Monday, November 25, 2013


When the state you live in decides to sleet, rain, and maintain freezing temperatures all weekend, you choose to do a lot of indoor activities. 

I have had a list of DIY projects I have been wanting to tackle, so I finally got around to knocking a few holiday projects out!

Details on this darling wreath, tomorrow!

My attempt at wrapping presents. My two babies had other plans.

I gave our chalkboard window a festive makeover!

I definitely got my wreath on this weekend! I might have ran out of burlap...shhhh rookie mistake.

Wrigley hates fires...

These pretties make my heart skip a beat. Reveal and details next week!

What was your weekend like?!

PS: I will still be having the WIWW link up this Wednesday! I have to fit one more outfit in before I gain a couple lbs on Thursday ;)

PSS: DON'T forget to check out yesterday's post for Gap's killer sale!! Click HERE to check it out. I bought five items for $50!



  1. I made one similar! Yours is so pretty! Love it!

  2. First time I made a burlap wreaf I also ran out of burlap ha. Super cute chalk window!!

  3. Yay! I love DIY weekends because you feel productive at the end of it AND you have something pretty to show for it!

  4. Awww, Wrigley is sooo cute!!! I have been making a wreath for the holidays, hopefully I am done anyday now.. :) Hope you had a great weekend.

  5. The wreath is precious!! Found you through the Mingle Monday--Wrigley is too cute!! I am now following you as well.

  6. Oh my gosh, you are SO crafty! I saw your wreath on IG and it was love at first sight. That chalkboard window is adorable.

  7. perfect idea for the weather we've had- it's been awful!

  8. I spent my weekend catching up on some crafts as well! But I also got in a little girl time and adult bevies. Love your wreath!

  9. Can't wait to see all of your DIY project details! I've been in the crafting mood lately with this cold and snowy weather.

  10. Well...thanks for the teaser! Can't wait to see all of these reveals. And lovin the chalkboard..deck the halls!!!

  11. Stop it! Everything is SO adorable! Great job! You almost inspire me to try some of these ideas. Except I suck at crafting lol!

    Thanks for linking up :)

  12. We are DIY queens! So much cute stuff!

  13. Love those wreaths! and I love making them, wreaths are great!

    Also, funny story--on pinterest this morning Better Homes and Gardens pinned personalized notepads with the name Sarah Tucker on them. You are basically famous.

  14. You were a DIY machine my friend. I love it all. I've been wanting yo make a burlap wreath. Teach me your ways!!!!
