Monday, November 11, 2013

Lots of Pain, But Totally Worth It

Saturday morning started with a trip to the torture palace, aka Laser Beauty Med Spa. I love how they add "spa" in there like it is actually a relaxing experience. Can you see the laser in the video above?! Now shut your eyes and imagine that in very sensitive your arm pits. At this point you should be almost in tears and if you are, then that is about accurate for how I felt on Saturday.

As you may recall, our first experience was pretty freaking painful. You can read here if you missed that post. Then go ahead and read about our second session where I could have napped through the entire appointment.

This time was, unfortunately, not like the second session, but more like the first. Your hair goes through these cycles and the second session was when Chris and I had very little hair in our treatment areas. Sine there was very little hair, the laser has nothing to "shoot down" and no root to kill, so it hurts less. Well, in between the second and third sessions your hair goes through another growth cycle and comes back as though you never had a treatment. Therefore, this session felt very similar to the first. As in it hurt like Hades. The only thing that gets me through the sessions is thinking about how much tougher I am then 99% of the celebrities who go through it. Oh, and the fact that I won't have to shave anymore. That is a helpful thought.

After being burnt to a crisp in all the places where the sun don't shine, I decided to do some Christmas shopping. I had lunch with a friend (and her precious baby!) and then hit the stores with nothing particular in mind. I ended up hitting the jackpot. I wish I could share what treasures I came home with, but I know some of my besties read my blog, so I can't say what I got them!

I had a giftcard to Ulta and had been wanted a hair repair treatment for sometime now. I am trying to really take care of this new short hair of mine :) I also decided on this nail polish called "Did You Ear About Van Gogh?" and some much needed concealer. Teachers have permanent bags under their eyes, okay? 

When I got home I updated Chris on what I had been doing all day (he was at a friend's house) and I told him that I was almost done with all my Christmas shopping! He, who calls me "bear" apparently has other thoughts. Someone is a bit spoiled!

And since I know he will creep in the closets and under the beds and in the attic, I am left with no other choice then to wrap the gifts. The key is I have to put a bow on all the gifts. If I don't, he will unwrap the gifts and then wrap them again! Little terd! Plus, I don't say who they are for until closer to Christmas. I put a note in my phone to remind me of which gift goes to which person.

Sunday was spent going to church and then meeting Chris's family for lunch. We hung out as a family for a while after lunch, talked about planning a ski trip, then Chris and I went grocery shopping. The rest of our day was spent on our computers preparing for a busy week ahead!

How was your weekend?!

Linking up with Sami's ShenanigansLife of Meg, and Leeann!


  1. I can't believe you're already wrapping Christmas gifts! I haven't even thought about shopping yet...I'm so impressed!

  2. You & everyone else who is done or almost done Christmas shopping... Killing me!! LOL! That's awesome though!! I'm hoping to start tackling mine here soon!!

  3. Hahahahaha! Aaron is the same way with his presents! I have to store them at his mom's house and secretly go over to wrap them there! And after they are wrapped he still has to touch them eeeeeeryday until Christmas! But I love how we are on the same page and our christmas shoppin is donzo. p.s - those are the sessiest hairless legs evaaa ;)

  4. the requisite ribbon on the gifts is hilarious! my husband CANNOT keep a secret so even when he tries to surprise me he inevitably spills the beans. :)

  5. I want to get laser hair removal but I've heard it's pretty painful! Ouch!

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  6. My hubs calls me bear too :) the laser looks terrible but it will be so worth it! I love your blog, I'm a new follower!

  7. Wow, it's like hiding gifts from a child ;).
