to cause me to get creative! Teacher friends, suggestions are welcome!

4. I need a haircut, bad, but every free moment I have is spent looking for a house. When I schedule an appointment I am planning on going slightly shorter than before. I am really loving having my hair short!

5. Yesterday I mentioned how Chris bid, and won, a picture of a buck from a restaurant. We officially returned the voicemail and the picture is on it's merry way to our home. I am happy to report that there was a $20 shipping fee, so we came in under budget right at $195. I am thrilled, ecstatic. Really though, offers are being accepted now...

PS: If you didn't link up for What I Wore Wednesday, there is still time. Go here!

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Friday! 

Linking up with Lauren

Chalk one up for the wife...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Not that I am keeping count or anything, but in marriage I feel there is always a secret battle going on between husband and wife. The battle has to do with "I told you so's..." How many times in marriage or relationships do we go, "I told you that would happen?" or "Just admit I was right!"

Well, well, well....last weekend Chris and I went to our favorite breakfast place before heading out for a day full of house hunting. Right when you enter the restaurant there is always a picture up for of those 'submit your offer and you might be the highest, you might not be' type auctions. You have to put your bid in a locked box so you really have no idea if you're the highest or the lowest. The pictures are always of deer, or some animal that can be hunted. Just the pictures I swoon over, sikeee! 

On this particular Sunday Chris was feeling frisky and decided to bid. I told him not to because I had this weird feeling that he would win. Why, you ask? Because I was confident that no one else wanted this picture of a buck in the woods. Common sense really. The starting bid was $150 and I reminded Chris that we are trying to buy a house and spending $150+ dollars on a stupid deer picture was not ideal at this time. Plus, I already have enough dead animals and animal pictures for one house. He is going to have to build me a mansion if he thinks there will be room for all this wildlife. He assured me he would not win, so I didn't think much of it.

Fast forward to last night and the phone rings around eight. It is an unknown number, so Chris doesn't answer. They leave a message and as he is listening to it he starts dying laughing. I ask him what is so funny and he says, "You don't want to know. It's better if you just don't know." Obviously I won that battle and he confessed that he had, indeed, won the buck picture. I told you no one else wanted that darn thing! 

So now we are spending $175 on a picture of a buck that I have to hang in our new house because I refuse to let it sit and collect dust. I'll just chalk this up to another "I told you so moment" and call it a day. I know tomorrow is a fresh start and more wins for the wife category.

Happy Thursday! Here's to hoping your husband is just as lucky as mine...and that every house has a picture of a buck in the woods. 

WIWW: Industrial + House Update + Link Up

Jeans: option here on sale, here // Gap top: similar here, here // Sperry boots: exact here
On Sunday, after we made an offer on our dream house, we had to stop by Chris's work. Remember how I said he is getting more important at work and that is the main reason we have to move closer...? Well, being more important means that you have to go in on weekends because the plant you are in charge of is having, and I quote, "problems."

While I sat in the car because Chris said he would only be "twenty minutes," I had the lovely view of the plant he is in charge of. Then it got me thinking how cool it would be to do my WIWW (What I Wore Wednesday, for those of you who have been recently asking!) pictures with the building in the background. When Chris finally came back out to the car (an hour and a half later...) I suggested we do my pictures in the parking lot. He was all in with the idea, as most fashion-blogger-husbands are...until he was in eyesight of some of his workers. Then he got really embarrassed and declared the shoot "a wrap." 

Luckily I told you this really long, unimportant story about these pictures, and now your life will be forever changed. Nawwwt.

Let's move on, shall we?

In other news - the house we fell in love with Sunday had around ten offers by Monday and we came in at number two...right behind an all cash offer. Cash is king and I am a pheasant. We did submit our offer as a backup, so fingers crossed the other people take their cash elsewhere. Buh-bye people with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash. Go find another house. In the meantime, we are looking at the option of building. Another long and pointless story short, we are still on the house hunting roller coaster and will be homeless on March 1st if this ride doesn't end soon.

Since this post isn't random enough, let's add more.

- One of the co-anchors for WFAA in Dallas, Cynthia Izaguirre, came to our school yesterday to do a "Futures Talk" with our girls (the boys have a different speaker). For anyone in the Dallas area, you probably know who Cynthia Izaguirre is. I watch her every morning on Channel 8 while getting ready for school and so it was a cool experience getting to listen to her talk. She is super sweet! She asked me to take pictures of her for the morning broadcast, so my pictures will be shown on the air between 6am and 7am this morning...late notice, I know!

- Explaining sedimentary rock to kids who's first language is not English is like English speakers trying to read Chinese. You just get a lot of blank stares. 

- I have gotten asked by three different teachers this week if I am losing weight. I told them yes, and if they want the diet plan it is called the "selling your house/buying a new one" plan. There will be a meal plan app available very soon! (And, no, I am not drastically losing weight, nor is it my intention too...just kinda stressed!)

Okay, I am all out of random. Hold back the tears, please.

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


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Dallas people...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

If you're in the Dallas area, tomorrow morning on WFAA Channel 8 news, between 6am and 7am, my school will have a short segment. Cynthia Izaguirre came and spoke to the girls at our school today about their future. I got to take pictures and my pictures (iphone pics...) will be featured on the broadcast in the morning! Listen for a shout out!

House hunting...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

As I mentioned last week, Chris and I are moving closer to our jobs. And, to say it has been a whirlwind is an understatement. I wrote that post Wednesday night, we got a great offer that night, and were sold, again, by Saturday night. Prayers that this deal goes through!

Being that we are 'homeless' come the end of February, this weekend was focused on the search for the Tucker's next humble abode. Saturday morning we woke up eager to tour a bunch of houses. The day was full of potentials, but nothing that spoke to us. You know, houses speak, right? Some of them whispered, but none were like "buy me!"

In between our house hunt we stopped at a pizza place in the middle of a neighborhood, and who do I run in to? Celeste! Her and I had emailed Friday because we both live in the same area, both are selling our homes, and both are moving to the same area. It was so surreal to run into her the day after we had a long email conversation about how we need to meet for coffee. By the way, her son is as adorable as you've imagined! Precious!

Saturday night we got home and, in 2014 fashion, signed the sales documents for our house on our iphone...all from the comfort of our home. 

Sunday I did my normal one-eyed wake up routine where I lay in bed and check emails...with the one eye that is working every morning. We had gotten an email that a home with all our requirements came available. Long story short...we got an appointment, saw it, lovedlovedloved it, offered over asking for it, and now we are waiting...impatiently I might add. We really want it, but know it is not in our hands!

So, now it is Monday morning and I am going to be a nervous wreck all day until I hear something. Luckily I have 19 little cherubs (wishful thinking) to keep me entertained until I hear the news!

PS: My brother had to start a blog for one of his communications classes at Texas State. He is a phenomenal writer and incredibly witty. Did I mention he was Salutatorian of his graduating class and quarterback, point guard, and a star baseball player for his high school? Well, he has chosen to write his blog about Bobcat baseball and if you have time to kill, or know a man in your life who wants to keep up with college baseball, direct them to my brother's new blog: Take Me Out To The Ballgame.

Happy Monday! 

Linking up with Life of Meg, and Leeann Kimberlee!


Chris Quotes

Thursday, January 23, 2014

These moments melt me and make me realize I married someone equally as goofy as me:

After checking his temperature last night

, and it reading 100.2, he starts singing, "This boy is on fireeeeeeee, this boy is on fire-er-er-errrr!"

Straight out of the shower he is serenading me with the riff off songs from Pitch Perfect..."Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it..."

Ridiculous dancing in front of the TV while I am trying to watch my educational reality shows...

Tickling me on the right side of my neck so he can sneak 'sugars' on the left. I was crying I was laughing so hard the last time he did this. 

Turning the a/c down just so we can turn on our 'heater blanket' and cuddle. Chris takes up 80% of the bed, while I sleep on my little sliver.

Wearing his 2005 letterman jacket to pick me up from the airport because "it is my warmest jacket." People probably thought I was married to an 18 year old. 

Him insisting on wearing my over-sized VS Pink pajama pants. "Well, they're comfy."


The news...

I teased last week about some exciting news in mine and Chris's life, and it does not regard my womb.
Although I wasn't sure about sharing this news yet, for random reasons, I am deciding to spill the beans because it is all I can think about lately.

We are selling our house! And it is the most stressful/exciting/nerve-wracking process I have ever been apart of. Between the showings causing us to not get into our house until eight or nine at night, the sleepless nights, and the stress of finding a new house, we continue to be grateful for all that we have been provided with.

Now you may say..."You haven't lived there that long?" We know! When I worked in accounting, my commute was around 30 minutes and Chris's commute has always been around 45 minutes. Now that I am a teacher (happily!), my school is much further away. My morning commute is around 40 minutes and my afternoon commute is always at least an hour. If you know Dallas traffic, you know my pain.

Chris has also been blessed with a job that has allowed him to grow within the company, and continue to grow, making him more important, shall I say? With more responsibility, he has to be closer. He is an assistant plant manager for the second largest copper wire manufacturer in the nation and if anything goes wrong at the plant (which runs 24/7), he has to be there at a moments notice. 

With all of that being said, we are sad to sell our home, but excited to plant some long-term roots in another northern suburb of Dallas. 

As far as the house selling process has gone, that has been slightly pretty freaking stressful. We got an offer over asking price after only being on the market for two days. After signing on the dotted line, we learned while we were skiing last weekend that the deal feel through. Sunday we went back on the market and by Monday night we had two more offers. We are now in negotiations and being patient and knowing that it will all workout. Butttt it is still stressful. 

We are not in any rush to move, so there is less pressure, but the housing market is nuts. Seriously, nuts. Houses are flying off the market and everyone is getting their asking price, or over. That makes for a great sellers market, but a tough buyers market. We have made offers on two houses and both times a deal had been executed before we could even submit an offer. One house sold in less than 24 hours!

So, prayers are greatly appreciated during this time! We know we will sell our house and find our dream home and that everything will work out fine! Thanks for understanding the random days of absence...the first weekend we were on the market we were basically out of the house for two days straight because of all the showings. Now we have showings almost every night, so it has been eating out all the time and a lot of touring our neighborhood waiting for showings to be over!

Can't wait to keep y'all updated on the process and have y'all along for this next chapter in the Tucker life!

WIWW: Jeweled Blouse + Link Up

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kensie Jacket: very, very similar // Target blouse: similar, similar // Banana Republic Pants: similar // Boots: similar

I am finally spilling the details on the outfit I wore for our pictures a couple weeks ago. And, whatdoyaknow that I am a day late and a dollar short on getting you the exact links. The shirt is a recent purchase from Target, but I can't seem to find it online. You win some, and you lose some, and in this case, fail.

In other news, Chris is currently in an interview for a spot to go to London to tour some copper wire plant for his company. Big deal that I know a little about. All I can focus on is the fact that he may be going to London, and I may will not be. Prayers are welcomed for my sweet guy!

I am addicted to Belvida breakfast cookies. The cinnamon and brown sugar kind tastes like Teddy Grahams and the blueberry kind is equally as delicious.

Long conversations with your little brother are always the best. He knows me and always has the right things to say when I need an opinion on something.

I'm currently watching the season premiere of Teen Mom 2. Don't judge. 

I also have hours of Tone It Up, Courtney Loves Dallas, VP Rules, and RHOBH recorded that I can't seem to find the time to watch.

**All Images courtesy of Tucker Images

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


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Angel Fire Vacay

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My family and another family stayed in this cabin aboutttt 15 years ago over the Christmas holidays. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Oh how time flies!
We just rolled in from our vacation to the mountains. While I would love to sit here and upload all of my fancy pictures, these high-quality iphone images will have to do for now.
Happy Tuesday!

Linking up with Leeann and Kimberlee!

WIWW: Grey + Black + Link up!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top: Gap (here, on sale!) // Leggings: no source, sorry! // Boots: Francesca's last year (similar on sale, here)

I got these leggings for Christmas from my Aunt and Uncle and I have been living in them. The grey and the black is hard to differentiate unless you are really close. I love it because it adds a little pattern to a pretty boring outfit. Plus, zebra is fun at any age. 

Wednesday randoms:

- Chris and I are headed to go skiing this weekend and I am super excited.

- The exciting news I teased at is coming next week! Even though some of you tricksters have already texted me in anticipation...

- I need another haircut and I am thinking of going a little more dramatic than last time...then I'll grow it out for summer.

- I cannot stop wearing my TOMs. It is almost an unhealthy obsession.

- My school is starting a "Biggest Loser" challenge this Friday. There is a $5 buy in and if you gain weight week to week, you owe $5 the next Monday. I am thinking about doing it just to have some motivation to get moving!

Now for the link up!
- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post. 

- Write about something fashion related (accessories, shoes, modeling, make-up, etc.)
And if you're feeling up to it, you can follow me:

Instagram @SarahTuckerUp
Twitter @MrsSarahTucker
Follow on Bloglovin

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for linking up!

To see other WIWW posts, click {here}


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